Information Night 2012 - Colonel By Secondary School


Information Night 2012

Colonel By

Colonel By currently has 1115 students

Colonel By's IB program makes up about 55% of the school population

The school is non-semestered, meaning students take eight courses year round

We offer both an English and French Immersion program

The school has achieved quite a bit of success and acclaim for its programs and achievements in different fields


Colonel By is generally regarded as a strong academic school within Ottawa and has been graded favourably by several different groups

A Colonel By student has had either the highest, or second highest average in the

OCDSB for the past four years

Many of our students are on the honour roll

(over 80% average), and many receive silver medals (over 90%)

Students also perform far above the world average in their IB Diploma scores


Colonel By has been a consistent top achiever in athletics, being either first or second in the

Ottawa Citizen sports rankings for the past 5 years

We compete in nearly every competition sanctioned by the NCSSAA, and are very successful

Many of the coaches are teachers who have extremely strong backgrounds in sport, including at the Olympic level

Chances are, if it is not a sanctioned sport, we have a club for that sport


Colonel By is very in touch with the local and world community around it

We normally log the highest amount of community service hours within the OCDSB

Our caring contributes to, among many things, the Gloucester Food Bank, the Hospice at May

Court locally, and building and maintaining girls schools in Africa globally

Colonel By’s community is Ottawa

The IB Program: A Brief Explanation

The IB Diploma Program is a 2 year course of study that formally begins in grades 11 and 12

Grades 9 & 10 are “pre-IB”, years and are offered at an enriched level in key subject areas

9 & 10 are crucial preparatory years where skills are developed

The program has an educational philosophy that is concerned with the development of the whole student in multiple areas

A Program for a Globalized World

The IB Diploma Program is internationally recognized

There are currently 3,484 schools in 143 countries in the world that offer the IB program and 2 368 DP schools

There are just over one million students in the world taking part in IB

In fact, the IB program is the fastest growing education program in the world and opens international avenues

Colonel By is one of the largest full diploma schools in

Canada and North America, as well as one of the most successful

Group 1 – Studies in Language and


English A

Intense focus on formal literary analysis

Students develop commentary skills which set them apart at university

These skills focus on literary analysis and finding meaning in methods of writing rather than plot

Group 2 – Language Acquisition

IB promotes the need for students to be able to communicate in different languages in our increasingly globalized world

French A

Designed as a course for immersion/fluent speakers of the language

French B

Core French for the student who has had exposure to the language, but is not fluent

Spanish B

A beginner course that also challenges students with some exposure to the language

Group 3 – Individuals and Societies


Focus on research and analysis of primary documents supplemented by the study of secondary sources


Focus on developing an understanding of the interrelationships between people, places and the environment

Information Technology in a Global Society

Focus on the role that IT plays in our world and its applications in solving world problems

Group 4 – Sciences




The focus in all three of the sciences is upon lab work and the practical application of scientific data, concepts, and terminology

Colonel By is one of the few IB Diploma schools in the world which offers all three major sciences

Group 5 – Mathematics

Math Studies

Meant for a student who is pursuing a Liberal Arts degree at university

Typically completed in Grade 11

Math Standard Level

Comparable to MHF4U and MCV4U with some extra material

Math Higher Level

Contains all of Math SL, but with greater depth to the investigation and an emphasis on more theoretical and pure math concepts (university math)

Group 6 – The Arts

Visual Art

Focus on the development of artistic skills, but increasingly asking students to apply their skills to cross-curricular areas


Promotes synthesis-thinking while developing group playing skills


Focus on the appreciation and development of film; students eventually produce their own short film

Core Requirements

C.A.S. - Creative, Action, Service

Students contribute 50 hours in each of these three areas in different activities for a total of

150 hours

It is a core belief of the program that the learning that students do outside of the classroom is as important as what happens inside the classroom

Promotes student well-roundedness and encourages students to take risks and develop new skills

Extended Essay

A research paper, maximum 4000 words

Subject and topic are chosen by the student

Work on the essay begins in the latter half of the grade 11 year and culminates in the grade

12 year

Students develop the skills for this paper throughout IB

Students are supported in the undertaking of the paper by their Teacher-Supervisor

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

Unique to the IB program

Challenges students to think about how they know what they know

The threads of this course weave through the entirety of the IB program and elements are found within each IB course

Each group within the IB Circle is considered within a ToK lens

Grade 9 IB Life

A typical grade 9 schedule might consist of the following: English 1DE, Math 1DE, Science

1DE, Geography 1DE, Physical Education,

Technology, French 1DE, Drama

Students will have four of those subjects every other day

Students will likely have homework in those classes :)

Many of our grade 9 students are involved in school activities, be it a club, student council, or athletics, either before or after school

Why IB?

Skills Development: Put simply, IB pushes students to become excellent in the art of time management

University recognition: every university in

North America will give a first year credit to students who achieve over 80% in a higher level IB course; some universities, notably

McGill, will put you directly into second year

Success at University: UBC's research indicates that a student who has shown the ability to just pass the diploma will perform as well as an 80% provincial graduate in 1 st year

University Admissions

“IB is well known to us for excellent preparations. Success in an IB programme correlates well with success at Harvard. We are always pleased to see the credentials of the IB Diploma Programme on the transcript.”

— Marilyn McGrath Lewis, Director of Undergraduate Admission Harvard


“Send us prepared students a la IB…It is the “best” high school prep curriculum an American school can offer.”

— Marilee Jones, Former Director of Undergraduate Admission,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

“One of the advantages of an IB curriculum is its structure and quality.

It is a coordinated programme, well established, well known and well respected. We know the quality of IB courses, and we think the IB curriculum is terrific.”

— Christoph Guttentag, Director of Undergraduate Admission, Duke


But, the most important reason...

....often goes beyond the percentage grades, beyond the scholarship dollars, and beyond the opportunities

It is about students being able to go into first year university and have a worry-free, stressfree transition into what can be a very stressful time

The Application Process

Application reflects a desire for a well-rounded student

Required documents for the Application Portfolio

– A Colonel By IB Application Form

– A Colonel By IB Option Sheet (available 11/22)

– The grade 7 FINAL report card

– The grade 8 progress report

– A sample of their best written work from English class

– A grade 9 transcript if applying for grade 10

– A feeder school grade 8 or grade 9 Teacher

Commentary Form returned in a signed, sealed envelope, or sent through Board mail

CAT (Canadian Achievement Test)

– Registrations prior to and following this session outside in the cafeteria and cost $20

– Students will sit for one of the test dates, either

January 9 th @ 4:30pm or January 12 th @ 9:00am

Scores are then combined together; students who are not successful in the first round are wait-listed in rank order after this

All applications are reviewed under the supervision of the principal and IB Coordinator with collaboration from different departments within the school

Applications are due back in the Main Office at

Colonel By from December 11 th – December 13 th

CAT Registration

Registration for the CAT will take place in the cafeteria

All forms are available at
