Novel Stars Academic Course Descriptions

Math Classes
Algebra I A and B: (1 Credit)
 Represents a comprehensive study of all of the concepts of Algebra I required to meet state academic
standards. With multiple opportunities for practice and review, students will easily master skills ranging
from variables, linear equations, quadratic equations, function notation, and exponential functions.
Homework assignments in addition to self-check practice problems found throughout each lesson
reinforce the carefully guided instruction of the course. Enrichment activities invite students to explore
connections between the concepts they have just learned and more advanced mathematical concepts or
real-world applications. Math games and interactive graphs that students can manipulate to solve
problems engage students in the learning process and strengthen their understanding of algebraic
theory. (30 lessons and submissions, 4 exams)
Integrated Math A and B: (1 credit)
 This course provides an introduction to the concepts of Algebra I and Geometry. It covers linear
equations, graphing lines, quadratic equations, function notation, rational expressions and equations,
mathematical thinking, points, lines and planes, rays and angles, two column proofs, parallel lines,
congruent triangles, inequalities, quadrilaterals, similarity, trigonometric relations, polygons and circles,
geometric solids, coordinate geometry, graphing equations, counting and probability, and data analysis.
Geometry A and B: (1 credit)
 A comprehensive examination of geometric concepts designed to increase student understanding over
time. Each lesson provides thorough explanations and builds on prior lessons. Step-by-step instruction
and multiple opportunities for self check practice develop skills and confidence in students as they
progress through the course. Animations, which allow students to manipulate angles or create shapes,
such as triangles, engage students in learning and enhance mastery. Labs extend comprehension by
giving students hand-on experiences. (21 lessons and submissions, 4 exams, 2 labs)
Math Classes Cont……
TestPak Math: (1 Credit)
 Integrated Math: Reviews the concepts found in Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II and
includes units on probability and statistics
○ Mathematics: Problem Solving
Mathematics: General Principles
Algebra II A and B: (1 credit)
 Extends the algebraic functions learned in Algebra I by bringing in concepts of linear,
quadratic, and simultaneous equations; laws of exponents; progression; binomial theorems;
and logarithms. Prerequisite – Successful completion of Algebra I and at least one semester
of Geometry (35 lessons and submissions, 4 exams)
Pre-Calculus A and B: (1 credit)
 Pre-Calculus is a full-credit course that builds on algebraic concepts to prepare students for
calculus. The course begins with a review of basic algebraic concepts and moves into
operations with functions. Students will manipulate functions and their graphs. Pre-Calculus
also provides a detailed look at trigonometric functions, their graphs, the trigonometric
identities, and the unit circle. Finally, students will be introduced to polar coordinates,
parametric equations, and limits. (29 lessons and submissions, 4 exams)
Science Classes
Biology A and B: (1 credit)
 The 2010 version of high school Biology comprises units on ecology, cells, genetics, diversity of life,
and human physiology. Within the units are multiple lessons that allow students to develop a clear
understanding of the sometimes complex concepts at the root of life science. Students are kept
engaged by a series of regular components such as “A Closer Look,” which adds to the lesson
content by correcting common misconceptions, using science to explain mythology, or suggesting
other activities and topics for students to consider. “Think About It” sections pose questions to
encourage students to reflect on the role of science in their lives and future, and labs offer
opportunities for students to have hands-on experience with the concepts presented in previous
lessons. Each lesson is complete in and of itself, but the concepts build on each other as the course
progresses. Animations and interactive graphic elements keep students actively involved in the
learning process. (30 lessons and submissions, 4 exams, 4 labs)
Physical Science A and B:
 (1 credit) The new edition eliminates the need for a separate textbook and provides numerous
improvements over version one. In addition to units on physics and chemistry, the natural sciences
that deal with non-living energy and matter, Version Two extends the study of inanimate matter to
topics in astronomy and geology and broadens the student’s understanding of the states of matter by
applying them to weather and atmosphere. Each lesson concludes with a real world application of the
lesson content so that students will come away from their study able to explain how that aspect of
physical science affects their lives or the world about them. Many lessons provide a Try This side-bar
section, with hands-on application of the content. (25 lessons and submissions, 4 exams)
Science Classes Cont…..
