Chapter 4 Sections 2 and 3

Chapter 4 Sections 3-5
The Middle and New Kingdoms
Vocabulary 4.3
• Middle Kingdom – Period of peace brought on
by pharaohs after government officials
became jealous and took power away from
the pharaohs, started around 2100 BC and
ended in 1786 BC
• Hyksos – people from western Asia that
invaded Egypt ending the Middle Kingdom
• Ahmose – Egyptian prince who drove the Hyksos out
of Egypt
Vocabulary 4.4
• New Kingdom – Began around 1550 BC when Ahmose
drove the Hyksos out of Egypt; time of great riches
and expansion for Egypt
• Thutmose III – Pharaoh who extended the Egyptian
empire into Syria and Palestine
• Hatshepsut – Pharaoh who set up extensive trade
system and built elaborate temples through out Egypt
• Ebony – Trees found in Egypt that produce a black
• Incense – materials that are burnt to produce
scented smoke
• Thebes – Capital of Egypt during the New
• Hieroglyphic – a type of writing that uses pictures
to stand for words or sounds
• Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton) – Pharaoh that came to
power in 1370 BC, Shut down the traditional
temples and Egypt and replaced them with his own
• Tutankhamen (King Tut) – took power at age 9,
closed down the temples of Akhenaton and
restored Egypt to following Amon-Re, became the
most famous of the Pharaohs after his tomb and
treasures were discovered in 1922
• Assyrians – group of people that took over Egypt in
671 BC
4.5 Vocabulary
• Papyrus – Egyptian paper made of reeds
• Survey – To measure land
1. Where were the Pharaohs buried
during the Middle Kingdom? What
does this show?
• In the sides of cliffs instead of the Pyramids
• This shows a loss of power
2. How did the Hyksos defeat the
• The Hyksos had horse drawn carriages and
weapons that were made of bronze and iron
• The Egyptians traveled on foot and used
weapons made of copper and stone
3. What happened to Egypt during the
New Kingdom?
• The Pharaohs of this time period expanded
Egypt’s boarders and the Egyptian Empire
became very wealthy and powerful
4. Where did Hatshepsut send traders?
What did they trade and what did they
bring back?
• She sent traders out along the African Coast
into the land called, Punt
• They took beads and metal tools and traded
them for ebony, incense, monkeys, furs, and
hunting dogs
5. What was the new god the
Egyptians began to worship during the
New Kingdom?
• A combination between the God of Thebes
(Amon) and the Sun God (Re)
• Amon-Re
6. Other than worship what did the
Egyptians use temples for during the
New Kingdom?
• They were used and industrial centers for
sculptors and artisans
• This is also where the schools for young men
who were training to be scribes were located
• The temples also served as a treasury, a place
were the counties valuables were stored
7. How could a boy become a scribe?
• Only if his father was a scribe could a boy go
to school to become a scribe
8. What did scribes do?
Wrote religious works
Kept records for the Pharaoh
Copied fairytales and stories
Wrote down medical prescriptions
9. How did scribes make hieroglyphics
• They developed a style of writing where the
pictures were rounded off and connected
making it easier to read and understand
10. What was the name of the god
Amenhotep IV replaced Amon-Re
with? What did he change his name
• He changed his name to Akhenaton, which meant
Spirit of Aton
• Only certain members of his family and close
advisors ever accepted his religion
• When his son-in-law, Tutankhamen took power he
returned Egypt’s religion to that of worshiping
Amenhotep IV
11. Why did Egypt lose its power?
• There was a struggle between the priests and
the Pharaohs which weakened their
• The money that was needed to keep fighting
wars to keep neighboring countries under
Egyptian control was making Egypt broke
12. Who took over Egypt in 671 BC,
ending the great Egyptian Empires?
• Assyrians
13. What were some uses of papyrus,
other than paper?
Columns for houses
14. What was the Egyptian number
system based on?
• 10
15. How did the Egyptians make their
calendar? Describe their calendar.
• They based it on the flooding cycles of the Nile
• They had 3 seasons with 120 says in each
• They also had 5 main feast days to honor their
16. In medicine what materials were
the Egyptians the first to use?
• They were the first to use splints, bandages,
and compresses
• They were very good at stitching wounds and
setting broken bones
• The Egyptians were the first culture to explore
medicine and to try and make improvements
and repairs to the human body
17. What were the Egyptians using to
treat indigestion and hair loss?
• Indigestion = Castor Oil
• Hair Loss = Dog Toes, Dates, Donkey Hoof
Egypt: Engineering an Empire CD-Rom
Lesson Plan Set with DVD
• History Channel