Hub - JUMP

 In a constructive and optimistic way, JUMP helps companies
unlock the market and talent potential. It is simply a strategic
and economic priority.
Our founder Isabella Lenarduzzi is an Ashoka fellow.
Ashoka Fellows are leading social entrepreneurs who
are recognised to have innovative solutions to social
problems and the potential to change patterns across
Our mission
Promoting gender equality, advancing the economy
JUMP is the leading social enterprise working with organisations and individuals to close the
gap between women and men at work, achieve sustainable corporate performance and
create a more equal society. Our solutions
JUMP Eco-System
JUMP solutions linked with the Gender equality Ecosystem by McKinsey
in their « Women Matter 2012 report: Making the breakthrough in Belgium. »
The JUMP Academy offers organisations customised workshops to drive their diversity
networks, boost their female talent pool and train their managers in gender equality.
The JUMP Forum is an annual event in Brussels and Paris dedicated to boosting gender
equality at work and advancing women’s careers.
The JUMP Blog is a multilingual web platform and e-newsletter with inspiring tips and
corporate best practices to empower women and advance their careers.
The Wo.Men@Work Award rewards the executive manager who works hardest to achieve
gender equality at work.
The JUMP Hub is the network of corporate diversity officers dedicated to the exchange of
best practices on gender equality at work.
JUMP Studies analyse women, men and corporate practices on gender equality to provide
models for change.
For your purpose of
• increasing your own knowledge on corporate equality management
• branding and networking toward the HR community
The Gender Equality Hub is the JUMP programme for corporate gender diversity officers and
• Build a community of committed companies
• A tight-knit diversity officers and ambassador’s network that connects companies
leading to collaboration and innovation across industries
• Lunch and learn interactive workshops per year to share best practices and discuss
common challenges
• Each topic is introduced by a European expert - our content advisor and moderator is
Marc Timmerman from Axiom & Partners
• For 50 persons maximum (1 to 3 persons per company)
• In English (everybody can speak its own language)
• A private LinkedIn group with summing up of the best articles and reports on gender
diversity + discussion platform
Past sessions:
3 December 2013 – Hosted by Coca Cola Enterprises
Gender indicators: the first step to implement a gender equality action plan!
Our experts: o Aniela Unguresan, Edge (Zürich), Gender Equality Project
o Anne Laure Humbert, European Institute for Gender Equality (Vilnius), Gender
Equality Index
18 February 2014 – Hosted by Sodexo Belgium
How to create and manage a successful internal or external women network
• Jean-Michel Monnot, Vice-Président, Directeur de la Diversité Europe
• Laurence Einsweiler, Legal Director, Pfizer Belgium
• Claire Godding, Head of Diversity, BNP Paribas Fortis
• Sarah Van Brabant, Human Capital Specialist, Belgacom
• Veerle Naets, Business Manager Technical Parts,Total Petrochemicals
25 June 2014 – Hosted by Microsoft Belgium (Zaventem)
The Mentoring golden rules: matching, training and monitoring
• Inge Ginee, Director WW Licensing and Pricing at Microsoft with
responsability for diversity within her segment
• Laurence Einsweiler, Legal Director, Pfizer Belgium
• Veerle Depauw & Alona Lyubayeva, Vlaamse Overheid with responsability for
• Sara Goyens, Learning & Development Manager, Deloitte Belgium
• Pinuccia Contino, WIL (Women in Leadership)
Future session :
30 September 2014 from 12:00 to 15:30
Hosted by Selor (Brussels Center)
How to secure Gender neutrality in Talent Review Committees and Talent
• How can biases and other subjective evaluations be avoided or remediated in
the succession planning ?
• How can Talent Review committees be instrumental to more diversity ? How
do best practices look like ?
• Psychometrics, assessments and gender neutrality.
• Vincent Van Malderen, SELOR
« Genderneutraliteit en diversiteit vormen al jaren een speerpunt voor Selor.
Dat vertaalt zich voor alle kandidaten in een gelijke behandeling en een gelijke
toegang tot de verschillende producten en diensten, in het bijzonder tot de
selectie, rekrutering en development-programma’s. Door objectieve, evidencebased procedures, aangepaste voorzieningen en positieve acties maakt Selor
deze doelen waar. Specifiek voor gender vertaalt dit zich o.a. in een actieve
screening op genderproblematiek van testen (zowel bij aankoop als eigen
ontwikkeling), onderzoek voeren naar een mogelijk gendereffect op selecties
voor managementjobs, gerichte communicatie, een evenwichtige jury
samenstellen bij (top)selecties, het Top Skills development-programma voor
vrouwen, enzovoort. De opgedane knowhow deelt Selor graag met
organisaties en bedrijven die deze principes willen toepassen (bv. in een
talent review process of committee). »
Laure Waegemans, R&D Section head Procter & Gamble
Our content advisor and moderator:
Marc Timmerman, Managing Partner at Axiom Consulting Partners
With more than 20 years executive and consulting experience, Marc
Timmerman combines deep insight with real-world operational
experience to develop practical yet high-impact HR and Talent
Management solutions. Marc has a particular interest in working
with multinational organisations to address challenges in the fields
of talent management strategy, HR effectiveness, high potential
identification, leadership development, talent engagement,
competency management, talent identification, succession planning
and diversity management
Order form: JUMP Hub
Invoice details:
1 session
= 250€/person
x ………… person(s)
= € …………….
- 25% for companies under 250 employees
= € ……………….
- 40% for companies under 50 employees
= € ……………….
Total amount
= € ………………. +TVA
Total including VAT (if applicable)
= € ……………….
I have read and accepted the general terms and conditions available on
This order is valid only after receipt and confirmation by email, fax or post.
Date and signature:
Please send this document by fax to 0032 (2) 346 79 00 or e-mail to