Making the most of Assessment Data in the Secondary Years Dr

Making the most of Assessment
Data in the Secondary Years
Dr Robert Clark
Baseline Assessment
Year 7 (8)
Year 9
Year 10 (11)
Computer Adaptive Baseline Test
Non Verbal
What is an Adaptive test ?
All questions allocated to groups of different difficulty
All students in a year group get common difficulty starting question
If answer correct, next question harder
If answer wrong, next question easier
Test looks at all answers in a section and homes in on questions of a
suitable difficulty for student
Try it yourself at
 
Test scores are standardised; Mean = 100, SD = 15
Top 2.5%
Traditional classification of ‘mentally gifted’
Top 10%
Top 30%
Top 50%
Bottom 2.5%
Potential special educational needs ??
Feedback from Baseline Test
• Intake Profiles
• Individual Pupil Records (IPRs)
• Predictions (GCSE)
Individual Pupil
Record Sheets
Look for sections that
are inconsistent
General IPR Patterns
Pupils with high scores across all components
Pupils with low scores across all components
Pupils with significant differences between one or two components
Vocab lower than others
Vocab higher than others
Maths higher than others
Maths lower than others
Non-Verbal higher than others
Non-Verbal lower than others
Low Skills
High Skills
Pupils with high scores across all components
Score > 130 – top 2.5%
Gifted ?
Challenging Work ?
Are they being Stretched ?
Pupils with low scores across all components
Score =70 – bottom 2.5%
Special Educational Needs ?
Specialist testing required ?
Vocab significantly lower than other sections
English Second Language ?
Understanding language used in learning and assessment ?
Language enrichment ?
Vocab significantly higher than other sections
Good Communicator ?
Work in class may not be to this standard
→ Weak Non-verbal
→ Weak Maths
→ Weak Skills (speed of working ?)
Many benefit from verbal descriptors ?
Maths significantly higher than other sections
Strong Maths ability
Not 100% curriculum free
May depend on prior teaching effectiveness
Far East influence ?
Maths significantly lower than other sections
Implications not just for maths but other numerate or data based
General poor numeracy ?
Remedial Maths ?
Non-Verbal Significantly Higher than other sections
Good spatial and non-verbal ability
May have high specific skills
Low Vocab, Maths & Skills may indicate has difficulty
Frustration ?
Non-Verbal Significantly Lower than other sections
Difficulty understanding diagrams or graphical instructions ?
Verbal explanation ?
Physical demonstration ?
Physical Models ?
Low Skills Scores
Skills = Proof Reading and Perceptual Speed & Accuracy
Speed of Working
Work well in class / homework but underachieve in exams ?
Problems checking work or decoding questions ?
Low Skills + Low Vocab
→ Poor written work in class (unable to work quickly)
→ Dyslexia ? Further specialist assessment required
High Skills Scores
Skills = Proof Reading and Perceptual Speed & Accuracy
Can work quickly & accurately
Difficulty communicating and expressing ideas ?
May perform poorly in areas using numeracy skills and subjects
needing 3D visualisation and spatial concepts ?
May struggle in most areas of curriculum.
 NOT a forecast of the grade the student will get
 An indication of the grade (points score) achieved on average by students of
similar ability in the previous year
NOT a Target
Targets ?
• Minimum Targets – Round CEM prediction down ?
• Realistic Targets – Use nearest CEM grade ?
• Challenging Targets
→ 75th percentile ?
→ Prior Value Added ?
→ Arbitrary grade fraction ?
Adjust Predictions to reflect school expectation
Display predictions
as Grades
to A*=58
75th Percentile
Prior Value Added
Chances Graphs
Curriculum Assessment Y9 - INSIGHT
Combines Curriculum based assessment with baseline assessment
→ Maths
→ Science
→ Reading
→ Developed Ability
Feedback includes
→ Standardised Scores (& KS3 Levels)
→ IPRs
→ Predictions (including chances graphs) - From Y7 and to GCSE
→ Value-Added from Y7
→ Value-Added to GCSE
Also available as KS3 equivalent (sub) levels
Thank You
Dr Robert Clark