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Assessment of Aspergillus flavus and Aflatoxin Production Under Low Oxygen Conditions
Megan A. Dupnik1*, Charles P. Woloshuk2, Greta L. Schuster1, Shad D. Nelson1
1Texas A&M University – Kingsville, Texas and 2Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana
*Corresponding author:
Objective: To evaluate the effect low oxygen containers have on A. flavus. This information will be applied to the production and
storage of corn and other field crops to limit contamination after storage.
Above: An Image of the Purdue Improved Crop Storage bags (PICS)
Above: A Table expressing the rate of toxin production before and after
the experiment as well as the MC before and after,
Kernels colonized with a GFP strain of A.Flavus designed to glow under blacklight.
Above: 24 jars with four different moisture content % .
Mason jars after one month of incubation.
Notice fungal growth 21% and 18%.
Dr. Charles Woloshuk, Jamie Moore and Paty Romano from Purdue University for their support and guidance. Funding supported by the USDA-NIFA Hispanic Serving Institution and the Step-Up grant award #2011-38422-30803 .