garrett peck

3 Famous
By:Garrette Peck
Basic info over Aryabhatta
 He was born on 478
 He died on 550
 He was born in ashmaka & kusumapura (india)
 While Europe was in its early Dark Age, Aryabhatta
advanced arithmetic, algebra, elementary analysis, and
especially trigonometry, using the decimal system.
 Aryabatta Is sometimes called the father of algebra.
Great accomplishments of
 The accomplishment was the Aryabhatta Algorithm, it
was the connection to continue fractions for solving
Diophantine equations.
 Aryabhatta made several important discoveries in
astronomy; for example, his estimate of he Earth’s
circumference was more accurate than any achieved in
anceint Greece.
Picture of Aryabhatta
Christiaan Huygens
 He was born on 1629
 He died on 1695
 He was born in Holland, France
Info on Christiaan Huygens
 He was second only to Newton as the greatest
mechanist of his era
 He was much more famous for his physical theories
and inventions
 He developed laws of motion before newton
 Such as the inverse square law of gravitation
 Also the centripetal force
 And last the treatment of solid bodies rather than point
Christiaan’s greatest
 Huygens is famous for his inventions of clocks and
 He invented the escapement and other mechanisms
 With that invention, it lead to the first reliable pendulim
 He also built the first balance spring watch
Christiaan being a astronomer
 He discovered titan and was first to properly describe
Saturn’s rings and the orion Nebula
 He also designed but never built, an internal
combustion engine
Picture of Christaan Huygens
Florence Eliza Allen
Basic information
 She was born on October 4, 1876 in Horicon,
 She died on December 31, 1960
Information on Florence Eliza
 She received her undergrduate and master degrees at
the university of Wisconsin in 1900 and 1901
 In 1907 she became the second woman to receive a
Ph.D. in mathematics
Inventions of the Florence
Eliza Allen
 Her thesis was entitled, the cycle involutions of third
order determined by nets of curves of deficiency
0,1,qnd 2
 It was published in the Quarterly journal of
Picture of Florence Eliza Allen
My sources