Student Learning Objectives

Student Learning
Defining SLOS
• A vital component of the Teacher Keys and Leader Keys
Effectiveness System is Student Growth and Academic
Achievement. For teacher of tested subjects, this component
consists of a student growth percentile measure. Tested subjects
include reading, English language arts, mathematics, science, and
social studies for grades 4-8 and all high school courses for which
there is an End-of Course Test (EOCT).
• Non-tested subjects include all courses not listed as tested subjects.
Approximately 70-75% of all teachers teach non-tested subjects for
at least some portion of the instructional day. For teachers of nontested subjects, this component consists of the Georgia Department
of Education (GaDOE)-approved Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
utilizing district-identified achievement growth measures.
What is a Student Learning Objective?
SLOs are…
SLO’s are not….
 Focused on student learning/Are
aligned w/CCGPS or National
 Designed to measure student
growth between two points in time
 Represent the most important
learning for an instructional period
 Serve as evidence of student
learning and illustrate the powerful
impact of teachers on student
 Developed and approved by the
 Approved /edited by GaDOE
 GaDOE developed
assessment measures
 Reflective of student
achievement only
SLOs are SMART Goals
• 50% TAPS
• 50% student Growth and Academic Achievement
Focused on content standards
An appropriate instrument or
measure is selected to assess
Is within the teacher’s control to
effect change
Is feasible for teacher
Time Bound
SLO designate the instructional
Student Learning Objectives
• Student must be enrolled 65% of course
instructional days and have completed a preassessment and post-assessment(Roster
• Teacher must be employed at least 65% of
the Instructional days
• The minimum number is 15 students
Growth Target Sample w/Formula
• From August 2013 to April 2014, 100% of third grade students will improve
their knowledge of vocabulary and comprehension skills as measured by the
Jackson County Schools Third Grade Reading SLO Assessment. Students will
increase from their pre-assessment scores to these post-assessment scores
as follows:
The minimum expectation for individual student growth is based on the formula
which requires each student to grow by increasing his/her score by 50% of
his/her potential growth.
Pre-Assessment Score + [ (100-Pre-Assessment Score) * Potential Growth)] =
Target. Students scoring at least 10 points higher than their target would be
considered exceeding their target.
Example using 40 on a Pre-Assessment :
40 + [(100-40) * .50]
40 + [(60) * .50
40 + [30]=70
A score of 70 is the growth target for the post-assessment (Meets)
A score of 80 denoted exceeding the growth target (Exceeding)
What next?...
• You may be asked to attend the next RESA
meeting Jan 29th on how to write SLOs
• Meeting with like subject teachers in our
RESA districts to write SLOs
• Let Ms. Sims know of any assessments
currently being used that can be used as