unit notes power point

I. Matter:
A. Definition of Matter:_______________________
Anything that has mass and takes up space
B. Three Characteristics of Matter:
Has volume
1. _____________________________________
Has mass
2. _____________________________________
Has density
3. _____________________________________
II. Density Demonstrations:
What is density? Watch the following density
demonstrations carefully. After they are all
completed, choose one or two that you liked
the best and describe (either with words or
pictures in the box below to help you
remember the concept of DENSITY.
A. Based on these above demonstrations and
prior knowledge, write a definition of
“density” in the space below:
B. Pictorial Representation of Density
Lower Density
Higher Density
C. Class Definition of DENSITY:
D. Possible Units for Density
g/mL = gram per milliliter
3 = gram per cubic centimeter
kg/L = kilogram per liter
kg/dm3 = kilogram per cubic decimeter
General Theme = “mass”/ “volume”
E. The Density of Water
1 g/mL or 1 g/cm3
1. An object will FLOAT in water when its
Less than the density of water.
density is __________
2. An object will SINK in water when its density
more than the density of water
is __________
F. Formula For Density
G. Mathematical Density Problems – Class Problem
1. Travel to your lab tables and obtain a diet coke,
regular coke double pan balance and a set of
2. Using the double pan balance, determine the mass
of both cokes and record below:
Mass of Diet Coke: __________________
Mass of Regular Coke:________________
3. Find the volume (in milliliters) by obtaining an
already opened coke container and filling it
completely with water. Then transfer all of this liquid
to a graduated cylinder and make a reading. Use this
amount for the volume of both cans.
Volume of Diet Coke:_______________________
Volume of Regular Coke:____________________
4. Using the density formula, as a team, determine the
density of both cokes. Record your answer below.
Density of Diet Coke: (show work)
Density of Regular Coke: (show work)
5. Knowing what you do about objects placed in water,
as a team, predict what will happen if you place the
UNOPENED coke cans in a container of water.
Prediction with Diet Coke: (justify your answer)
Prediction with Regular Coke: (justify your answer)
6. As a team, travel to the container of water and place
both UNOPENED CANS in the water. DO NOT OPEN
THE CANS. Make observations as to what happened
and compare these observations with your
predictions. If they do not match, than determine
what you did wrong and FIX IT!
Observation with Diet Coke: (relate to prediction)
Observation with Regular Coke: (relate to prediction)
H. Class project- Determining the volume of a
regular shaped object. As a class, we will walk
through the process and learn how we can
find the volume of a regular shaped object.
Using the metric ruler:
Using displacement:
I. Class project- Determining the volume of an
irregular shaped object. As a class, we will
walk through the process and learn how we
can find the volume of a regular shaped
Why can’t we use a metric ruler?
Because the object does not have
measurable sides!
Using displacement:
Sample Density Problems:
1. The density of a substance that will not mix
with water is 0.67 g/ml. When poured into
a graduated cylinder of pure water, will the
substance be on top or below the water
once it settles.
2. The density of corn syrup is 1.38 g/mL. If you
have 36 g of corn syrup, what volume (in mL)
will it occupy?
= 26.09 mL
3. What mass will 220 mL of sea water have?
(density = 1.03 g/mL)
= 226.6 g