File - Propel East 7th Grade ELA

Unit 3: Road Trip
Ajar (adj) – partly open
Annihilate (verb) – to destroy completely
Avert (verb) – 1. to turn away 2. to prevent
Canine (adj) – of, or relating to, dogs
Citrus (nount) – the fruit of the family that includes
oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and limes
6. Infamous (adj) – having a very bad reputation; famous for
something evil
7. Incident (noun) – something that happens in real life or in
a story, and event , sometimes one that is a slight problem
8. Figment (noun) – something that is made up in the mind
but has no connection to reality
Unit 3: Road Trip
9. Fruitless (adj) – useless; unsuccessful
10. Pending (adj) – unfinished; remaining to be decided
11. Poised (adj) – 1. balanced or ready for action 2. calm
and controlled
12. Prior (adj) – earlier, former
13. Radiant (adj) – shining, bright; giving off light or
14. Saga (noun) – a story of heroic exploits; a long,
detailed account
15. Uncertainty (noun) – doubt; the state of being unsure
Unit 2: Rhyme Rehab
1. Acquire (verb)- to gain ownership of something; to obtain by
one’s own actions
2. Addict (noun)- a person who becomes dependent on
something that is habit-forming, like a drug or activity
3. Aspire (verb)-to desire something eagerly, especially
something important or in the future
4. Chorus (noun)-1. a group of people trained to sing together
2. the part of a song that’s repeated after each verse
5. Conjure (verb)- to make something happen or come into
being as though by magic
6. Firebrand (noun) -A troublemaker; someone who
encourages others to rebel
7. Gravity (noun) - 1. the force around that makes objects fall
toward the center of the Earth ( or any other large mass) 2.
Unit 2: Rhyme Rehab
8. Magnetic (adj) - 1. having the power to attract. 2. being
able to attract iron
9. Mirth (noun) – joy, fun, and laughter
10. Quench (verb) – to put out, extinguish; to satisfy
11. Subtle (adj) – difficult to perceive, barely observable;
12. Sullen (adj) – silent or gloomy because of anger or
13. Toxic (adj) – poisonous; cuases harm
14. Urgent (adj) needing fast action or attention
15. Wary (adj) – cautious and watchful; careful of danger
Unit I: The Great Escape Unit I: The
Unit 1: Too Easy Escape
1. Abate (verb) - to make or become less in amount or
2. Abnormal (adj)-not normal
3. Abrupt (adj)-sudden or unexpected
4. Acceleration (verb)-to speed up, or to cause to speed
5. Affliction (noun)-the cause of pain
6. Flabbergast (verb)-to surprise or amaze people into a
state of shock
7. Grim (adj)- gloomy, harsh, frightening
8. Incredulous (adj)-not willing to believe something
Unit 1: Too Easy
9. Notify (verb) – to let someone know; inform
10. Perceive (verb) – to become aware of through
any of the senses.
11. Robust (adj) – strong or healthy
12. Rupture (verb) – 1. to break or burst 2.
(noun)the act of breaking or bursting
13. Throb (verb) – to pound or beat rapidly
14. Trivial (adj) – of very little importance or value
15. Wince (Verb) – to move back suddenly as
though in pain or fear