Keep track of the Schedule of daily information

Unit 1 Ocean
Welcome to Life on an Ocean
Sit according to Seating Chart
» Objectives:
Introduce the topics of oceanography
Survey the text
Realize the expectations of this class
Review the syllabus , sign and submit acknowledgement
and read and understand for syllabus quiz
What do you know about the oceans?
How do mariners navigate the oceans?
What is the largest ocean and are they all remaining the same sizes over time?
How deep are the oceans and what is the deepest part and is there anything living
down there?
What is the composition of ocean water and can you actually drink it?
What causes ocean waves and ocean currents and does ocean water move only
Is there any connection between the oceans and our weather and climate?
What causes tides and where are the largest ones?
What causes tsunamis and how big can they become?
How is our Puget Sound connected to the ocean?
How healthy is Puget Sound and how can we determine that condition?
Where do most species of living things reside in the oceans?
» Text Book Survey
Look over the text to get a feel for what
it includes and what we will be studying
Complete the Text Survey for Life on an Ocean Planet
Homework: Finish the survey – due Thursday
Read the syllabus to prepare for quiz tomorrow.
Today’s Objectives:
» Define the science of oceanography
» Outline how oceanography will be
» Relate science and technology and
» Attend to the following:
Syllabus Acknowledgement Signature
Earth Science: Oceans (in already?)
Self Evaluation of your academic behavior
and prediction of results in this class
Take Syllabus Quiz
Receive Unit 1 Map “Ocean Exploration” and save in your
H-Drive folder, Oceanography Unit 1
Unit 1 Map
Review it for:
» Learning objectives
» Essential questions
» What you need to know
» Vocabulary words
You are responsible for knowing all these
sections for the test 2/13/15.
Unit 1 Essential Questions:
» How have scientific knowledge and
technological advancements been discovered
and developed by various cultures and
» In what ways have oceanographic
technologies contributed to changes in
Answer each in bullet points ½ page each.
You will be writing an essay for one of
these on the Unit 1 Test
» Skim Chapter 1 pages 1-3 to 1-32
» Chapter 1 Marine Science
» Write the answers to the Study Questions from
pages 1-3, 1-8 and 1-18 in complete sentences or
write the question and phrase or single word
answer and cite the page # as your source. Be sure
to identify each set of questions by page number
» Setup a very organized paper and clearly written
» Homework:
Complete the Text Survey – due tomorrow
(10 points formative)
Chapter 1 Marine Science is due
Friday, 1/30/15.
Be ready for Chapter 1 Quiz on Monday, 2/2/2015
» Objectives:
Relate chance to the scientific method
Classify scientific reasoning
Evaluate science as truth
Describe the viability of a theory
Evaluate social pressure and science
Textbook Survey (Dyknow)
Protocol, Jobs, Communication
Team Work Doc in Unit 1 folder
Discuss and complete and save to References
folder in your H-Drive just before team
What are the different areas of oceanography?
(There are 4 listed in chapter 1)
Biological Oceanography
» Also called Marine Biology
» Studies the incredible diversity of life in
the ocean
Chemical Oceanography
» Studies the chemistry of seawater
» Chemical reactions in water
» Chemical changes caused by nature and humans
» Studies the geography
of the sea bottom and
» Composition of
sediments and rocks
» Undersea volcanoes,
seabed movement,
earthquakes and other
interactions between
rock and sea
Physical Oceanography
» Study of physics in the Marine environment
» Water movement, waves, currents, tides
» How sound and light travel through water
» How oceans influence weather and climate
What are inductive and
deductive reasoning?
Inductive-proposes an explanation to
explain facts/phenomena you observe
Deductive-propose what you would
observe if a known process were
to occur
» Inductive Reasoning Example:
Scenario: 1.Enter room, smell smoke & sulfur, no fire
2. Previous experience suggests: Someone lighted a match
» Deductive Reasoning Example:
Scenario: 1. Someone is about to light a match
2. Past experience suggests: If the match is
lighted, there will be a smell of smoke & sulfur
Inductive Reasoning : Previous experience and end result
suggests an action that did occur.
Deductive Reasoning: Previous experience and observation of an
action suggests an end result.
If I feel the temperature drop and see an increase in clouds, I predict
it will snow. What kind of reasoning is that?
Team Work: Scientific Method Sidebars –due today
1-22 Chance, Serendipity, Discovery
1-24 Science, Philosophy, and Search for Truth
1-29 Hypothesis, Theory, and Critical Thinking
1-32 Science and Social Pressure
Each member choose a Sidebar and read carefully
Summarize each with the guiding questions
Each member share out and reader/writer compile on to
one document. (document – S-Drive or hardcopy)
» Submit the one document and distribute to the other team
members to save in their H-Drive, Unit 1 Ocean Exploration
» You are responsible for knowing the answers to each of the
guiding questions
**Return to Chapter 1 Entry 1 Study Questions**
» Study Questions from pages 1-3, 1-8 and
» Skim through Ch. 1 to answer
» Answer in complete sentences and save
in your folder for Oceanography Unit 1
Checked in as on time tomorrow and CCS
over the weekend
Chapter 1 Quiz on Monday!
