Renewing Your Mind

Conformed, Rom. 12:2
➤ “to conform… to another’s pattern”
Conformed, Rom. 12:2
➤ “fashion or shape one thing like another…
reference to that which is transitory,
changeable, unstable” (Vine)
Conformed, Rom. 12:2
➤ “do not adopt the external
and fleeting fashion of this world…”
(The Expositor’s Greek Testament)
The things of this world are ever changing
➤ Nations, Dan. 5:30, 31
➤ Possessions, Prov. 23:4, 5; Job 1:13-17
➤ Relationships, Job 2:9; 1 Sam. 16:23; 18:8, 9
➤ Morals, Judges 21:25
Things of this world are passing away,
1 Jn. 2:15-17
➤ “to change into another form…
reproduce the same image”
➤ “undergo a complete change…
lays stress on inward change”
➤ “do not adopt the external
and fleeting fashion of this world,
but be ye transformed in your inmost nature”
(The Expositor’s Greek Testament)
God does not change, Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8
➤ Character, 1 Pt. 1:14-16
➤ Word, 1 Pt. 1:22-25
We must build our lives
on the solid foundation of God’s will,
Mt. 7:24-27
By filling it with God’s word, Phil. 4:8
➤ Change our thinking, Mk. 8:34, 35
➤ Change our values, Mk. 8:36
➤ Change our priorities, Mk. 8:37
By changing our behavior
➤ Give up sinful habits, Heb. 12:1
➤ Different companions, 1 Cor. 15:33
➤ Activities – “weight,” Heb. 12:1
- Sports
- TV & Movies
We must have fundamental change
➤ Different now than before becoming a
➤ Is Christ & His Kingdom your top priority?