I am a child with autism

I am a child
I am a child with Autism
*Person first language
Autism spectrum disorder
Article 7
Rule 41. Eligibility Criteria
a lifelong developmental disability that includes autistic disorder,
Asperger's syndrome, and other pervasive development disorders,
as described in the current version of the American Psychiatric
Association's Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
The disability is generally evident before three years of age and
significantly affects verbal, nonverbal, or pragmatic
communication and social interaction skills and results in an
adverse effect on the student's educational performance. Other
characteristics often associated include the following:
1. Engagement in:
(A) repetitive activities; and
(B) stereotyped movements
2. Resistance to:
(A) environmental changes; or
(B) change in daily routines.
3. Unusual responses to sensory experiences
Autism spectrum disorder
Article 7
Rule 41. Eligibility Criteria cont.
Autism spectrum disorder does not apply if a student’s educational
performance is adversely affected primarily by:
An emotional disability
Blindness or low vision
A cognitive disability
Unless characteristics of autism spectrum disorder are demonstrated to a
greater degree than is normally attributed to these disabilities.
• Autism is a collection if overlapping
groups of symptoms that vary from child
to child. (Siegel, 1996, p.301)
I am a child with Autism
Repetitive Behaviors
• Intense preoccupation with parts of objects or certain
• Repetitive motor mannerisms
Lining up toys
Hand flapping
Head banging
•Some children engage in these
activities constantly while others tend
to do so when anxious, stressed, or
upset * (L)
Behavior can be extinguished
(with rewards or consequences)
Behaviors can be replaced with
more socially appropriate
Social Interactions
• Lack of imaginary or symbolic play
* Play-dough (L)
• Lack of spontaneity in social interactions
* Script and practice “Good morning”
• Limited interest in social games
• Limited interest in engaging in interactions with others
• Difficulty in developing peer relationships appropriate to
developmental level.
* Babysitter rather that peer
Social Interactions
• Difficulty recognizing emotional states of self and others
* Emotion cards
• Passive
* Can be talked into doing things by peers
* Script and practice
“Stop that. Go tell”
I am a child
I am a child with autism
• The act of thinking
• Cognition shapes the way people process
information and relay understanding
• When a child looks at a
picture and “over
focuses” on one specific
detail to the exclusion of
everything else…tunnel
• For example this picture
of a child’s closet may
be described by a child
with autism as a picture
of Arthur the Aardvark
Visual Learner
• Someone who learns best by watching or
seeing how something is done
• Show me learning
•Schedules *
•Choice boards
•Social Stories *
•Story and picture
cards *
Focused attention
• Focused attention on a specific activity or
• May last for a long time if not interrupted
• Can be very difficult to interrupt
Rote memory
•May repeat the entire script of a movie
or video
•May recall specific dates
•May be able to name all of the streets in
the neighborhood *
• It is important to remember that autism, particularly in
the area of cognition, is characterized by uneven rather
than simply delayed development.
• This means that is common for a child with ASD to
show "splinter" skills, appearing to be highly capable
in some tasks (i.e., math computation) but unable to
follow simple routines independently or carry on a
Concrete Processing
It’s raining cats and dogs!
Run to the restroom.
Hop on the bus.
Take a seat.
Hit the lights.
• Delay in, or total lack of language
Autism Angel
Echolalia - The repetition or echoing
of whole expressions
Echolalia occurs in approximately 85% of
children with autism who eventually develop
• Can be used to learn language
• Can be used to soothe
• Can be used to communicate
• Lack of initiating, and difficulties sustaining
conversation with others
• Inappropriate display and lack of
understanding body language
 Facial expressions, movements and gestures may not
match what they are saying.
 Their tone of voice may fail to reflect their feelings.
Some use a high-pitched sing-song or a flat, robot-like
 This can make it difficult for others know what they
want and need.
 Communication difficulties can lead to frustration and
inappropriate behavior verbally or physically (such as
screaming, grabbing or running)
Processing Time
• Children with autism often need A Lot of
time to process information.
• Giving them that time can often prevent
a melt down!
