Chapter 8 - Liberty Union High School District

Chapter 8:




Presented by: Brett Royers and Hector Barron

Lesson 1

Safe and Healthy


Warm-up #1

What does it mean to you when someone says they have a healthy and or unhealthy relationship with another person? Would you say YOU maintain healthy relationships?


Platonic Friendship: a friendship with a member of the opposite gender in which there is affection, but the two people are not considered a couple.

Clique: a small circle of friends, usually with similar backgrounds or tastes, who exclude people viewed as outsiders.

Building Strong Partnerships: Casual Friends

People who meet in an environment become associates.

Then, if they continue to associate amongst one another, they may form a casual friendship. This is a friendship where people have similar interests and socialize on a daily basis, but are not connected in any deep, emotional way.

Building Strong Partnerships:

Close Friends

As you get to know a casual friend better, your relationship may develop into a close friendship. These type of relationships involve people who share personal thoughts and feelings with one another. These are people who you feel most comfortable with expressing thoughts.

Recognizing Problems in Friendships

Friendships aren't always a good thing. It can lead to bad situations if you are influenced into doing bad or illegal things. To avoid this and other unhealthy friend ships, you must recognize when a friendship may or has become harmful to you.

Cliques (Clicks spelled weird) -.-

A Clique is a small group of friends with a similar background or interests who exclude others they deem as “outsiders”. Cliques may provide their members with a sense of belonging. BUT, cliques may also exclude and discourage individuals with their prejudices.

Can you think of any cliques at Freedom?

If so what are they?

Are YOU a part of a clique? If so do you think you’ve ever excluded someone?



Lesson 2

Peer Pressure and refusal


Warm-up #2

Write down a short narrative on how you would say

“No (or yes, we don`t judge)” to drugs if your best friend was offering.


Peer pressure: the influence that people your age may have on you.

Harassment: persistently annoying others.

Manipulation: indirect, dishonest way to control or influence people.


Peer pressure can be both positive and negative. When your peers inspire or encourage you to get out of your personal comfort zone and try new activities, such as a sport or club, it is a good thing. But when they are pressuring you to do things you know in your heart and mind to be bad, wrong or illegal then it becomes negative.

You should practice saying no to these influences and carry around a tazer and maybe pepper spray? Or nah…

Resisting Negative Peer Pressure

To resist negative peer pressure, there are many things you can do. You can befriend people who share your positive interests and values. This can take you away from peer pressure scenarios. You can also use valid excuses to avoid doing bad things that your peers are pressuring you to do


Lesson 3


Warm-up #3

What are the side effects and possible consequences of sex

(protected or not).

Are there any consequences to abstinence?

And now a joke to ponder while you write:

Sex is like a misdemeanor, the more I miss it, da meaner I get.

Dating Decisions

Dating can be a great way to know another person

Provides opportunities to develop social skills, discover new interests, and reaffirm personal values

Some teens decided not to date for personal reasons such as other priorities (goals, tasks, values, and activities that you judge to be more important then others) such as grades, a sport or family matters.

When choosing if or not you're ready to date talk to a trusted adult (unless said adult is a shotgun wielding father lol)

Establishing expectations and setting limits


Both parties treated with respect

Be yourself and communicate

• Don’t get pressured into doing anything you don’t want to


Set limits guys and gals.

• Do I really have to get into it? ._. Fine….

Parents or guardians may set boundaries, they're their to protect you

Curfews may be set

Set an age limit on the people you date. (Personally I suggest the rule of three`s)

Also, you can set limits on where you go, how you get there and what you're going to do there.

By setting expectations an limits you ensure a fun time and that you and date you're on the same level as each other.


By choosing abstinence, you are taking responsibility for your own well-being

Intimacy: a closeness between two people that develops over time

You can still express closeness and intimacy while still staying abstinent

Remember not to confuse affection and intimacy with

Infatuation (exaggerated feelings of passion)

Abstinence requires self-control (a person`s ability to use responsibility to override emotions)

The following tips can help you maintain self-control and stay firm in your decision to practice abstinence

Set limits for expressing affection

Communicate with your partner

Talk with a trusted adult

Seek low-pressure dating situations

Date someone who respects and shares your values

Considering the consequences

Effects on Physical health

¤ Unplanned Pregnancy

Every year in the U.S about 1 million teenage girls become pregnant

You can bet your sweet giblits most of those girls aren’t ready for a child and neither are their partners

¤ Sexually Transmitted Diseases, A.K.A STD,s (Sexually transmitted diseases are infectious diseases spread from person to person through sexual contact

Each year about half of diagnosed STDs occur among teens and young adults between the ages of 15 and 24

Many STDs are incurable and can lead to infertility or even death

Q: Two potatos are standing on a corner, how can you tell which one is a prostitute?

A: The one that says IDAHO!

Guys, never google image the word “STD”.. I've seen some things man.. ;-;

Effects of Mental / Emotional health

¤ Teens who engage in sexual activity before reaching emotional maturity may experience:

Pain from partners that are not committed as in a martial relationship

Guilt from lying to parents about sexual activity

Loss of self respect

Regret and anxiety when it turns out bae`s pregnant with you love child and you have a weird rash on your crotch that just wont go away

Effects on Social Health

¤ Sexual activity can negatively affect a teens relationships with other people

They may deprive themselves of the opportunity to pursue new interests and friendships

May harm family relationships

May lead to family tension

Unplanned pregnancy may lead to putting your career and education on hold

Thanks for making it this long! Here`s a joke as a reward


Now prepare for the quiz….. -__-

How do you make your girlfriend cry while having sex?...Phone her!

Documentary time!!!!