Phanariot Rule in Moldova and Wallachia

• Greece was part of Turkish Ottoman Empire for approx
400 years, 15th - 19th c
• Phanariot Greeks in Constantinople were powerful
merchants. They also served as officials and
interpreters and gained some control over Turkish
foreign policy
• At the beginning of the 18th century, the Ottomans no
longer trusted Romanian rulers. Phanariot princes
were chosen to rule in Moldova and Wallachia.
Characteristics of Phanariot Rule
 Lasted throughout the entire 18th century
 Phanariot rule was characterized by
increased political and economic
dependence on the Ottoman Empire. The
Ottomans acquired a commercial monopoly
over the principalities.
Characteristics of Phanariot Rule
 Phanariot rulers were essentially Ottoman
functionaries whose mission was to keep control
over Moldova and Wallachia
 Rulers changed frequently and many Phanariots
saw their time in office as an opportunity to pursue
personal gain.
 The biggest burden on the population was taxes,
which were greatly increased. This was partly
because the Ottoman Empire was in an economic
crisis and required increasingly larger yearly
Phanariot Reforms (cont.)
 Some Phanariot rulers were enlightened
reformers, such as Grigore III Ghica and
Constantin Mavrocordat. They were concerned
about efficient administration, the organization of
learning, and culture in general. They opened up
Wallachia and Moldova to Western influences
 Frequent change of rulers promoted institutional
uniformity. New legal codes were also introduced.
Ex: Codul Calimachi (1817 Moldova) and Legiuirea
Caragea (1818 Wallachia)