• Patience, Patience, Patience
I am a child
I am a child with autism
Meet Temple Grandin
Autism and Sensory Issues
• The brain needs sensory information
• Our brain organizes information that is
received through sound, vision, smell,
taste, touch and movement
• Children with Autism usually react
differently to sensory input
• Children with autism may have issues
with one or all of the sensory systems
• Children with autism can be
sensory seekers
sensory avoiders
Sensory overload demo
Sound Sensitivity Clues
Sound Avoiders
Tries to escape from noises
Puts hands over ears
Hears sounds you do not even notice (like
buzzing from florescent lights)
Becomes upset by sirens or other loud
Sound Sensitivity Clues
• Sound Seekers
Makes sounds, like humming, to block out
other sounds
Seeks noises (H lawn mower)
Does not respond to certain sounds or name
being called
What can you do?
Talk softly and slow down
Use sound blocking headphones
Use soft music or other “good sounds” to block
out bad sounds
Have a quiet place available
Pay attention to the sounds around you and see
if you can identify any possible irritating
sounds…applause, crowd noise, gym or
cafeteria noise, fire alarms
Please keep in mind
• Unexpected sounds can be frightening
• A child with autism may run from
distressing sounds
• Sound sensitivity can be painful
Visual Sensitivity Clues
• Visual avoiders
May be upset in cluttered places
May be upset in bright lights or sunlight
May be upset around florescent lighting
Visual Sensitivity Clues
• Visual Seekers
May seek bright colors
May flick or spin objects in front of eyes
May stare at bright lights or moving objects
What can you do?
Do not insist on eye contact (but do require the
person to look in your direction)
Try and keep the environment as plain as
possible or at least provide a clutter free wall.
Let the child with autism look out of the
corner of his/her eyes.
What else can you do?
Do not put instructional material near your
face (too much visual input).
If possible, do not use florescent lighting
If they are seekers, provide visual
stimulation…a fish tank, kaleidoscope, spinner
or mobile, etc
Use visual schedules and calendars and photos
for seekers
Smell Sensitivity Clues
• Smell avoiders
Breathes through mouth
Avoids cooking smells
Covers nose
Get upset around strong smells like
cleaning supplies, perfumes, bathroom
odors *
Smell Sensitivity Clues
• Smell seekers
Sniffs objects and people
Holds things up to the nose
Goes toward strong aromas
What can you do?
Try not to use scented products for avoiders
Keep the environment as clean as possible
Try to cover a bad smell with a good one on a
handkerchief or give the child a tic tac
For seekers, provide a variety of scents like
lotions, spices, air fresheners, scented markers,
Please keep in mind
• Smell sensitivity is difficult. There are smells
• Smells can affect behavior
• A child with autism may be so uncomfortable
with the smell of urine or bowel movements,
they may put off going to the restroom for as
long as possible *
Taste Sensitivity Clues
• Taste avoiders
Only eats certain foods
Will not mix foods or eat casseroles
• Taste seekers
May prefer strong flavors and spices
May like to dip food in sauces
May lick or chew non-food items
What can you do?
Offer a variety of foods
Check for smells in the room that may make it
hard to eat
Think about texture and temperature
(sometimes they cannot tell when food is too
Offer safe alternatives to replace inappropriate
licking or chewing (gum, mint, hard candy,
Touch Sensitivity Clues
• Touch avoiders
May hit or withdraw when touched
May have problems with haircuts or
combing hair
• Touch Seekers
May not feel pain easily
May look for rough surfaces
May look for physical contact *H
What can you do?
Never tickle a child with autism
Be aware of clothes…they may be too
stiff or scratchy. Look for tags in clothes
Don’t touch the child without warning
Use a firm but gentle touch…light touch
is often more uncomfortable
Movement Sensitivity Clues
• Movement avoiders
May be frightened going down stairs or on
uneven surfaces
May prefer to sit to avoid physical activity
• Movement seekers
May jump, bounce, pace, rock or twirl
May be very active
What can you do?
Provide support. Let them know you are there
to help
Practice new activities when they are calm
Be prepared for them to bolt if you put them in
a situation that is scary for them
If they are seekers, give movement breaks
Provide physical work as part of a task
Please keep in mind
• Challenging behaviors may occur if the child
with autism is not getting enough movement
• Provide creative opportunities for movement
such as:
 Jumping on a rebounder
 Swinging
 Sit-n-spin
 Moving books or weighted objects
I am a child
I am a child with autism
10 things every child
with autism wishes
you knew