Objectives: Explain how knowledge of history, use of
archeology and skill in technology
leads to recovery of high-value shipwrecks
Check off: Chapter 1 Marine Science Study Questions
Homework: Check, Correct and Score this entry by going
to Nash Swift Site
Video Prompt Summary
Monday: Chapter 1 Quiz based on your work so far
» Focus:
» Video:
» Class Work:
» Submit:
When is history important?
Treasure Quest: Pirates
Treasure Quest: Pirates Video Prompt
in Oceanography folder & save to your
Unit 1 Ocean Exploration folder
Prompt and Summary (on Monday)
− Include 5 knowledge/skills in each category
− Note the number of times INDUCTIVE &
DEDUCTIVE REASONING are used to solve
the mysteries.
on Amazon Video
Do you have Prime??
» Objectives:
Demonstrate your knowledge
of the science of oceanography
& Submit:
CCS & Submit:
How is oceanography a science?
Treasure Quest: Pirates
Chapter 1 Study Questions
Scientific Method Sidebars
Are You Learning?
Chapter 1 Marine Science
Chapter 1 Study Questions CCS
(Checked, Corrected and Scored – 5 points)
Be sure that you have shown by symbol or
added answer in a different font the CC &
write the number missed at the top of your paper
Check & Submit: Scientific Method Sidebar
Highlight your correct responses
and add to your responses from the
key (do this to all answers)
» Are You Learning?
˃ Indicate the page
˃ Cover the Check it Out with a sticky note
˃ Answer the multiple choice
˃ Uncover Check it Out and score your responses
˃ Do this for all 3 sections: 1-7. 1-17, 1-33
˃ Submit the paper
Take the Chapter 1 Quiz
Objectives: Investigate the history and technology of
How has the science of oceanography
been developed and why?
Chapter 2 History of Ocean Exploration and Marine Sciences
» Steps today:
*Endless Voyage: First Steps
*Chapter 2 History of Ocean Exploration
& Marine Sciences
*Study Questions: 2-3, 2-4, 2-16, 2-19, 2-23 & 2-33
Breakdown of work: Today, Tomorrow, Thursday
30 points: Complete – 20, Sentences – 5, CCS – 5
(i.e. D if all 43 questions are answered)
-Due Friday for check in and then CCS over the
» Objectives:
Outline the progress through
history of cultural interactions
with the oceans
Create a timeline
How did various cultural groups the
world over interact with the oceans
and contribute to our understanding?
Study Questions: Where are you on the schedule?
Directions for the Project:
o Work as a team
o Divide up the work for the culture/assignment/project
“Ocean Exploration Timeline” Flow Map via Power Point
or Prezi
o Use mainly the text and enhance with outside reference for other
information and graphics.
o Decide what format your team will use and what
and your design and display options
o Print the name of the creator of the slide at the bottom corner in
smaller font size.
o Formative is 25 points total: 15 team and 10 individual
o Summative is 10 points individual
o Be ready for a Gallery Walk
Create a timeline of the progress of cultures through history to
use and understanding of our oceans
Work as individual and coordinate with your team to develop the
timeline via power point slides
Identify oceanography vocabulary terms
Discuss the development of marine sciences via the individual
-Complete your panel/slide for your culture(s)
-Begin assembling team flow chart for Ocean Exploration Timeline
-Write “bullet points” to the first Essential Question
-Chapter 2 Study Questions due tomorrow
-Monday: Review, Analyze and Evaluate the Ocean Exploration Timelines
via Gallery Walk
Chapter 1 Marine Science Quiz
Results not so good
Quiz Corrections on Friday during class
Write the complete sentence answers for each one missed
Add back ½ the points you missed, i.e. 12/20 becomes 16/20
 Could not access the video Treasure Quest: Pirates?
 Go to Odyssey Quest Marine (shortcut in S-Drive Outbox Oceanography folder)
and access “Shipwrecks”
 Read about them, particularly the Black Swan
 Complete the Treasure Quest assignment & submit on Monday, 2/9
 Chapter 2 Study Questions due tomorrow
Objectives: Complete a timeline of the progress of
cultures through history to use and
understanding of our oceans
Review the science of oceanography
Complete Timeline
Submit Chapter 2 Study Questions
Correct Chapter 1 Quiz
Homework: Check (+ or other symbol next to each
answer that is correct), Correct (different
color and font) , and Score (-missed)
Ocean Exploration Timeline
» Individuals place your name in small font
lower corner of your slide and finalize (RER)
» Collector/Assembler finalize the project and
place it in the S-Drive (GB)
» Everyone highlight your culture(s), then……
» check √ off all the 6 parts that you addressed.
If you did a part that was not in the book place
a star * next to it.
Correct Chapter 1 Quiz
» Write the complete sentence answers for all the
questions you missed.
