Multiple Intelligences Slideshow

“The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by
Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University.
It suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q.
testing, is far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes eight
different intelligences to account for a broader range of human
potential in children and adults.”
Thomas Armstrong -
Dr. Gardner
The Multiple Intelligences are:
•Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence - “word smart”
•Logical-mathematical Intelligence - “number/reasoning smart”
•Visual/Spatial Intelligence - “picture smart”
•Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence - “body smart”
•Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence - “music smart”
•Interpersonal Intelligence - “people smart”
•Intrapersonal Intelligence - “self smart”
•Naturalist Intelligence - “nature smart”
Multiple Intelligences examples:
•Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence •Mark Twain, Robert Frost, poets, writers, newscasters
•Logical-mathematical Intelligence •Einstein, accounting, banking, medicine, scientific research
•Visual/Spatial Intelligence •Martin Luther King (dreamer). artists, architecture, advertising
•Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence •Adrian Peterson , dancers, dramatic acting, mime, physical education
•Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence •Taylor Swift, music composers, music teachers, musical theatre
•Interpersonal Intelligence •Billy Graham, counseling, politics, sociologists, therapists
•Intrapersonal Intelligence •Psychiatry, spiritual counseling, philosopher
•Naturalist Intelligence •Farmers, gardeners, florists, geologist, archaeologists
Multiple Intelligences
“Dr. Gardner says that our schools and culture focus most of their
attention on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence. We
esteem the highly articulate or logical people of our culture.
However, Dr. Gardner says that we should also place equal attention
on individuals who show gifts in the other intelligences.
Unfortunately, many children who have these gifts don’t receive
much reinforcement for them in school. Many of these kids, in fact,
end up being labeled ‘learning disabled,’ ‘ADD’ (attention deficit
disorder), or simply underachievers, when their unique ways of
thinking and learning aren’t addressed by a heavily linguistic or
logical mathematical classroom.”
Thomas Armstrong -
Gifted and Talented Students handout
Multiple Intelligences Theory
The theory of multiple intelligences proposes a major transformation
in the way our schools are run. It suggests that teachers be trained
to present their lessons in a wide variety of ways using music,
cooperative learning, art activities, role play, multimedia, field trips,
inner reflection, and much more.
How to Teach or Learn in
8 Different Ways
“One of the most remarkable features of the theory of multiple
intelligences is how it provides eight different potential pathways to
learning. If a teacher is having difficulty reaching a student in the
more traditional linguistic or logical ways of instruction, the theory of
multiple intelligences suggests several other ways in which the
material might be presented to facilitate effective learning.
Thomas Armstrong -
8 Different Ways
Whatever you are teaching or learning,
see how you might connect it with:
Numbers, or logic
A physical experience
A social experience
An experience in the natural world
Teaching Example
For example, if you’re teaching or learning about the law of
supply and demand, you might :
•Read about it (linguistic)
•Study mathematical formulas that express it (logical/mathematical)
•Examine a graphic chart that illustrates the principle (spatial)
•Observe the law in the natural world (naturalist)
•Observe the law in the human world of commerce (interpersonal)
•Examine the law in terms of your own body, e.g. when you supply
your body with lots of food,the hunger demands goes down;
when there’s very little supply, your stomach’s demand for food goes
way up and you get hungry (bodily-kinesthetic/intrapersonal)
•Write a song that demonstrates the law (musical)
Multiple Intelligences
Concept to Classroom
Multiple Intelligences and Technology
Multiple Intelligences
Report Card
1, Write the name of a book you have read lately.
2. Rate your math ability from 1-10 with 10 being highest.
3. Write down the name of the kind of music you like.
4. Write down how you revitalize yourself.
5. Write down what you can do that is a physical activity.
6. Draw a picture that shows how you are feeling today.
Self-Analysis Worksheets
Multiple Intelligence Assessment
Complete and bring results to next class
Multiple Intelligences Rap
by Shawna Munson
The eight intelligences are really cool.
We all have them so no one is a fool
Naturalists are collectors of animals and plants.
They like to press flowers and count little ants.
Linguistic deals with writing and with words.
We have language - we're not like animals or birds.
All of these so far are really neat,
But I like musical 'cause it has a beat.
Logical-mathematical doesn't need to be a shock.
Sometimes, I feel lonely, without any friends,
If you study real hard, you'll be smarter than Spock! But interpersonal skills put that to an end.