Earth Science A and B: (1 credit)
 Surveys basic physical sciences such as geology, biology, meteorology,
oceanography, astronomy, botany, and physics and their impact on the earth and its
processes. Students are guided to a better understanding of how the earth and the
universe are structured. (34 lessons and submissions, 6 labs, 4 exams)
Chemistry A and B: (1 credit)
 Covers chemical theory, descriptive chemistry, and the changes in matter and its
properties. Students learn how to classify the different states of matter as well as
how atoms and compounds are structured. Additional areas of discussion include
chemical energetics, measurements, bonding, stoichiometry, ionization,
hydrocarbons, oxidation and reduction. Simple lab experiments are required. (33
lessons and submissions, 14 labs, 4 exams)
Physics A and B: (1 credit)
 Introduces students to the physics of motion, properties of matter, force, heat,
vector, light, and sound. Students learn the history of physics from the discoveries
of Galileo and Newton to modern-day physicists. The course focuses more on
explanation than calculation and will prepare the student for introductory
quantitative physics at the college level. Additional areas of discussion include
gases and liquids, atoms, electricity, magnetism, and nuclear physics. (24 lessons
and submissions, 4 exams)
Social Studies Classes
Geography A and B: Comprehensive (1 credit)
 This course offering builds upon Geography: An Introduction, which was released during the 2008
term. The comprehensive study expands the lessons in the introductory course with case studies
focusing on specific (and current) geography issues around the globe. Like the half-credit
introduction, this newest geography course also includes a number of interactive maps as well as
animations that enhance student understanding.
US History (American) A and B: (1 credit)
 Examines the founding and development of the United States from the start of European
exploration and settling of the original colonies to how they grew and became a powerful united
nation. Topics covered include the pre-colonial cultures of Indigenous peoples, the arrival and
impact of Europeans in North America, the Revolutionary War, Manifest Destiny, the Civil War, the
Industrial Revolution, the United States in the 20th Century, and the influence of immigration on
American society and culture. Also incorporated are instruction in the development of economics,
politics, society, and the culture of America. (23 lessons and submissions, 4 exams)
Social Studies Classes Cont…..
Global Studies A:
In this semester-long course, students study human events from the first use of
agriculture 15,000 years ago through the end of the French Revolution in 1815.
Included are lessons on the ancient civilizations of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the
Americas. Later lessons examine the great periods of global exploration and
expansion, as well as scientific discovery. Also studied are the revolutions in England,
America, and France. Another course, World History Since 1815, continues from 1815
to the present. (20 lessons and submissions, 2 exams)
Global Studies B: This semester-long course follows human history from the end of
the French Revolution until the present day. Topics covered before the midterm include
the Industrial Revolution, the African and Asian colonial experience, the rise of
European Nationalism, and the horrors of World War I. In the second half students read
about the rise of totalitarian ideologies of Fascism and Communism, World War II, the
Cold War, Post-Colonial Africa, the Rise of Asian Economies, and the Global War on
Terror. We recommend that students take this course after completing our World
History Before 1815 course, but it can be taken as an independent course. For states
where a full credit is earned for study of the time period covered in this course,
teachers may easily supplement the lessons with special projects and research
assignments to meet the requirement for additional instructional time. (19 lessons and
submissions, 2 exams)
Social Studies Classes Cont…..
American Government A and B: (1 credit)
 Introduces students to a comprehensive survey of the operation and development of federal,
state, county and city governments. The course examines all aspects of government: its statute
making, diplomacy, labor policies, public finance, and the contrasts between national, state and
local levels of government. Topics emphasize the branches of government, the checks and
balance system of the national government, the separation of power, and the role of the
government in promoting the interests of the people and involving itself in current topics. Other
areas of discussion include the Constitution; civil rights and equality; the legislative, judicial and
executive branches; the Federal Reserve System, and foreign policy. (24 lessons and
submissions, 4 exams)
Economics A and B: (1 credit)
 Introduces students to how decisions are made in the four areas of production. Topics include
saving, spending, and borrowing; the law of supply and demand, the Federal Reserve System;
sources of money supply; and how the government plays a unique role in an open market
economy. (20 lessons and submissions, 4 exams)
Language Arts Classes
English I A and B: (1 credit)
 Introduces the elements of writing demonstrated in poems, short stories, plays, and essays.
Grammar skills are enhanced by the study of sentence structure and style and by student
composition of paragraphs and short essays. Topics include narration, exposition, description,
argumentation, punctuation, usage, spelling, and sentence and paragraph structure. (36 lessons
and submissions, 4 exams)
TestPak English: (1 credit)
 Comprehensive English: Reviews the language arts skills typically covered in the first three years
of English including language usage and mechanics, reading comprehension and writing.
○ Language Arts: Reading Comprehension
Language Arts: Language Usage
Language Arts: Writing
○ 6 Supplemental Writing Assignments
Language Arts Classes Cont.
American Literature A and B: (1 credit)
 Surveys American authors and the historical development of literature in America.
The course illustrates how the events in history and the cultural heritage of the
times influenced the work of authors. The ability to analyze literary works is
stressed. Topics include Puritanism, Deism, Neoclassicism, Romanticism,
Transcendentalism, Realism, and Naturalism. (36 lessons and submissions, 4
English Literature A and B: (1 credit)
 Studies British literature in order of the historical time periods and shows the
influence of cultural and historical change on the authors’ themes. Composition
skills are expanded with an emphasis on analyzing literary works. Topics include
Chaucer and the Middle Ages, Shakespeare, the Cavalier Poets, and the Romantic,
Victorian and Modern eras. (34 lessons and submissions, 4 exams) *Requires
Shakespeare's Henry V