Marketing Plan for Adidas

Ashlee Davis
We are a multinational sporting brand
focused on providing the highest quality
sporting equipment as well as luxury items
for men and women all over the World.
Generally sportsmen and women as well as
general sporting enthusiasts.
We also offer luxury items for consumers who
are only looking for the brand name and not
specifically for sporting purposes.
We aim to become the number one
manufacturer of sporting equipment in the
Overcome Nike as the most popular sporting
brand in the World.
Establish a permanent brand loyalty among
our customers.
Shift the balance of power between Nike and
Adidas as it currently lies in the balance.
Asses the strengths and weaknesses of Nike
and Puma and use their customer feedback to
strengthen our own customer service.
Adidas controls nearly a quarter of the global
athletic footwear and apparel markets (22%).
Nike is just ahead controlling 33% of the
global market.
By increasing the loyalty and exclusivity of
our consumers to our brand we will surpass
Nike in these figures.