Spatial involves seeing, drawing, and art,
Creating different things and taking them apart.
Intrapersonal skills are when you want to reflect.
For yourself, you should always have respect.
In case you didn't know, kinesthetic is P.E.
Get fit and coordinated athletically!
Now, I've come to the end of my rap.
Learn in many ways and you'll never be a sap.
MI in the Classroom
Classroom activities frequently activate and utilize
more than one of the multiple intelligences.
Group discussion - Verbal-Linguistic; Interpersonal
Journal writing - Intrapersonal; Verbal/Linguistic
Choreography - Musical-Rhythmic; Verbal-Linguistic; Interpersonal
Constructing timelines - Logical-Mathematical; Visual-Spatial
Putting on a play - Musical-Rhythmic; Verbal/Linguistic; Interpersonal; Visual-Spatial
Making a video - Logical-Mathematical, Musical-Rhythmic; Verbal/Linguistic;
Interpersonal; Visual-Spatial
Writing a report or essay - Verbal-Linguistic
Making graphs - Logical-Mathematical; Visual-Spatial
Designing posters - Verbal-Linguistic, Visual-Spatial
Communicating with peers or experts online - Verbal-Linguistic; Interpersonal
Hands-on experimentation - Kinesthetic; Logical/Mathematical
Composing a song - Musical/Rhythmic; Verbal-Linguistic
Building a model or 3-D displays - Kinesthetic; Logical-Mathematical
Children’s Literature book –
Multiple Intelligences Activities
Primary School Web Sample - handout
Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina
Caps For Sale
1.Read the story to the whole class
2.Ask students to respond to the story and write about it.
3.Write a magical cap story.
4.Write important parts of the story in a sequence and illustrate.
1.Write a catchy jingle or rap to sell caps
2.Sing a song about the story.
3.March in a cap parade singing the song
Caps for Sale
1.Have a collection of caps and brainstorm many ways to sort them.
2.Graph distances from students’ homes.
3.Make up word problems involving cap-purchasing stories
at fifty cents per cap.
1.Have students close their eyes and think of the story, Caps for Sale,.
Ask them to capture their favorite part by drawing and writing
about it.
2. Ask students to design a new style cap and logo.
Caps for Sale
1.Bake money-shaped cookies.
2.Role play the story.
3.Have a cap parade.
4.Have a cap relay
1.Have the students write down all they know about monkeys.
1.In literacy study groups discuss the plot, setting, character,
problem, and solution for the Caps for Sale story.
Shapes - Circles
•Make a group circle by joining hands.
Interpersonal, Bodily-Kinesthetic
•Look for circles around the classroom.
•Make circles in art projects.
Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic
•Sing “The Circle Game” and other circle songs.
•Make up stories about circles.
•Compare sizes of circles (from small to large).
Spatial, Logical-Mathematical
Multiplication - 7’s table
•Count to 70, standing up and clapping on every seventh number.
•Sing the Multiplication Rock song for the 7’s.
•Chant the numbers 1 to 70, placing special emphasis on every
seventh number.
•Complete a “hundreds chart,” coloring in every seventh number.
Multiple Intelligences Spelling
•Create categories for your spelling words.
•Write your words using different colors for the letters of parts of
the word.
•Make up a story using all spelling words. Tell the story to another person.
•Sing-spell your words to the melody of your favorite song.
•Create your own goals on how you will study and learn your
spelling words.
Multiple Intelligences Poster
•Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence
•Logical-mathematical Intelligence
•Visual/Spatial Intelligence
•Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence
•Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence
•Interpersonal Intelligence
•Intrapersonal Intelligence
•Naturalist Intelligence -
Multiple Intelligences
Lesson Assessment
Multiple Intelligences
Instructional Techniques and Ideas
8 Kinds of Smart
Multiple Intelligences
Multiple Intelligences
“How can you use the theory of multiple intelligences to assess student achievement in
your classroom? The MI approach to testing is closely related to authentic assessment.
This approach enables students to demonstrate the depth of their understanding,
connect their classwork to real-life experiences, and apply their knowledge to new
Using Multiple Intelligences in Assessment
“There is no "right" way to use multiple intelligences in testing and assessment.
You don't have to overhaul your whole curriculum.
But you can make an effort to address each student's strengths and weaknesses
by using creative alternatives to traditional testing in your classroom.”