Dante`s Inferno - School of Liberal Arts

Dante’s Inferno
Unit 5, Lecture 2: The Inferno: I-V
Allegorical “Architecture” of Dante’s
• Built on Medieval Views of Astronomy and Geography:
– Nine celestial spheres circle the earth
– Earth divided into Northern and Southern Hemispheres
• Physical Architecture of The Comedy
– Hell is a “funnel” in the Northern Hemisphere
– Purgatory is a mountain rising up from the Southern
Hemisphere’s waters
– Heaven is “distributed” among the 9 spheres
• Allegorical Architecture of The Comedy
Hell, purgatory, and heaven as forms of love
Hell=love perverted
Purgatory=love misdirected
Heaven=love completed
Structure of Dante’s Cosmos
“Drama of the Soul’s Choice: A
Literal and Allegorical Trip through
the Inferno
Canto 1: Lost in a woods, a soul’s fearful “wakeup” call
– Literal Story (1)
• Sleepy awakening in a dark woods:
• Sunlit hill blocked by three beasts
– Allegorical meaning (1)
• Dante=The “backslidden” soul
• Dark Woods=confusing darkness of sin
– The Hill=the upward climb of repentance
– Three Beasts=powerful habit
» The Leopard of Self-indulgence
» The Lion of violence
» The Wolf of fraud
– Literal Story (2)
• Dante meets Virgil
• Virgil: Escape must lie through infernal regions
– Allegorical Meaning (2)
• Virgil represents both classical culture and reason
• Virgil as “reason” symbolizes the end of “denial.”
• Virgil/Reason cannot “cure” sin or “
Literal Story & Allegorical Meaning
in Cantos II-IV
Canto II: Virgil’s Visitor, the outreach of grace
Literal Story:
Allegorical Meaning
Beatrice as “god-bearing” image of Divine Grace
Divine grace is “passionless” but seeks out the sinner
Canto III: Hell’s Vestibule
Literal Story
Wasp stung runners chasing an elusive banner
Eager sinners waiting on Charonn’s boat
Allegorical Meaning
Beatrice “commissioned” the journey
The “banner chasers” represent opportunism
The eager souls represent sin’s illusion
Charon represents the loss of illusion
Canto IV: Limbo, the first circle:
Literal Story
Limbo the place of deserving unbaptized
Dante meets the great of antiquity
Allegorical Meaning
Pagan learning is incomplete
Reason as “the failure of the imagination
Literal and Allegorical Story, Canto
• Canto V, Circle 2, lust in the driver’s seat
– Literal Story:
The “funnel” shape of hell:
The circle of the lustful and its shattering wind
Glimpses of Helen, Paris, Dido
Tragic tale of Paolo and Francesca
– Allegorical meaning
• The funnel as “shape” of increasing sin
• The gale-like winds as picture of uncontrolled passion.
• Dante’s “fainting” as softness towards temptation