
Progress Report
DTP Subgroup
Lab Process Internal Combustion Engines
Tokyo, 21./22.03.2013
DTP Subgroup
Tokyo, 21./22.03.2013
slide 1
1) State of the working progress
2) Open issues table
(a) Open issues (red)
(b) Scrutiny reservations (yellow)
3) Post-validation issues
4) Next steps
DTP Subgroup
Tokyo, 21./22.03.2013
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Meetings since DTP-12
Phone/web conference
Brussels workshop at AECC/ACEA
Open issues Table (OIT): LabProcICE-175
 minutes: LabProcICE-200
Phone/web conference
- remaining RLD issues of OIT
Several dates:
Phone/web conferences of Drafting Task
Force & on other specific issues
DTP Subgroup
Tokyo, 21./22.03.2013
slide 3
1) State of the working progress
2) Open issues table
(a) Open issues (red)
(b) Scrutiny reservations (yellow)
3) Post-validation issues
4) Next steps
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Open Issues Table (OIT)
Current revision (part of general OIT from VTF) with 41 items:
 LabProcICE-175rev2.
• Green: 16 items closed on working level.
• Yellow: 11 items with a scrutiny reservation from one party.
• Red: 13 items
- Contradictory proposals from Contracting Parties
- Open issues on working level
- Issues to be decided until June 2013
Note: Items where LabProcICE is not in charge to prepare/make decisions were
switched to white.
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1) State of the working progress
2) Open issues table
(a) Open issues (red)
(b) Scrutiny reservations (yellow)
3) Post-validation issues
4) Next steps
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Soak procedure (item 18 a)
• Solution 1 (EU position):
Target temperature (23 ± 2) °C and forced cooling allowed
 stability & practicability criteria
“The vehicle is soaked for a minimum of 6 hours and a maximum of 36 hours with the
bonnet opened or closed. If not excluded by specific provisions for a particular
vehicle technology cooling may be accomplished by forced cooling down to the
setpoint temperature. If cooling is accelerated by fans, the fans shall be placed so that
the maximum cooling of the drive train, engine and the exhaust aftertreatment
system is achieved in a homogenous manner. This conditioning shall be carried out
for at least six hours and continue until the engine oil temperature and coolant, if any,
are within ± 2 K of the setpoint.”
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• Solution 2 (Japanese position)
Soak periode (12 - 36 h), no target temperature (“natural cooling down”)
 representativeness criteria + covers benefits of heat storage systems
 EU objection: soak at 23°C is not representative
• India: prefers natural cool down, but allows forced cooling
 solution 1 accepted?
• LabProcEV: no forced cooling.
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Soak for heat storage technologies (item 18b)
harmonized approach instead of regional solution
as e. g. eco-innovation concept in EU
•Solution 1:
additional test (upon request of the manufacturer)
natural cooling down at [23 ± 3] °C.
- soak period [12 h to 14 h]
- usage of measured values as an regional option?
Combine with solution 2 of general soak procedure?
•Solution 2:
mandate to develop dedicated test procedure
 later stage of gtr
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Monitoring RCB of all batteries(item 28 a/b)
Agreed: charging of the battery can be omitted before precon (on the request of
the manufacturer) + no charging after precon
Open issue:
Monitoring + Correction of CO2 value
•Solution 1:
- RCB measurement
- correction if RCB is above [0.5 or 1] % of consumed fuel energy
- follow HEV (based on measurement) and/or TU Graz (energy calculation)
 EV: threshold dependent on mode construction  decision on value later
•Solution 2:
- acc. to validation 2 results: no charging after precon is sufficient
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Handling of GSI (item 26)
GSI only mandatory in Europe
•Solution 1:
GSI as an option for the manufacturer in the gtr
 harmonized test procedure still needs to be developed
 item 20 (gear change tolerances) not closed
•Solution 2:
GSI excluded from gtr
 regional procedure as an option for CPs
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Vehicle warming up for RLD and on dyno (items 16 / 17)
Current gtr text:
warm up on the road:
“Warming up is done by vehicle driving only. Driving shall be cruising and
speed limit is [10 km/h] above the coastdown starting speed. (...)”
warm up on the dyno:
“Prior to the test, the vehicle shall be warmed up appropriately until normal
vehicle operating temperatures have been reached. This condition is
deemed to be fulfilled when three consecutive coastdowns are completed
(...) During this warming up period, the vehicle speed shall not exceed the
highest reference speed within the given tolerance of Annex/chapter (tbd.)”
