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August 2014
It Matters
Our Purpose and Core Functions
Improve health and healthcare
• Workforce Planning
• Attracting and recruiting the right people
to the posts we have identified
• Commissioning excellent education and
• Lifelong investment in people
Widening Participation Matters because…
Only 7% of the population attend
independent schools, but the
privately educated account for
more than half of the top level of
most professions (51% of
A comprehensive school
student with A-level grades
BBB for example is likely to
perform as well in their
university degree as an
independent or grammar
school student with A-level
grades ABB or AAB – i.e.
one to two grades higher
Estimate that
approximately 30% of
current bands 1-4
workforce in the NW
doesn’t have a level 2
Just under 1 million 1624 year old people
unemployed: 15% are
classed as NEET
Only a quarter of boys
from working-class
backgrounds get
(professional or
managerial) jobs
This is a gap of 39.9
percentage between A
level students from
state schools going to
most selective
universities compared
to those who attended
independent schools.
Widening Participation Matters because…
The diversity profile of the
current workforce in England is
not representative of the general
population that it seeks to serve
For some healthcare
programmes more
black students
discontinue their
studies compared to
students from other
ethnic identities.
The diversity profile of
those employed by the
NHS is not representative
across the key staff groups
Approximately a third less
students on medical
programmes attended a
state school compared to
students on other
healthcare programmes
There has been a decrease in
the number of staff from BME
backgrounds in senior positions
within the NHS, despite the fact
that 20% of nurses are from
Black or other ethnic minorities.
Only 2.4% of NHS staff
have a declared
disability compared to
17% in population
Discontinuation rates for
male students 3% or
higher for some
programmes such as
Speech Science, Nursing,
Midwifery, and
Radiography than
compared to females
Widening Participation – Drivers for Change
Equality and Diversity
requires ongoing active
Participation in education
and Employment =
Further opportunities to
attract underrepresented
groups in healthcare
UK population
demographics changing
Drivers for
Ethical: Corporate Social
UK policy imperative to
improve social mobility
More effective evaluation
of Widening Participation
developments needed
Enabling Widening Participation
Our Strategic Goals
1).Improve monitoring and reporting of widening participation activities: Example Action - Ensure
widening participation is a key theme for consideration included in all relevant education and workforce
guidance and planning developments, related to the development of current and future workforce.
2). Enhance further the visibility and targeting of Health Careers Information, Advice and Guidance:
Example Action - With involvement from representatives from identified
underrepresented groups, review the presentation and relevance of current CIAG materials,
resources and their potential for enhancement to ensure appropriate use.
3). Increase, through research and evaluation, the understanding and evidence of what works in relation
to widening participation developments in healthcare education and workforce development: Example
Action - develop a research programme to investigate at least three priority issues related to widening
participation in healthcare education.
Our Strategic Goals
4). Increase collaborative approaches in supporting Outreach Activity: Example Action - Identify,
encourage and support models of engagement, between local HS employers, education providers
and stakeholders, relevant to local context and geography, providing outreach programmes aimed
at promoting access to healthcare education programmes.
5). Stimulate and increase the capacity of healthcare organisations in being able to expand and
support work or work-related experience opportunities: Example Action - Promote and support
through the Learning Development Agreements commitment by NHS organisations to
the Work Experience Practice and the Ambassador Commitments
Links with other HEE strategic activity
Education commissioning: Ensuring E and D is
reflected in all programmes and monitor any
impact on attrition
Health careers strategy: engagement, IAG
resources for promoting the NHS as an
employer of choice
Clinical graduates strategy: Monitoring the
progression and characteristics of graduates as
they progress to first destination
Talent for Care: supporting entry into the
workforce at Bands 1-4
HEE Commitment
• Strategy reflects significant commitment
but need to recognise this strategy will only
have impact in the medium and long term
• Builds upon local activity
• Promote coherence at national level
• Enable HEE to engage as a national partners
with other stakeholders
Further Information
Download the Widening
Participation: It Matters
strategy here
For Further Information
Dr Mike Farrell
Associate Head of Education
management (Health Education
North West & Widening Participation