Freezing Green Beans - National Center for Home Food Preservation

Freezing Green Beans
National Center for Home Food Preservation
 This slide show is a photographic description of steps
in freezing fresh green beans at home. Background
information on freezing vegetables at home can be
found in So Easy to Preserve, 5th ed., or at
 Trade and brand names are used only for information. The
Cooperative Extension Service, University of Georgia College
of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences and College of
Family & Consumer Sciences, and the U.S. Department of
Agriculture do not guarantee nor warrant published
standards on any product mentioned; neither does the use of
a trade or brand name imply approval of any product to the
exclusion of others which may also be suitable.
Step #1: Before Beginning the
Freezing Process…
 Wash hands and
clean your working area.
 Gather and prepare
materials needed.
Step #2: Selecting Quality Beans
 Select young tender bean pods when the
seed is first formed.
 Work with a small quantity of beans to
prevent loss of quality and nutrients.
 Beans should be of best quality and frozen
quickly before freshness is lost.
Step #3: Washing the Beans
 The beans should be washed
in small quantities under
several changes of cold water.
 The beans need to be lifted out of the water
so the dirt is washed off the vegetables; do
not soak.
Step #4: Snipping or Cutting the Beans
 The beans should be snipped or cut into 2inch to 4-inch lengths. Be sure to remove
the ends first.
 Remove any “bad spots” on the beans and
discard the beans of poor quality.
 The parts removed from the beans can be
discarded in the nearest compost or trash
Step #5: Blanching the Beans
 The beans are now ready to be water or
steam blanched.
 Either method can be done, but the water
blanching method is preferred because a
larger quantity of beans can be blanched at
one time.
 Blanching is important because it stops
enzyme actions which can cause loss of
flavor, color, and texture. It also cleans the
surface, brightens the color, helps retard
loss of vitamins, and softens the beans
making them easier to pack.
Option #1: Steam Blanching
 Use a pot with a tight lid and basket that
holds the beans at least 3 inches above the
bottom of the pot.
 Bring 1 to 2 inches of water to a boil in the
Steam Blanching, cont.
 Place beans in basket
in single layer.
 Place basket over the
boiling water in the
pot and cover.
Keep heat on high.
 Blanch for 5 minutes,
counting steaming
time as soon as lid is
placed on the pot.
Option #2: Water Blanching
 Use blancher with a blanching basket and
fitted lid.
a large pot and wire basket can also be used
 Bring 1 gallon of water per pound of
prepared vegetables to a full boil.
 Place vegetables in the basket insert.
 Place lid on the blancher.
 The water should return to a boil within
1 minute.
If not, this is an indication there are too many
beans for the amount of water.
 Blanching time begins when the water comes
to a boil again after beans are added. Blanch
beans for 3 minutes of boiling.
Step #6: Cooling After Blanching
 After blanching, the basket of beans should
be removed immediately and plunged into
icy cold water, 60°F or below.
It is best to make a bath with cold water and some
ice cubes.
 Be careful not to burn yourself with the hot water
that will drain away from the beans in the basket.
 The beans should remain in the cold water
the same amount of time as the blanching
time (the water should be changed out if it
does not remain cold).
 5 minutes of cooling if steam blanched
 3 minutes of cooling if water blanched
Step #7: Draining
 After soaking in the cold water, the beans
should be drained to prevent extra moisture
during freezing.
Step #8: Preparing Containers or Bags
 Freezer containers and/or freezer bags may
be used to freeze the green beans.
 A container or bag with a capacity over half
gallon should not be used.
 The container or bag must be moisturevapor resistant, durable/leak proof, strong
in low temperatures, resistant to
substances, protect foods from off-flavors or
odors, easy to seal, and easy to mark.
Step #9: Labeling Containers or Bags
 Label the beans by writing with a dark
permanent marker on freezer tape or
directly onto the bag/container.
 The label should include: the name of the
beans, how they were blanched and packed,
the serving size, and date they were frozen.
Step #10: Packaging the Beans
(Dry Pack)
 The beans should be packaged quickly,
removing as much air as possible.
 A ½-inch headspace should be left so air can
circulate freely. The headspace should be
 The container should be sealed completely
Freezer tape can be used around the edges to
ensure proper sealing.
Step #11: Placing Beans in the Freezer
 The beans should be placed in the freezer
and frozen as quickly as possible to ensure
large ice crystals do not form.
 The foods should be frozen at 0°F
or lower
Set the temperature to -10°F,
24 hours in advance.
 The freezer should not be overloaded with
unfrozen food
Only 2-3 pounds per cubic foot of space.
 Keep your freezer set 0°F or lower all the
time for best quality frozen vegetables.
Step #11: Placing Beans in the Freezer, cont.
 The containers/bags of beans should be
placed in contact with the coldest part of the
freezer (back and sides).
 Leave space between the packages so air
can circulate freely during freezing.
 After the beans are frozen, move packages
closer together for freezer storage.
 Enjoy when you are ready
to eat them!
They are best if eaten within
8 to 12 months.
Reference and Credits
 Andress, E.L., and Harrison, J.A., Eds. (2006). So
Easy to Preserve, 5th ed. Athens, GA: University of
Georgia Cooperative Extension.
 This slide set was developed by MeriBeth Davis as a
student project in FDNS 3010, Department of Foods
and Nutrition, The University of Georgia.
 Edited by faculty and staff of the National Center for
Home Food Preservation.
Document Use:
Permission is granted to reproduce these materials
in whole or in part for educational purposes only
(not for profit beyond the cost of reproduction)
provided the author and the University of Georgia
receive acknowledgment and this notice is included:
Reprinted (or Adapted) with permission of the University of
Georgia. Andress, E.L. and Davis, M. (2013). Freezing Green
Beans (slides). Athens, GA: The University of Georgia,
Cooperative Extension.
 Permission to post on other websites must be
 © University of Georgia
This material is based upon work supported by the Cooperative State Research,
Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under
Agreement No. 00-51110-9762.