A Walk to Remember


By: Nicholas Sparks

About the Author

 He was born in Omaha, Nebraska, December 31, 1965 .

 He has written 16 books, 6 of which are movies.

 Jamie was named after Nicholas's editor, Jamie Raab?

 Landon is the name of his third son and

The narrator in A Walk to Remember.

 Nicholas Sparks recorded his own reading for the audio version of the novel.

Terms to know before reading…

Genre- Genre is the term for any category of literature as well as various other forms of art or culture.

Example- mystery, comedy, science fiction…

 The Outsiders’ genre was “young adult fiction” or a

“coming-of-age” novel.

What genre is A Walk to Remember (AWtR)?

 Young adult fiction, romance

Prologue- an opening to a story that establishes the setting and gives background details

What do we learn from the prologue in AWtR?

 Landon Carter remembers the year 1958, and how it changed his life forever.

Flashback- an interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current point.

How is the literary element “flashback” used in the


 Landon, who is 57, closes his eyes and remembers when he was in high school. This is how AWtR begins.

Foreshadowing- a way of indicating or hinting at what will come later

 Where does Landon Carter use foreshadowing in the prologue?

 The last sentence of the prologue. “ Don’t say you haven’t been warned…”

Point of View- who is telling the story?

 First-person Point of View- A character in the story is the narrator. This character is telling the story using the pronouns I , me and we .

 Third-person Point of View- The story is being told by an outside observer (someone who is not in the story). The author uses the pronouns he , she , and they .

 In what point of view is AWtR being told?

 First-person Point of View

Part 2


Verbal irony- when a character says one thing and means another

 It is essential to understand the intentions of the character!

Dramatic Irony- When the readers know something that the characters do not know.

Situational Irony- when an expectation is not met. There is a difference between what we think will happen and what actually occurs.


Motif- significant recurring element in a literary text

Nature The Bible

God Love

Miracles Fathers

Faith Good works

Orphans Cemetery



Theme- a central message in a literary work

Doing the “right” thing

Death and the afterlife




Emotions vs. thoughts


Part 3:


Characterization is the method used by a writer to develop a character.

This includes: showing the character's appearance displaying the character's actions revealing the character's thoughts letting the character speak getting the reactions of others




 Shallow

 Underachiever

 Hypocritical

 Judgmental

 Popular

 Wealthy

 Persistent

Has: wealth, both parents, friends, popularity

Wants: Acceptance from friends, parents and universities


 Loving

 Helpful

 Caring

 Joyful

 Optimistic

 Kind-hearted

 Religious

Has: a father, faith, a good heart

Wants: to help people, please her father, the play to be a success

Rev. Hegbert Sullivan

 Elderly

 Strict

 Over Protective

 Religious

 Serious

 Worrisome

Has: Jamie, relationship with God, the respect of the town

Wants: the town to become more religious, Jamie to be safe

Part 4


Literal Imagery- purely descriptive, appeals to the senses, relates to concrete information.

 Ex. “…her honey-colored hair wasn’t pulled into a tight bun. Instead it was hanging loosely, longer than I imagined…) Ch. 9, Description of Jamie as the angel (pg.


Figurative imagery- use of figures of speech

(metaphors, personification) to describe an abstract idea.

 Ex. “…nowadays people claim that sort of stuff even if their parent was around and use it to excuse their behavior. My dad… he didn’t love me…” Ch. 1, page 10


 Tone- the author’s attitude towards what he is talking about.

 Revealed by word choice.

 The combination of diction, details and imagery results in tone.

Examples of tone:

Cheerful Enthusiastic








Answer the following questions in you notes.

1.What tone does Landon establish in Ch. 1-2?

2. At what point in the novel does Landon’s tone begin to change? Be specific and support you answer with evidence from the text.

3. What purpose does Landon’s change in tone serve in moving the story forward?

4. Would the novel change if Landon’s tone remained the sam2 throughout the entire story, including the prologue and in Ch. 13?
