Ares - Gedrich9

By: Anthony Vanchieri
2nd Period Language Arts
 Ares is the God of War of the Olympian Period.
Ares Background
 Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera. He lived in
He was not married, but had many love affairs with
goddesses and mortals.
He had 3 children, Deimos, Phobos, and Harmonia
with Aphrodite.
He also had a daughter, Cecrops, with Alcippe.
Ares was the handsome god of war, battle lust, civil
order, and courage. He was known as “Mars” to the
Romans and the “Maruts” in Indian mythology, which
meant the grinder or crusher.
Ares Claim to Fame
 Ares liked the roar of battles, the slaughter of men and was the destroyer of truths.
 Some of his strengths were; his decisive, determined, and fearless. Ares used bold force
and strength and he was considered murderous and bloodstained. The gods disliked
 Some weaknesses were; impulsive, bloodthirsty, quick-tempered, jealous outbursts, and
cowardly, as displayed by him running away and roaring like that of 9 to 10 thousand
warriors when injured. Ares changed sides frequently and took pleasure in plaguing men
with illness and epidemics.
 Some of Ares companions in war were: his twin sons, Deimos (god of Terror), Phobos
(god of Fear), his sister Eris (goddess of Strife and Hatred), and his two lesser war
companions, Enylalius and Enyo.
 Some of his enemies included; Hephaestus, Adonis, Diomedes, Aloadia. Artemis,
Athena, and Halirrhothios.
 Ares had an adulterous affair with Aphrodite and was publically humiliated by
Hephaestus. He killed Adonis for Aphrodite’s love. He transformed Kadmos and
Harmonia into serpents. He battled Heracles and Kyknos. He supported the Amazones,
warrior daughters of the god. He was captured by the Aloadai, two giants that
imprisoned him in a bronze jar for 13 months until freed by Hermes. He caused
mythological wars such as the Trojan War where Diomedes injured him with the help of
Ares Downfall
 Ares wrath and punishment occurred when he killed
the Athenian youth, Halirrhothosis, as punishment for
raping his daughter Alkippe.
 Ares was acquitted by the 12 gods in the court of
Areopagos, also called the hill of Ares.
 It was called the hill of Ares because he was the first to
be tried here.
Ares Tales
 Ares was included in poems such as; the Iliad and the Odyssey.
Ares has been included in many myths too, such as, Ares and the
Giant Echidnades; Ares and the War of the Gigantes; Ares and
the Giant Typhoeus; Ares and the Criminal Sisyphus; and Ares
and the Feast of the Gods.
Hyms about Ares are; The Homeric Hymn 8 and Orphic Hymn
65. Ares is mentioned in Ovid, Heroides, Seneca, and Phaeadra.
Ares is described in art as both old and young, a nude warrior,
bearded, always with a spear, wears a helmet, with a dog and
vulture in his company.
In Modern Mythology, he was the “Villain” in the video game
series “God of War.”
Ares is the name of NASA’s transport ship, too.
Ares Pictures
Work Cited
 Atsma, A.. "Ares: Greek God of War." Greek mythology. Theoi Project, 2011. Web. 21 Mar
2012. <>.
 . N.p., 2011. Web. 21 Mar 2012. <>.
 Atsma, A. J.. "ARES GOD OF WAR." Theoi. Theoi Project, 2000. Web. 21 Mar 2012.
 . "Ares God of War in Greek Mythology." greek gods and goddesses. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar
2012. <>.
 Hunt, J.M.. "The Olympians." . N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar 2012.
 Ares. 2011. Camp Half Blood - The Cabins: Cabin 5 (Ares). Web. 21 Mar. 2012.
 Ares and Aphrodite. 2010.
Web. 21 Mar. 2012.
 Ares. Http:// Web. 21 Mar. 2012.
 Louvre Treasures on Show in Beijing. 2007. The Louvre, Beijing, China.
Http:// Ed. Nie Peng.
2009. Web. 21 Mar. 2012.