A young carer is

Caring for Young Carers;
improving identification and
A young carer is . . .
“a child or young person
who is carrying out
significant emotional or
physical caring tasks for a
family member who is ill or
disabled and assuming a
level of
responsibility usually
taken on by an adult”
As young as 5, up to 18.
3 million UK children have a
disabled family member – not
all are young carers.
Most children help out sometimes
– but young carers have
responsibilities more usual for
adults. There is often no one else
to take over if they want to stop.
National perspective
• 50,000 children and young people in the UK look after
someone with a mental health problem.
• 920,000 UK children live with an alcohol dependent
• 28% of young carers have serious problems in
secondary school.
• Carers save the UK economy £119 billion per year
• Nearly half of young carers questioned said there was
not a single teacher at their school who knew they were
a young carer
North Tyneside
• 2001 census identified 770 young carers
• Carers UK estimate that this figure is more likely to
be nearer 5,000
• 400 young carers aged 5-18 are known to North
Tyneside Carers’ Centre
• 54% care for a parent
• 29% care for someone with a mental health problem
A young carer does . . .
Intimate caring 18%
Emotional support 82%
Help with bathing & dressing
Staying in, feeling responsible,
Additional child care 11%
On top of other caring roles
General caring 48%
Medication, mobility
Domestic chores 68%
Other 7%
Cooking, shopping, cleaning
Most young carers figures quoted in this presentation are from Young Carers in the UK:
the 2004 report (Dearden and Becker) www.lboro.ac.uk; www.bham.ac.uk
Who they care for …..
Most young
carers look after
their Mum.
About 15% look
after their Dad.
Some care for
Just under a third
care for a brother
or sister, although
many who care
for parents also
take on child care.
A small number of
young carers look
after a grandparent
or someone else.
12% of young carers
look after more than
one person.
Who they care for …..
Half young carers look after
someone with a physical disability
or illness
Often, there is more
than one condition
e.g depression and
alcohol misuse.
Almost a third look
after someone with a
mental illness or
substance misuse
250 000 UK children live with
parental substance misuse.
920 000 have alcoholic parents.
Identifying the needs of
young carers
Jamie’s story
Children’s Voices
Ian’s story
What are the key points in Ian’s story?
When could services have offered
How do we safeguard young people who
are providing high levels or inappropriate
care when they tell us they want to
continue in their caring role?
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre
Young carers’ project
Young Carers’ Activities Worker
Group breaks & clubs
Holiday events & activities
Targeted small group work
Family Support Worker
(substance misuse/mental health)
• One to one support
• Family support; ensuring services
are in place
• Training
• Group work
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre
Young carers’ project
Young carers Exceptional Stories (YES) project
New five year project delivered in partnership with
YMCA North Tyneside
….to bring about long lasting change for young
carers so they can have the same opportunities as
other children and young people
Contact details
Debbie Smart; Young Carers Project Manager
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre
3rd floor YMCA building
Church Way
North Shields