exercise techniques for reducing symptoms of

APRIL 2013
BA Sociology-St. Ambrose University
2 semesters of M.Div- Emory University
- Extensive social work experience prior to fitness career
- Strength and Conditioning Coach/Track Coach at 2
universities in Puebla, MEXICO for 1994 to 2000
- Spanish language webinars for SpeedisCool.com and
regular presenter at national coaching conferences
throughout Mexico
- Presently personal trains 24 hours weekly, 8 hours of
that with TBI and Paralympic Athletes; leads 2 hours
weekly of VA Move Group, 10 hours weekly with elite
high school/college/post collegiate athletes in addition
to staff supervision
Elliptical, treadmill,
fixed selectorized
Pro- user friendly
Con- repetitive, non
Tough Mudder
Triathlon etc.
Pro- easy to find events
Con- not for everyone
Cross Fit
Whatever infomercial is out there
Movement Awareness- series of movements
arranged to allow participant to gain a better
awareness of changes within their body, such
as what areas may be more tense than others
Pro- diverts attention to movements of body,
easy to do anywhere
Con- sometimes frustrating to those with
limited body awareness
Similar to Fendenkreis with slightly more
emphasis on healing structural imbalances
Joint mobilization techniques
Pro- feels good
Con-unsure about long term effects
Alternate nostril
Curled tongue
Deep breath
Benefits we have observed in our program participants include
decreased pain, improved sports performance, improved range of
motion, balance, posture, mental focus and emotional stability.
Participants report decreased anxiety levels, decreased depression
and improved self-esteem.
Traditional movement patterns (squat/lat pull/pull ups/bench press,
etc.) are all good exercises, however they may exacerbate problems
in certain populations. The familiarity of these movement patterns
also encourages the exerciser to go through the movement in “auto
mode.” Cross patterning movements require more body awareness
and focus, and they enhance the coach/client interaction.
Cross Patterning: Physical movement that involves crossing the midline of the
body, using the upper and lower body, or right and left side separately
Definition from Promislow, Sharon. Making the Brain/body Connection - “Each
brain hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body. So by intentionally
moving an opposite arm and leg across the midfield, we fire off both brain
hemispheres at the same time, creating and myelinating better neural connections
over the corpus collosum.” p 103
Paraphrasing from Suzana Zuzan, Prague Institute of Rehabilitation:
Developmental movement patterns are wired in our DNA, and when we correctly
activate those patterns, the body immediately relaxes and movement becomes
more fluid.
A fundamental energy therapy technique, homolateral patterning exercises are a
series of movements that encourage your body's energies to cross over from one
side of the body to the other. Walking, or marching in time with your arms
swinging freely beside you, are examples of movements that enable your body to
maintain its natural balance.
Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/490133-homolateral-patterningexercises/#ixzz1pyvZvMBI
Anatomy Trains 2nd Edition by Thomas W. Myers
Coyle, Daniel. The Talent Code: Greatness Isn't Born. It's Grown. Here's How. New York:
Bantam, 2009. Print.
Dolen, Carolyn E. Brain Injury Rewiring for Loved Ones: A Lifeline to New Connections.
Enumclaw, WA: Idyll Arbor, 2010. Print.
Feldenkrais, Moshe. Awareness through Movement: Easy-To-Do Health Exercises to Improve
Your Posture, Vision, Imagination, and Personal Awareness. New York: Harper and Row, 1977.
Hanna, Thomas. Somatics: Reawakening the Mind's Control of Movement, Flexibility, and
Health. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Life Long, 1988. Print.
Hoge, Charles W. Once a Warrior, Always a Warrior: Navigating the Transition from Combat to
Home--including Combat Stress, PTSD, and MTBI. Guilford, CT: GPP Life, 2010. Print.
Promislow, Sharon. Making the Brain/body Connection: A Playful Guide to Releasing Mental,
Physical & Emotional Blocks to Success. West Vancouver, B.C.: Kinetic Pub., 1998. Print.
Ratey, John J., and Eric Hagerman. Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the
Brain. New York: Little, Brown, 2008. Print.
Effect of educational kinesiology on static balance of learning disabled students http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3211692
Tim Dempsey en