5-Step Problem Solving Plan (1)

5-Step Problem Solving Plan
(1) Understand
a) Read the problem carefully
b) What does the problem want to know?
c) What facts are given?
(2) Organize
a) Choose a variable for the unknown
b) Express all other unknowns in terms of that
(3) Analyze
a) Decide what operations you will use and in what
b) Write an equation
(4) Solve
(5) Check
a) Did I answer the question in Step 1?
b) Does my answer make sense?
Phillip has $23 more than Kevin. Together they have $187. How
much does each have?
What does the problem want to know?
How much does each one have?
What facts are given?
Phillip has $23 more than Kevin.
Together they have $187.
Choose a variable for the unknown.
k = Kevin’s amount
k + 23 = Phillip’s amount
Write an equation.
k + (k + 23) = 187
2k + 23 = 187
So, Kevin has $82 and
2k = 164
Phillip has $105.
k = 82
Did I answer the question in step 1?
Does my answer make sense?
An oil painting is 16 years older than a watercolor by the
same artist. The oil painting is also three times older than
the watercolor. How old is each?
How old is each?
The oil painting is 16 years older than the watercolor.
The oil painting is three times older than the watercolor.
w = watercolor’s age
w + 16 = oil painting’s age
3w = oil painting’s age
w + 16 = 3w
16 = 2w
The watercolor is 8 years old.
The oil painting is 24 years old.
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