Overview of G4AW_FEW_Sat4crop

Overview of FEWS, G4AW & Sat for Crops Jan 2014
Project Title: Flood Early Warning Systems (FEWS)
Improvement of the quality (content) of the Early Warning System in Bangladesh.
Improvement of the process (organisation) of the Early Warning System.
Testing and validation of the improvements in a pilot exercise.
Identification of possibilities to develop a self-sustaining business model for the
exploitation and maintenance of the Early Warning System.
Agency: AgentNL (corine.dezeeuw@rvo.nl)
Contract Holder: Deltares (lead) and HKV
Team Leader: Dick van den Bergh (Dick.vandenBergh@deltares.nl)
Contract value: €124,000
Duration of contract: 9 months (Jan to Sept 2014)
Implementing Partners: BWD/FFWS, CEGIS, IWM, CORDAID (and their local partners)
Implementation area: Still to be decided in consultation with FFWS
Linkages with: Sat for Crops, CDMP, RIMES/CARE, Blue Gold, TamTamAlert by Cordaid
Reporting: Inception report (due 26th Jan) and Final Report
Folder: P:\DHA-OS\Sectors\WM - Water Management\Other Topics\FEWS
TRIM: Kennis, advies en informatie - Kennisontwikkeling - Kennis, advies en informatie Kennisontwikkeling / Agentschap NL / DHA / FEWS / Aanbesteding Flood Early Warning
Systemen in Bangladesh
Project: G4AW faciliteit Geo-data for Agriculture and Water
1. Het ondersteunen van voedselproducenten bij een maximale benutting van
ruimtelijke data en informatie in de 15 vastgestelde doellanden van het programma;
2. Het vaststellen van de mate waarin de benutting van ruimtelijke data en informatie leidt
tot efficiëntere bedrijfsvoering. (gespecificeerd hieronder in impact en outcome)
Lead Agency: Netherland Space Office. Contact: Ruud Grim (r.grim@spaceoffice.nl)
Contract Holder: Still under tender however 2 contractors (Nelen & Schuurmans (AgriWiser) &
ARCADIS (AIR ICT)) have been asked to submit full project proposals.
Implementing Partners: TBC once tender process completed.
Implementing areas: TBC
Linkages with: Sat for crops, FEWS, Water and Food Security projects
Contract value: €1 to €6 million per project per project
Duration of contract: 2014 - 2019
Reporting: Annual narrative and financial report, final report.
Folder: P:\DHA-OS\Sectors\WM - Water Management\Other Topics\G4AW
Trim: Kennis, advies en informatie - Kennisontwikkeling - Kennisontwikkeling / Space Office /
DHA / G4AW / Proposals
Project Title: Satellite for Crops
1. Assess the current state of affairs of/for remote sensing
techniques/applications/business models in Bangladesh and within BRAC and CEGIS
2. Pilot and validate remote sensing technologies through BRAC and CEGIS during all
weather conditions
3. Establish a public data portal for accessing remote sensing and thematic information
4. Develop business models and service level agreements for remote sensing technologies
by BRAC and CEGIS and service provider
Lead Agency: Agentschap NL (corine.dezeeuw@rvo.nl)
Contract Holder: Nelen and Schuurmans
Team Leader: Dick van den Bergh (Dick.vandenBergh@deltares.nl)
Contract value: € 150,000 (50% EKN & 50% AgnNL)
Duration of contract: Aug 2013 to July 2016
Implementing Partners: Directly implemented by BRAC, CESIS with technical inputs from
eLeaf, Sarvision, Deltares,
Implementation area: Will be piloted in Blue Gold area and BRAC area in north west. Exact
locations still to be finalized.
Linkages with: Blue Gold, G4AW, FEWS, IRRI,
Reporting: Inception report (received and approved), twice yearly financial & narrative report.
Folder: P:\DHA-OS\Sectors\WM - Water Management\Activities DHA Water Section\a - SBE
0610S15 WM\P25695 - Satellite for Crops
A, B, F and R