So you think you know your roommate powerpoint

So You Think You Know Your
Double Tree Hotel
Hosted by: RA Amanda
 Teams can be up to two people. For quad roommates, they separate into twos. For triples
two roommates are interchangeable. They must also be roommates in the residence hall.
 Before the start of the game each team has to estimate what their final score will be. Each
question is work 10 points.
 Roommates will be separated and asked the a series of questions.
 When the roommates are brought back together their answer must match their
roommates answer. Similar answers will be judged based on relevance and is up to the
host’s discretion whether or not the answer will count.
 At the end of the game, the roommates with the highest score wins the grand prize.
 In the event that there is a tie, the team that has the closest score to their original
estimated score, wins.
Let’s Begin!
The oldest roommate please step out into the hallway
So you think you know your roommate…
Round 1
What is your roommate’s favorite movie?
So you think you know your roommate…
Round 1
What is your roommates biggest pet peeve
about you?
So you think you know your roommate…
Round 1
What is your roommate’s favorite
television channel?
Bonus +5 if you can name the channel
number on the dorm television.
So you think you know your roommate…
Round 1
When your roommate is not in your room,
what is he/she usually doing?
So you think you know your roommate…
Round 1
If your roommate was trapped on a
deserted island, what is one thing he/she
would not be able to live without?
So you think you know your roommate…
Round 1
You walk into your room and your roommate is
dancing around singing into his/her hairbrush
What song is he/she singing?
So you think you know your roommate…
Round 2
What is your roommate’s favorite genre of
So you think you know your roommate…
Round 2
If your roommate was a 90s cartoon
character, which one would he/she be?
So you think you know your roommate…
Round 2
Your roommate sets an alarm to wake up in the
morning for their 8:30am class. What time do they
usually wake up to get ready?
Bonus +5 points if you can name what their first
class of the week is.
So you think you know your roommate…
Round 2
What is the funniest moment between you
and your roommate?
So you think you know your roommate…
Round 2
What is the one thing that your roommate
always borrows from you?
So you think you know your roommate…
Round 2
What is the one thing that your roommate
always complains about?
So you think you know your roommate…
Round 2
What is the exact meal that your roommate
commonly gets in the café?
Be specific!!!