Cosmetic body and facial classical massage

Sintija Strautina- Strele, Linda Zeltina
CIDESCO International Riga School of Cosmetics,
Riga, 2011 – 2013
Project implementation
 November 2011 - initial presentation of the methodological
material «Face and body classical cosmetic massage».
November 2011 - February 2012 - analysis, additions,
improvement, translation of the methodological material
into English.
February 2012 - August 2012 - processing the
methodological material, adding visual aids.
August 2012 - meeting with Estonian colleagues.
September 2012 - additions from Estonian colleagues,
amendments, supplements to the methodological material;
preparation of the presentation material.
 A Gmail shared account has been created. The following
documents currently in progress are stored in this account:
 Cosmetic body and facial classical massage;
 Practical aspects of the anti-age therapy in cosmetology
Innovative technologies in cosmetology;
 Anti-cellulite massage;
 Relaxing and regenerating procedure for men with the
products of the company BABOR.
 In order to be granted access to the documents, the
teachers involved in the project need to create and submit
their Gmail account email addresses.
 Every school uses their own colour to amend the Gmail
shared account documents:
 Estonia uses red colour,
 Finland uses green colour,
 Latvia uses blue colour.
«Face and body classical cosmetic massage»
contents :
 History of massage
 Effect of massage
 Indications for a cosmetic classical body massage
 Contraindications for a cosmetic classical body
 Body analysis and assessment sheet
 Constitutional types of the body
 Postural deviations
 Requirements to beautician for performance of
 Cient’s preparation for a massage
 Right posture
 5 basic massage techniques: stroking (effleurage),
friction, kneading (petrissage), percussion
(tapotement), vibration.
 Massage finishing stage
 Recommendations before and after massage
 Cosmetic facial massage
 location of the facial muscles;
 location of lymph node groups, direction of lymph flow;
 Langer’s lines;
 fixation places, their anatomic location.
 Indications of the cosmetic classical massage;
 Preparation of face and décolleté area for
 Preconditions to be observed prior and during the
 Contraindications;
 Massage techniques/methods used in the
cosmetic facial classical massage;
 Hand training.
Thank you for your attention!