49 Anna Julia Heymann Poster Full-text

Anna Julia HEYMANN (1); Moreno CURTI (2); Nadia GAGGIOLI (1); Nadia MONTANUCCI
(1); Raoul CIAPPELLONI (1); Luisa FRUTTINI (1).
(1) Istituto Zooprofilatico Sperimentale Umbria Marche, Perugia
(2) IRCCS Fondazione Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia
Corresponding author: Anna Julia Heymann, a.heymann@izsum.it
In this work, the "S&I Bibliosan" (S&I B) Project is described.
The BIBLIOSAN System - Library network of the medical research institutes (Italian Ministry of
Health), was born in 2003 with fifty-two (52) libraries. Today it includes sixty-six (66) scientific
libraries and it’s the only Italian biomedical research network of libraries.
The relevant investment of Ministry funds, for the subscription to more than 5,000 scientific
journals and online databases, has required the establishment of an Evaluation Team. This team is
responsible for monitoring the System, so that resources are fully available to all the consortium
The "S&I Bibliosan" Project operates in this context and it is an "ancillary activity" on behalf of the
BIBLIOSAN System. It started in 2012 at the Library of Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale
Umbria Marche in order to promote the increase of the structures performance and their compliance
with the standards imposed by the Ministry.
The work done in the first two years of activity has addressed problems mainly due to the updating
of staff, their training and the users adjournment.
Key words: Library Consortia; Bibliosan; Annual Reports as Topic; Training Activities; Quality
S&I B to support Bibliosan
To disseminate critical information for librarians, the preparation and distribution of a monthly
"S&I Bibliosan Newsletter", has started. This newsletter collects news from the health care world,
biomedical research and scientific libraries.
Particular emphasis is given to news related to the "bibliometric indicators" and their use as tools
for evaluating research and researchers.
A specific space is then devoted to training activities for professional development.
To support the adjournment of librarians and users, a "micro-publishing" series, named "S&I
Bibliosan Press", on the bibliography’s topics has started.
The first issue concerned the e-books formats and licenses currently in use.
The "short tutorials" initiative is another strategic activity organized inside the project. These
resources may have a value for Continuing Education programs, such as the YouTube® short
videos on the scientific literature retrieval, among the Bibliosan resources.
S&I B to monitor Bibliosan
Another project activity was to support the work of the Evaluation Team, through collection of
specific information about the System itself.
This monitoring was realized through the data collection on:
- the actual use of resources,
- the services offered to users,
- the timing of implementation,
- training and information given to staff and users.
In the year 2012, a survey of all 66 Bibliosan Libraries, was also carried out.
The survey has been divided into a general part (regarding the structure and the library) and a
section devoted to the employed in the library (role, type of contract, level of education, training
tasks performed).
Data from the S&IB survey has allowed us to delineate the evolutionary trend that has
characterized Bibliosan in its first ten years of life (2003 - 2012).
From this it is clear that participate in the Bibliosan Network, has led libraries to a general
increase in their performance: all the analyzed data are indicators of a system in full growth.
The investment, within a few years, has produced substantial money savings.
Over time, quantity and quality of services provided by libraries, the
availability of instrumental resources and services offered to users has
Increase (2008-2012) of number of employees in
training activities for users and in Document Delivery
The increase in the number of libraries has also led to an increase in
personnel, now mostly made ​​up of graduates and possess a
specialization in the field of librarianship.
Also the availability of these resources has led to the significant growth,
over time, in the number of articles downloaded, and an increase of the
consultation of scientific databases, thus an improvement of the
research, in terms of publications quality (savings in time and costs to
collect the necessary information).
doc. delivery
Among the tasks performed within the library have increased over time,
the Document Delivery services and training activities for users.
The library loan service is confirmed as one of the main tools to support
the activities of researchers
The data on training in 2008-2011 period, reported a constant raising in
the number of courses in which the library staff has been involved both
in the role of learner to that of teacher.
The analysis of data collected during the first ten years of Bibliosan activity, has allowed to track
the goals for the improvement and optimization of the System in the near future (taking into the
account of the needs and the suggestions emerged from the questionnaires).
Propose protocols to
ensure a high and
uniform level of
services offered by
Help to create the
conditions for the
Bibliosan librarian, to
become “institutional
point of reference” in the
evaluation of the
research, in their
Goals of S&I Bibliosan
for the near future
Show to librarians the
advantage of Open Access
Initiative, so that they may
become the reference, in
their Institution, for the
realization of O.A.
Institutional Repository.
Sustain Bibliosan
librarians in the scientific
counseling activities and
scientific publishing
(bibliographic counseling,
guidance bibliographic,
bibliographic coaching).
Ciappelloni R, Fruttini L, Montanucci N, Heymann AJ. Destrutturazione controllata delle modalità di
accesso alla Library 2.0, per facilitare la formazione di docenti, ricercatori, studenti e operatori del Sistema
Sanitario. Estratto dagli Atti del Convegno Didamatica 2012. Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria, n. 71, April. 2012.
Curti M, Aceti A, Casciello M, Fruttini L, Garau L, Motta S, Piccinin R, Querini R, Simone B, Toni F. Is
there a relationship between article downloaded and scientific production? A case study: BIBLIOSAN - The
Italian biomedical libraries system. In: 11. European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries. Towards a
New Information Space - Innovations and Renovations. Proceedings; June 23-28, 2008; Helsinki. 2008.
Fruttini L. NILDE - uno strumento per la valutazione della efficienza delle biblioteche del sistema
BIBLIOSAN - Ministero della Salute. V Convegno Nilde, Internet Document Delivery e Cooperazione InterBibliotecaria. Proceedings; May 21-23, 2008; Bolzano.2008.
Fruttini L, Curti M, Motta S, Toni F. Performance and quality indicators in BIBLIOSAN, the Italian
Biomedical Research Library Network. In: Katsirikou A, ed. 3. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in
Libraries International Conference (QQML 2011). Proceedings; May 24-27, 2011; Athens. 2011.
Heymann AJ. Avviamento del Progetto dedicato a Luigina Lazzari: S&I Bibliosan in due parole - The
Luigina Lazzari's Project starts: put "S&I Bibliosan" in just two words. Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria, n. 70,
February. 2012. Available from: http://indice.spvet.it#544
Heymann AJ. Il Progetto S&I BIbliosan, Sostegno e Indirizzo per Bibliosan (2010-2013), Relazione primo
anno di Lavoro. Rapporto Annuale Bibliosan. 2012.
Heymann AJ. Il Progetto S&I BIbliosan, Sostegno e Indirizzo per Bibliosan (2010-2013), Relazione secondo
anno di Lavoro. Rapporto Annuale Bibliosan. 2013.