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Interview with Jade Teta
Metabolic Effect
• Based in the US
• Hybrid Fitness Professional
• Holistic Physician specialising in hormonal
weight loss
What is the Difference Between Weight Loss and
Fat Loss
• Weight Loss does not equal fat loss
• Doughnuts have the same calories as a chicken breast, but if we live off
– Hungrier
– Less energy
– More sugar cravings
• Therefore each food affects our hormones differently.
• Every time we eat we send a signal to our bodies, that can result in just
weight loss or fat loss
Do you have any strategies that you use to get the
message across about the concept of fat loss?
• We need to look at the tools that we are using to
measure ie weighing scales have no place in the world
of fat loss
• We are not concerned with the accuracy of bioelectrical
impedence, what we are concerned with is that fat loss is
being lost.
• When we lose weight, the body get FLABBY, when you
lose fat the body gets FIRM!
Main Hormones that are responsible for
fat loss
• Whenever we eat starchy/ sweet foods you release
insulin. Insulin's role is to release sugar into the cells,
and if there is excess sugar, insulin sends the signal to
turn that sugar into fat.
• Also if there is any fat that is available to be stored, it
sends a signal that this fat should not be burnt!!
• This is released when we eat protein. Glucagon is the fat
burning hormone in food
• Therefore to burn fat you need a higher glucagon to insulin ratio
in your body, ie a higher protein to carbohydrate ratio in your
• Therefore carbo loading before an exercise class affects how
much fat you can burn during exercise.
• 20g whey protein before and after a session can be more
Catecholamine's (adrenaline and noroadrenaline)
• These can be viewed as the bodies fat burning gas peddles!
• This are correlated with intensity of exercise not duration
• If you spike your heart rate so that you are breathless/ can’t breathe
then catecholamine is released
• This then triggers the release of other hormones…
• This is a hormonal signalling molecule. When we reach an
anaerobic state, you begin to make lactate which turns on
– Testosterone
– Human Growth Hormone
• These are fat burning and muscle burning hormones
But how can group exercise classes tap into these
4 Things that the group exercises need
to include in their sessions
So where do calories fit into this equation?
• When we force ourselves into a low calorie state, we are telling
our bodies that we are starving so that everything slows down.
• Also the bodies put regulatory hormones in place that makes
– Hungrier
– Crave fatty, sugary and salty foods
• So if you go down the calorie approach to body change, you
are forcing yourself to rely on will power. NOT GOOD!!
• If we attack the hormones via diet and
exercise, we can make sure that we burn
• If we replace starchy food with proteins
and vegetables, calories will reduce, but
we will not notice the difference.
Do people have different hormonal responses to
Fat Loss?
We all have a unique hormonal balance, therefore one size does not fit all.
•Therefore we have to pay attention to our own bodies. We have bio
feedback tools that tell us how we are doing with our diet and exercise
•Energy level
•Hunger levels
•When these things are balanced you are in a good position to measure fat
loss vs weight loss
So how can instructors provide simple,
effective advice to class participants?
• When a client comes up to us after class, the first thing
we should ask them is, “how are they feeling”
– How are their energy levels
– Are they having food cravings
– Are they continually feeling hungry
• If they say yes, we can just advise them to increase their
protein and fibre intake.
Can we get a similar results from bodyweight training,
and then where does cardio training fit in?
• The issue within Bodyweight classes is that we need to
incorporate burn outs ie pulses, holds, squeezes etc,
until they feel that burn,
• But using dumbbells and barbells make this easier.
• So when talking about fat loss in group exercise start to
incorporate weight training and interval training
So “little pushes” and calanetics are now
• We also want to get some fat explosive movements eg
plyometrics as well as going for the burn so that we are
tapping into that lactate hormone but also delving into
the H (heavy) component of the BBHH formula
• We also want to work BIG body movements to get the
burn eg, push ups, switch lunges and squats
Can the frail and unfit do this type of training?
• 2 techniques are used to take into account these
– Rest Based Training where everyone goes as hard as they can
for as long as they can, and rest as needed
– Giving defaults/modifications/adaptations
Should people eat certain things before or after
• Foods that athletes eat to increase performance, are different to
foods that fat loss people should be eating to lose fat.
• We have been operating in a glycogen dominated dogma for a very
long time.
• The problem is that you will burn mostly sugar before and after your
• Therefore we should be advising our clients to minimise
carbohydrate intake before and after exercise so that they increase
their fat loss
Other factors that can influence fat loss
• If we are sleep deprived or under stress then our exercise
and eating habits are negatively impacted
• This is because they impact the same hormones that we
are trying to manipulate to burn fat.
• So in hormonal fat loss you have to take into account
proper sleep and less stress
• People who are doing a lot are LESS able to do more!
Are supplements really necessary for fat loss?
• Whey Protein
• A good fish oil
• Multi vitamin/mineral supplement
Focus on hormonal fat loss over calories
Focus on workouts that focus on
The focus should be on quality of exercise over quantity of exercise. After 40
minutes of exercise you will get a cortisol secretion which is NOT favourable
for most people,
But 20g of whey protein 20 minutes after your workout can shutdown that
cortisol effect