» Cite the page that supports your answer from
the textbook
» Attach your corrections on top of the scantron
and submit
» You will get ½ points missed added back.
» Objectives:
Determine the contributions
of various cultures and individuals to the
advancement oceanography
Review the terminology
Submit: Ocean Exploration Timelines (Inbox period folder)
Ocean Exploration Timeline projects
& gather information from them (due today)
Chapter 2 Study Questions
both due tomorrow
Word list:
» Technology
» Science
» Situatedness
» Culture
» Remotely operated
» Loran
» Theory
» Bathyscaphe
» Bathysphere
» Archaeology
» Hypothesis
» Submersible
» Wayfinding
» Autonomous underwater
Objectives: Focus on the aspects of navigation
that allow Polynesians to travel
thousands of miles across the ocean
Summarize the techniques
Crossword to tray
and CCS of C-2 Questions Dyknow
What is necessary to navigate the
oceans without the aid of present
day technology?
» Review the prompt for “Light at the Edge of the
World: The Wayfinders”
» Watch the video
Most important parts: up to
22 minutes and then
35 minutes to the end at 46 minutes
» Complete the notes
» Both found in the S-Drive
Outbox Oceanography
Hardcopy up front
» Write the summary on
the back
» Submit tomorrow
Objectives: Review your knowledge of the history of oceanography
Evaluate the wayfinding trip
Model sonar and map the ocean bottom for a channel
What was so special about the wayfinders and the
Polynesian sailors?
Submit: Wayfinders
What can we do today that does
not require their methods of
Why was the Hokolae important?
Focus: How is the floor of the ocean mapped?
How was it originally mapped?
What is echolocation and sonar?
How do satellites measure depth?
Light at the Edge of the World: Wayfinders
Today: Ocean Mapping (Gizmo)
*Go to Swift Website for link to Gizmo
and go to the site
*Enroll in the Class. Copy and paste the class
code sent to you via Dyknow
*Open the Gizmo and Exploration Sheet
*Save Exploration & Maps to your H-Drive
*When completed, place in S-Drive Ocean Mapping
for your period as one continuous document.
*Complete the Assessment
Are You Learning? 2-3, 2-15, 2-19, 2-22, 2-32, 2-47
Write the letter answers with Check it Out covered.
Correct and score.
Due tomorrow
Homework: Are You Learning? For Chapter 2
Tomorrow: Chapter 2 Oceanography History Quiz Take Home
Modern Technology Timeline
Dive to the Bottom of the Ocean
Challenger Deep in the Marianas Trench
After President’s Week Vacation
Review for Unit 1 Test
Unit 1 Test
Don’t stop and get
ready to go until
Objectives: Demonstrate your knowledge of
the history of Oceanography and
Marine Science
Map the Timeline of Marine Technology
What is used to specify a location on the
ocean bottom?
What makes it possible to locate the
changes in depth?
1. Submit the “Are You Learning?” to Tray or Inbox
2. Complete the Marine Technology Timeline
pages 2-33 to 2-46 check & submit
3. Take Home the Chapter 2 Quiz – submit tomorrow
Ocean Mapping gizmo
Include both the Exploration Sheet
& the two maps on one document
Submit to the S-Drive Inbox your period
Marine Technology Timeline due Friday
Objectives: Describe the techniques and technology used
to explore the Mariana Trench
Compare and contrast the 4 expeditions
Could you imagine yourself under
several miles of water?
What would you see?
Chapter 2 Quiz
Marine Technology Timeline
Is your Gizmo for Ocean Mapping in my
S-Drive folder for your period?
Due After Break: Dive to the Bottom of the World
Review your Grades:
Over break and submit
outstanding work by
Monday, February 23
Tuesday 2/24:
Unit 1 Test
In S-Drive Outbox
Dive to the Bottom
Complete: Video Prompt
Summary: Compare and contrast all 4 dives
Objectives: Review science and history and exploration
techniques of oceanography
for the unit 1 test.
Submit: Dive to the Bottom of the World video prompt
All other unit work for late credit (avoid ZAP)
Unit 1 Ocean Exploration Study Guide
& verify complete
Essential Question:
Write bullet points on 3x5 card
for essay part of test
CCS Unit 1 Study Guide w/Key
Unit 1 Test (35 points for MC & EQ)
 Choose either of the following two Essential Questions and prepare a thoughtful,
well-organized, and well-written essay. (10 points total)
Option #1: “How have advancements in scientific knowledge and technology been
discovered and developed by various cultures and communities? (chapter 1)
Option #2: “In what ways have oceanographic technologies contributed to changes in
society?” (chapter 2)
 Select actual examples and specific reasons, details, and facts in support of your
thesis. Such examples could be drawn from the text and/or class
Your work will be evaluated on the following criteria:
(3 points) Clarity of writing: How well do your thesis, supporting reasons, facts, and
details communicate your ideas?
(2 point) Proper use of conventions: spelling, grammar, punctuation
(2 points) Organization of essay (introduction, body, conclusion)
(3 points) Accuracy of information presented