Chapter 9: Jacksonian Era

Chapter 10: The Flourishing Land
Question #1: In 1815, James Madison
proposed the need for internal
improvements for nationalism. In 1825,
John Q. Adams did the same. By the
1840s/1850s, what are some examples of
internal improvement that were based on
need rather than the spirit of nationalism?
Chapter 10: The Flourishing Land
Chapter 10: The Flourishing Land
1840s and 1850s – The United States continued to grow!
Sectionalism (Union v. States Rights)
•Despite Financial Ruin (Andrew Jackson v. Monster)
How was it growing?
•Transportation – Turnpikes
and Roads, Canals and Railroads,
Steamboats and Locomotives.
•Communication – Est. of Post Office and Post Roads, Samuel Morse
and the invention of the telegraph and Morse Code.
•Industrial Revolution – Imported from England, will help develop the
Transportation Revolution
•Immigration – America's #1 Import
•Slavery – Cotton becomes King
Chapter 10: The Flourishing Land
Empire for Liberty - It was becoming more of a necessity to
come up with new technologies to keep America connected.
of Turnpike and actual paved roads to travel on.
•Using canals for industry, trade, and travel. (Steamboats)
But it was the Railroad Industry and the use of the
locomotive engine that will connect the people and business
of the East to the West!
by private companies. (RR – From nowhere, to nowhere)
•Labor intensive. (Need $$$ for laborers – pay, food, shelter)
•Building from scratch – (Industry built literally from ground up.)
•Major capital investment by the Federal Government
Chapter 10: The Flourishing Land
The Constitution called for the “establishment of
the Post Office and post roads.” – Roads, Canals,
• Postmaster General: Hired mile carriers and created
cheap postage to pay for the post roads and carriers.
Samuel Morse – Invents the telegraph and Morse
• Used electricity to send messages across wires from
town to town. Dot and Dashes!
Chapter 10: The Flourishing Land
Chapter 10: The Flourishing Land
The Industrial Revolution – 1st in Britain. Wanted Monopoly
on IR. It took a “spy” to bring it to the United States. Samuel
Slater memorized the design of the machinery and opened the 1st
American textile mill in 1792.
The IR Transportation Revolution b/c steam would power
industry and transportation. (Transportation was used to deliver
the product made in the factories.)
Moving from Agrarian to Industry b/c of supply and demand.
• To move food to N and E, the W and S relied heavily on
products manufactured in N and E.
Remember we are a land untapped resources, unlimited land, and
an industrious and enterprising workforce, made America a
stronger country.
Chapter 10: The Flourishing Land
How did the IR catch on in America so
quickly, when England and Europe are
closer to each other?
The limits of national borders and jealous
governments halted the free flow of goods and
people in European countries. No here, the
Founding Fathers envisioned the need to let
people and goods flow freely from state to state,
and back and forth across the whole country.
Chapter 10: The Flourishing Land
Industrial Revolution created a new Social Invention
“Joint Stock Company”
• Shares of stock were sold to numerous investors who now had
a “share” in the ownership in the company. Either made or
lost money.
Corporation – “JSC” chartered by a state.
It had a life of its own and would survive in legal theory
even if the shareholders died. Acted like a person!
“Limited Liability”
• stock holder could not be held liable for company debts.
Chapter 10: The Flourishing Land
American IR differs from British IR
• “Waltham” Factory – Francis Cabot Lowell
• Use water instead of steam – less pollution
• Use women and children – actually pay them and resolve the
shortage of labor in cities.
Eli Whitney – Cotton Gin Inventor and Gunsmith
• “Uniformity System” or “Interchangeable System”
• Making precise copies of the same part for each individual
product, so that in the field that same part could be taken
from one product and placed in another product
Chapter 10: The Flourishing Land
• Mass Production – producing masses of items of exactly the
same kind.
• Affordable
• Creates opportunity
• More demand required the need to provide more expensive
and more advanced supply.
• Each worker’s time was important, because he could produce
more of any product in a single day.
• Employer could pay employee more money and still make a
New American Standard of Living – The World is Jealous
Chapter 10: The Flourishing Land
• America’s Leading Import – People
• Immigrate – To come a country of which one is not a native,
usually for permanent residence.
• People from around the world came to America to occupy the
land, Build roads, canals, railroads, and to fill the factories.
• Were here to work, because that was the only lifestyle they
knew. This is a benefit for those intuitive Americans building
on the Industrial Revolution.
• Why did they leave?
• Overcrowding, No food, No education (learn a job skill), Too
much War (death), and Bad Weather
• America offered open air, cheap land and Hope.
Chapter 10: The Flourishing Land
• The Great Migration included the Irish, Germans,
Scandinavians, Dutch, Belgians, French, and Italians.
• Just like “steam”, immigrants will power the Industrial
Revolution, and boom in communication and
• They are the ones that dug the ditches for canals, cleared the
forests for road and rail roads, and manned the production
lines of industry.
• They also brought with them their own innovations to make
America stronger.
Chapter 10: The Flourishing Land
• Southerners feared Internal Improvements
• When the Fed Gov’t started funding federal projects:
• Fed Gov’t would start interfering w/ slavery.
• Abolitionists (wanted to abolish slavery from America)
– Educating the North about slavery
• Southerners would defend their way of life – Slavery
• “Necessary Evil”  “Slavery is not evil, it is a national
• Slave owners – “protect the weak from those trying to oppress
Chapter 10: The Flourishing Land
• Slaves were forced to come to America.
• Most immigrants came to America on their own free will –
Great Migration
• Middle Passage – Slaves were caught, put in chains and
placed on cargo ships and send to America
• A horrendous voyage where Africans were packed tightly
together and chained below the decks of cargo ships.
• If they survived the voyage, they were sold at auction in the
Americas, Brazil, United States, or the West Indies.
• The Slave Trade was legally abolished in 1807.
• Slaves were smuggled to America
• Domestic slave trade will flourish until the Civil War.
Chapter 10: The Flourishing Land
Why did the South still feel that it was necessary to
continue to bring more Africans into America to fuel
their Economy?
Open Land – Opportunity out west to expand the Southern
Economy, before Industry beat them too it
2. Slavery tied to Southern way of life.
3. “King” of all Crops – Cotton
• Cotton being used in most textile mills, i.e. clothing. The
British were “nuts’ for Cotton (Europe was too.)
• British demand for Cotton would keep slavery alive and
keep Cotton “King.”
Affect of Slavery on the South – Slavery blocked the economic
development in the South & helped divide the South from the