iPad implementation package

This package has been adapted by Student Services Northern
Territory Department of Education and Training and we would
like to acknowledge the work of the State Government of
Victoria - Department of Education and Early Childhood
Development - iPads for Learning.
The original documentation can be located at
How to use this package
This package has been created to assist schools in implementing an iPad
program in their context. It is aimed specifically at students with special
needs and is best implemented at Special Schools or Special Centres.
However it could be adapted to include other schools.
To navigate your way around the package use the hyperlinks and the
buttons on the bottom of the page. As there are external links within this
package, you will need to ensure you have access to Adobe Reader,
Microsoft Word & the Internet.
Links will open in a web browser window, if you can not see it initially,
press the esc key, minimise the power point and click on the web browser
in the task bar.
Navigate to
Title Page
Navigate to
Contents Page
Why iPads?
There is an increasing amount of research to support the use of digital technology in Special
Education. The use of digital technologies provides opportunities for learners to make
connections, foster collaboration, encourage communication and provide a dynamic repository
(Futurelab, 2009).
The use of iPads has been trialled in various locations across Australia, most significantly in
Victoria at Warringa Park School. This trial showed that iPads had an impact on the improvement
of student learning and student achievement in literacy and numeracy. It also showed that
teachers in special schools were ‘relatively more optimistic about the extent to which using iPads
would enhance student motivation and engagement’ (Use of iPads in Specialist Schools, April
In order to ensure that the iPads are used to ‘reach and teach’ all students, the Universal Design
for Learning (UDL) approach should be taken to ensure that the instructional needs of all learners
are met. This approach is based on brain and media research and looks at selecting appropriate
learning goals, choosing and developing effective methods and materials and developing accurate
and fair ways to assess students’ progress, whilst ensuring that each student is addressed as an
individual with unique needs, interests and abilities. More information can be found at
www.cast.org .
Based on the four phases used in the Victorian trial, the
following phases will be used to structure the program:
Like in the Victorian trial, these phases are
interrelated and are not necessary implemented
in this strict order. The guidelines given throughout
this document can be used when implementing
iPads in a special school setting.
• Current Research
• Vision
• Engage
• Readiness
• Program Plan
• Preferred
• Initial Survey
• Learning places
and spaces
• Support
• Initial Device
• Distribute devices
• Professional
• Parent &
• Review
• Reporting