Joseph R. Rasmus
Wilkes University
EDUC 522Curriculum Development
5E Lesson Plan Presentation
Mr. M. Pawlik
 Objectives: LOOK FORS: (1.) Students will identify five Shakespearean
plays. (2.) Students will identify “What is the Elizabethan
Renaissance?” (3.) Students will compare acting on the Shakespearean
Stage to acting in contemporary theatre of cinema. (4.) Students will
describe the structure of the Globe Theater. (5) Students will explain
the differences between Elizabethan drama and modern drama. (6.)
Students will analyze the acting conventions , history, theatre
practices, and language of Elizabethan Renaissance. (7.) Students will
collaborate and construct 2 authentic products which demonstrate
their knowledge gleaned from unit of study.
Activities: Activities span 5 Instructional days
 ENGAGEMENT: (1.) Students will engage in discovery lessonStudents will go to predetermined group areas and they will open the
envelope situated on center desk. The members of the group are
expected to analyze the pictorial artifacts found within the envelope,
discuss commonalities amongst them and determine the era that they
collectively represent. ANSWER: Elizabethan Renaissance.
 (2.) Students are directed to create 3 lists in their journal: List 1:
Identify five plays or literary works which have been written by
Shakespeare; List 2: Identify 3 things that you know about the
Renaissance; List 3: List any one thing that you know about
Shakespeare’s theatre.
 (3.) Students TPS. Discuss Responses.
 (4.) Student-centered discussion on list results. Students write items
from lists on SMARTBOARD. Students compare class lists to their lists.
EXPLORE: (1.) Students actively view United Streaming video (Standard Deviants School
Shakespeare Tragedies: Module 01: Intro to Shakespeare [26:00 ], Open Link below to access....
(2.) Students complete “Guided Viewing Worksheet” and “Diagram of the Globe Theatre” as they view
the video segments. Additionally students must seek to answer the 3 list questions more fully. Also
they must define; “Aside,” “Soliloquy,” and “Imagery.” Learner should place all written responses in
their literary notebooks.
Students collaborate and conduct webquest. Students conduct significant research on defined topics.
Students jigsaw and assume particular roles in the investigative process. Each role has specified “look
fors.” Students place research notes in Literary Journal.
When students complete research, students are expected to report back the content learned from
their webquest to the other member of the group
EXPLAIN: (1.) Subsequent to viewing video podcast modules, students regroup with their initial
groups . (2.) Students play “Shakespeare Trivia,” whereby the content that was examined in the video
podcast segments is reinforced and recalled by the students. Student groups are allowed rely upon
the information that they recorded in their literary journal in order to respond to questions which
relate to Shakespeare’s life, the Elizabethan Age, Shakespearean plays, his endemic language, and his
literary legacy.
After Students complete guided questions and other items to be discerned from video, synthesize two
products which showcases their learning: PowerPoint/Scrapbook AND performance of scene from
Macbeth/Performance of ORIGINAL scene based upon a scene from Macbeth
 EXTENTION: (1.) Provide students with a writing
prompt: “How would a contemporary production of
Macbeth differ from production set in Shakespeare’s
17th century?” Consider Acting, Staging, Play-going,
Audiences, and Scenery.
 Students construct a five paragraph essay which
conforms to: Intro, Body Conclusion format, the PSSA
scoring rubric, and communicates the breadth of the
students opinion
 Evaluation/Assessment:
 There are several assessments ingested throughout the
 Look for responses to discovery lesson
 Guided viewing questions from film
 Shakespeare Trivia
 5 paragraph essay
 PowerPoint/Scrapbook—Presented formally to class
 Performances—Presented formally to class
 See Scoring Rubric for exact evaluation parameters.
Literary Journal
Discovery lesson artifacts in envelopes.
Promethean board
Video: The life and times of Shakespeare, Shakespeare’s use
of language, Elizabethan drama, the importance of words,
Viewing Guide: the life and times of Shakespeare,
Shakespeare’s use of language, Elizabethan drama vs.
3 Viewing Questions
Worksheet: label the characteristics of the Globe Theater,
thinking cap questions
Activity: “Shakespeare Mania Trivia”
Check Your Knowledge: true/false, multiple choice, and
creative flow short answer questions\
The Activity
 This WebQuest asks students to explore the life and times of William Shakespeare. It is a
look into the theatre of the day and the historical significance of the Elizabethan era in
terms of how we view his work. The importance of creative process is emphasized here as
Shakespeare is a dramatic medium. Students will share the information that they
cultivate with the groupmates with whom they are collaborating. Groups will collaborate
to create authentic products which reflect the depth and breadth of their respective
 Introduction
 We are about to begin reading Macbeth by William Shakespeare. But do you really have a
good grasp of what life was like when he was alive? What kinds of things did he write?
What types of literature did he write? How does the theatre of the Elizabethan
Renaissance compare to that of today’s playgoers? Who were the craftsmen and artisans
who collaborated to create a theatrical event in Shakespeare’s era. These and many other
questions will frame our investigation into the literary contributions and significance of
the most prolific and well-known author of all time. We're going to use the web to delve
more deeply into the life and times of William Shakespeare as we prepare to read his play,
 You and your group mates will engage in an inquiry-based learning
activity whereby , you are required to ascertain predetermined
information that relates to our examination of Shakespearean
Literature. Each group will study the various aspects of the history,
culture, theatre, and writings of William Shakespeare and Elizabethan
England. You will be asked to work together to complete a creative
presentation of that information. Your final product will include a
performance of a scene from Macbeth, or a revisionist scene that your
group writes and performs, and a Power Point, and a Scrapbook that
your group creates.
