Slides from today


Session Management

A290/A590, Fall 2014



• No office hours today, but I will be available tomorrow, Fri Sep 26, from 12:45pm to

2:15pm in Info West 109 (our regular room)

• Lab 4 extended to tomorrow night

• Lab 5 has been posted

Hidden Fields

• Allow for information to be passed between a form to CGI script.

• The Submit button must be clicked for the hidden information to be passed.

• The information is not saved on either the client or the server. It is passed from the client

every time the form is submitted.

Browser Cookies

• Allow for a server script to save data on the

client (the browser).

• When accessing a web page/script, the browser automatically sends the cookies associated with that page (as determined by the Domain and Path fields of the cookie)

• The data is stored on the client, so there is no

need to submit a form to facilitate the data transfer.

Session Files

• All data related to a browser session is stored on the server in a session file.

– or as we'll learn later, in a database

• How do we know which session file is associated with which browser session?

– The first time a server script is loaded, it can generate a unique

session ID and store it in a cookie on the browser.

– When the script is loaded subsequently, the browser sends it

the session ID cookie, and the server will know which session file to use.

• What is the format of the session file?

– Whatever you make it. A simple text file to keep track of name/value pairs is all that's required.

Session Files

• Session files are more efficient than cookies, since only the session ID needs to be sent, not all session information.

• Session files are more secure than cookies, since they can't be tampered with on the client.

Session Files in Lab 4

• You will need to write a small session file management component. It should be able to:

– generate a random session id using uuid.uuid4() if one doesn't already exists

– retrieve the session id from the cookie sent by the browser (you know how to do this already!)

– create a text file with the same name as the session id

– store and retrieve the session information to and from the file


• Remember the forms we wrote before…

<form action="" method="post" >



• Both are HTTP request methods

• GET requests data from the server

• POST submits data to be processes on the server

• But…

– We can still use a GET request and provide some input to the server through the query string

– e.g.: e2


• GET requests…

– can be cached by the browser

– can be bookmarked

– remain in browser history

– have length restrictions

• POST requests…

– can't be cached, bookmarked or kept in the browser history

– don't have length restrictions


• GET requests…

– shouldn't be used when dealing with sensitive data

– should only be used to retrieve data

• POST requests

– should be used when user information (from forms) is submitted to the server

GET vs POST and Lab 5

• Relevant to the Starting Page in Lab 5

– You need to be able to display a set of links to different quizes

– The quiz identifier can be submitted through the query string, e.g.
