EHS Training via Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Lincoln University
Environmental Health & Safety
Lincoln University Police
EHS Training via Learning
Management Systems (LMS)
at a Small University
Robert A. Clay P.E., CHMM
EHS Training via Learning
Management Systems (LMS)
at a Small University
Robert A. Clay P.E., CHMM
CUHWC Conference
University of Virginia
August 5, 2013
Lincoln University (Founded 1866)
160 Acre Campus
HBCU 1890 Land Grant Institution
3000 students
7 Undergraduate degrees programs in
50 different majors
• 4 Graduate degree programs with 13
different majors
(Click here to visit Lincoln University’s website)
EHS Program Areas
Non–Laboratory Areas
3 Farms
Custodial Services
Student Health Services
EHS Program Areas
Non–Laboratory Areas (Cont.)
Grounds crews
Print shop
Art Department
Dining Services
EHS Program Areas
Laboratories (Academic & Research)
50 Principal Investigators
80 staff members
14 Post Doc & Graduate Students
66 Student workers
35 laboratories
What is a Learning Management
System (LMS)?
• Software for distributing online or blended/
hybrid college courses over the Internet with
features for online collaboration.
• Corporate training departments use
LMS’s to deliver online training, as well
as automate record-keeping and
employee registration.
What is Moodle?
What is Moodle?
To moodle (verb) - process of enjoyable
tinkering that often leads to growing
knowledge, insight and creativity.
It applies both to the way Moodle was
developed, and to the way we may use it to
teach and learn.
Moodle Advantages
•Free Open-source Program that can be
hosted on intranet at the University
•Online (available 24- hours a day)
•Ease of uploading of media
(powerpoints, videos, pdfs, & web-links)
Moodle Advantages (cont.)
•Tests can be easily created
•Creates tracking of those who have
taken test for records
Moodle Disadvantages
•Must have a person to maintain the
•Must use a computer (non-techies hate
Current Safety Topics
•Biosafety Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)
•Emergency Response Information
•Fire Extinguisher Training
•Hazard Communication
•Haz-waste/Satellite Accumulation
Current Safety Topics (cont.)
•OSHA Lab Safety
•Radiation Safety
•Universal Waste
•Emergency Response Guide (ERG)
Training for Lincoln University Police
Course Management Features
•A teacher administrator has full control over all
settings for a course including restricting other
•Choice of course formats such as by week, by topic,
or a discussion focused social format.
•Flexible array of course activities Forums, Journals
Quizzes, Resources, Choices, Surveys, assignments,
Chats, & Workshops
Course Management Features (cont.)
•Display recent changes to the course since the last
login can be displayed on the course homepage
•Easy editing of text for resources, forum postings,
journal entries, using an embedded WYSIWYG HTML
•Grades for Forum, Journals, Quizzes and Assignments
can be viewed on one page and downloaded into a
Course Management Features (cont.)
•User logging and tracking – full activity reports for
each student are available with graphs and details
about each module also detailed review of each
student’s involvement including postings and journal
•Courses can be packaged –as a single zip file using the
backup function. These can be restored on any moodle
Quiz Modules
•Teachers can define a database of questions for reuse
in different quizzes
•Questions can be stored in categories for easy access,
and these categories can be published to make them
accessible from any course on the site.
•Quizzes are automatically graded, and can be regraded if questions are modified
•Quizzes can have a limited time window outside of
which they are not available
Quiz Modules (cont.)
•At the teacher’s option quizzes can be attempted
multiple times, can show feedback and/or correct
•Quiz questions and quiz answers can be shuffled
(randomized) to reduce cheating
•Questions allow HTML and images
•Multiple-choice questions: single or multiple choice
answers: Short Answer questions: words or phrases
Quiz Modules (cont.)
•True-False questions
•Matching questions
•Random questions
•Numerical questions with
allowable ranges
•Embedded-answer questions
Quiz Modules (cont.)
•Embedded descriptive text and graphics
•Assignments can be viewed online, or download
•Teacher can attach feedback to comments
•Notification is sent out via e-mail
•Resubmission can be granted for assignments,
for regrading
Enough Talking
Are you Ready to see the Moodle
EHS Training in Action?
Moodle website
Contact Info
Robert A. Clay, P.E., CHMM
Hazardous Materials Compliance Officer
Lincoln University
820 Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, Mo 65101
(573) 681-5497
Website :
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