 Process
 The following is a brief overview of the steps you will need to take to
complete this webquest. Look under phase one, phase two, or phase
three for more detailed instructions.
1. You will be assigned a group. Once in your groups, assign a role to
each person in the group: actor, historian, director, and linguist.
2. Do your research on the websites provided for your assigned role.
3. Teach your group about what you have learned.
4. As a group decide what the important aspects of each topic
are. After analyzing your information, decide as a group how to
synthesize it in order to plan a creative presentation. You will have 2
finished products: (1) a skit, or performance, and (2) a scrapbook or
5. Begin your scrapbook/PowerPoint
6. Begin conceptualizing your contemporized skit, determine plot
synopsis, analogous characters, and cultivate script. OR begin scene
study of scene from Macbeth…. Rehearse…prepare programs,
costumes, and props…Perform for class on ASSIGNED DUTE DATE--Check syllabus for groups’ assigned presentation dates!!
Phase One: “Research/Analysis”
Each role is responsible for gathering knowledge based on the following areas of interest:
Actor: You will research all aspects of acting in Elizabethan England, and those methods still used in performing
Shakespeare today at the newly reconstructed Globe Theatre. Use the links below to explore all that actors did, and
perhaps who some of those actors were as well.
Performance Library
Edward Alleyn
Historian: You will research all aspects of the culture and history of Elizabethan England and the life of William
Shakespeare. Use the links below to explore.
Shakespeare: Life and Times
Birthplace Trust
Seven Ages of Shakespeare
Biography on A&E
Elizabethan Era
Director: You will research theatre practices of Elizabethan England. Look at the things done at the Globe then and
now, as well as at other theatres of Shakespeare's day. Use the following links to explore.
Online Reference Library
Shakespeare in Performance
Shakespeare's Theatres
Linguist: You will research the plays and poetry of William Shakespeare and the language he used. Use the following
websites as you explore what he wrote as well as the way he wrote it:
Library: Plays and Poetry
Quotations Index
Shakespeare Insult Kit
 Phase Two: “Collaboration and Cooperative
As you look at each other's data be sure to take the time
to discuss how to best use the information.
As a group decide what the important aspects of each topic
After analyzing your information, decide as a group how to
synthesize it in order to plan a creative presentation.
You will have 2 finished products:
 A performance of a scene from Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth that
demonstrates aspects of the historical and theatrical significance of
Elizabethan England, OR a contemporized scene which attempts to
relocate Shakespeare’s iconoclastic characters and their actions in a
contemporary context.
 A scrapbook in which you simulate photos, newspaper clippings of
the time, and/or artifacts that address every aspect of cultural and
literary analysis selected, OR a PowerPoint Presentation which
provides class audience with a well-informed examination of the
selected research foci.
Phase Three:”Synthesis”
You may wish to split the work so that you can accomplish the first two tasks more quickly. Perhaps
dividing the group in two would help, though keep in mind that all group members are responsible
for the work, and all members must be involved in the presentation of the skit/power point and
1. Begin to prepare your scrapbook:
Use photographs, create newspaper headlines, write brief articles that help to illustrate the different
things you've learned about the world of Shakespeare.
Your book should be a minimum of 3 pages long.
You may decorate the pages as you wish (for any scrapbookers out there).
2. Begin to prepare your PowerPoint:
What do you wish to portray about the cultural and historical aspects of your research?
Have you provide adequate information on each topic identified? **Imagine you are the teacher--imagine that the students are unfamiliar with the content…What would they need to learn?**Power
Point presentations can be rather boring if you read the slides to us, make sure you're doing
something interactive if you opt to do this type of presentation.
If you choose your perform a scene from Shakespeare’s original text or write an original script. Make
sure everyone knows their lines. DO NOT AD LIB! Be certain that the actions are blocked and well
3. Begin to rehearse your scene:
Divide parts: you may do this any way you wish, but all group members must be involved at some
Rehearse the lines on your feet!
Use Shakespeare's language - try to speak with meaning and emotion if you can. Invest
characterization into your portrayals!!!!
 Conclusion
 Most of your impressions of Shakespeare are from sitting in class reading his
plays aloud to a room full of disinterested parties. Hopefully you have begun to
see the truly interactive nature of both Shakespeare's time and the plays
themselves. We will begin to work on Macbeth in a way that reflects the things
you've learned during this WebQuest, so after you've done your research ask
yourself the following questions:
Would I have liked life in Shakeskpeare's day?
What are your impressions of Shakespeare? (the man or the writings)
What new or different things about theatre did you learn?
Could I have been an actor in Elizabethan England?
What have I learned about Shakespeare's language?
In your groups discuss these topics. Write a journal entry that addresses the
above, and other things you've learned from working on this project
together. This entry is due upon completion of your group presentations.
1.1.11.A; 1.2.11.b; 1.2.11.c; 1.3.11.a; 1.4.11.a; 1.6.11.c; 1.6.11.d; 1.6.11.e; 1.6.11.f;
1.8.11.a; 1.8.11.b; 1.8.11.c