The implications of Advertising During the Industrial Revolution

The Development of Advertising
During the Industrial Revolution
The first advertisement in America
was published in the Boston NewsLetter in 1704
"At Oyster-bay on Long-Island
in the Province of N.York,
There is a very good FullingMill, to be Let or Sold, as also
a Plantation, having on it a
large new Brick house, and
another good house by it for a
Kitchin & work house, with a
Barn, Stable, etc. a young
Orchard, and 20 Acres clear
Land. The Mill is to be Let with
or without the Plantation:
Enquire of Mr. William
Bradford Printer in N.York, and
know further."
Volney Palmer
First person to use
the term “advertising
 Began the first
advertising agency in
Philadelphia in 1841
Some of the First Palmer Ads
1898- 114 baking companies
around the US consolidated to
create the National Biscuit
Company. (NABISCO)
Consumers no longer
recognized the products.
A national ad campaign was
launched to make NABISCO
products more recognizable to
the public.
Uneeda Biscuit- the name tried
to convince people that they
really needed a biscuit.
Typical Ad from 1885
A Typical Ad from 1923
What do you notice about these two
By the 1880 the Industrial Revolution
was in full swing.
Advertising before the 1880’s
Community and families set
advertising standards
Local and regional entrepreneurs
took a “hands on” approach to
Companies were often named
after the founder and ads focused
on the product.
Consumers recognized companies
and products because they were
familiar with the names of local
business men.
Product focused advertisments
Advertising after the 1880’s
Advertising standards were set by
large companies.
Advertising agencies were
commissioned to create ads with
little to no input from the
company’s founder.
Small companies were
consolidated into large
corporations and their names
were changed.
Ads focused on the consumer, not
the product .
Consumers no longer recognized
the new corporations names or
trademarks-more aggressive ad
campaigns were needed.
Consumer focused advertisments