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Japanese proposal from validation 3:
On the road:
On the dyno:
Issue expected to be solved on expert level
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4WD dyno specifications (item 41)
State of play:
• Provisions included in gtr draft
• Japan proposal:
provisions to be excluded until US EPA / SAE discussions finalized
In the meantime agreement on specifications on expert level
 Wording provided to Drafting Coordinator
 Review after finalization of future 1066 regulation
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Speed trace violation (item 25)
State of play:
•Void criteria not yet discussed
•Solution to be discussed in connection with normalization approach
 Issue expected to be solved on expert level
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Open issues – to be solved until June 2013
Table of running resistances (item 11)
State of play:
• Need for table as an alternative to measurement methods agreed.
• Proposal by PSA still objected
• General considerations by EU-COM (WLTP-DTP-13-05 - running
1) oriented towards "worst" case  avoid incentive to apply default values.
2) Limited usage  e.g. small series, number of vehicles, vehicle category
Agreement on principles to come to a solution necessary
Next steps:
EU-Com and OICA will work on proposal
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Comparison of RLD measurement methods (item 12)
• Solution 1:
Include all 3 methods which are defined in ISO standard:
coast down / torque meter / windtunnel
 supported by Japan (scrutiny on windtunnel), EU (partly) and OICA
• Solution 2:
Define reference method in case of no equivalency (shown)
EU-COM (supported by NL) proposed coast down
 Industry is asked to provide back-to-back data for all three methods
to show equivalency & repeatability
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Other RLD issues
• Longitudinal slope for oval test track (item 36)
 Within +/- 0.1% for total value?
• Rotating mass (item 38)
 consistency within Annex 4 needs to be checked
• Calculation methods (item 39)
 include all methods from ISO standard?
DTP Subgroup
Tokyo, 21./22.03.2013
slide 18
1) State of the working progress
2) Open issues table
(a) Open issues (red)
(b) Scrutiny reservations (yellow)
3) Post-validation issues
4) Next steps
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Vehicle test mass / inertia / aerodynamic features /
tyre selection (items 2 - 8)
- test mass approach (interpolation TMh/TMl)
- stepless inertia (rounded to next kg, tolerance at dyno: 10 kg)
In principle agreed:
General concept how to include aerodynamic features and tyres
 Drafting Task Force established
Still scrutiny reservation on aspects (Japan)
 new open issues might rise up during drafting
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Aspects to be confirmed:
•Movable body parts
“… shall operate during road load determination as intended under wltc test
conditions (temperature, speed, accelerations, no road inclination ...)”
•Payload factors
Based on Document WLTP-DTP-13-06 – Joint compromise proposal.ppt
from EU, Japan, Korea (and support of T&E):
Categories 1-1 / 1-2: 15%
Category 2: 28 %
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Handling of multimode / default mode definition
(items 33 / 34)
Solution 1:
•CO2/FE: test vehicle in default mode.
•If there is no default mode  average best and worst case
Default mode definition:
“The default mode is defined as a single mode which is always selected when the vehicle
is switched on regardless of the operating mode selected when the vehicle was previously
shut down. The mode used for the default must not be able to be redefined by the
customer / dealer.
Selectable shift lever design: The position appeared initially to drive the vehicle forward,
after started the engine. (In case of [P-R-N-D-S-L], D is default mode.)”
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Solution 1:
supported by Japan and India, but objections from EU
Solution 2:
•Average best and worst case, no default mode requirement
 Not representative. Weighted averaging based on survey data instead?
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Temperature setpoint and tolerances (items 14 / 15)
Solution 1:
•Setpoint: 23 °C
± 3 °C (5 min average)
Test start:
± 3 °C (1 Hz values)
Test cell:
± 5 °C (1 Hz values)
Test start tolerance only accepted with start condition of vehicle = setpoint ± 2 °C
 depends on soak procedure approach
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Tyre conditioning (RLD) (item 9)
Solution 1:
The tyres used for the test shall:
•not be older than 2 years after production date,
•not be specially conditioned or treated (e.g. heated or aged), with the exception
of grinding in the original shape of the tread.
•have a constant tread depth between 100 and 80 per cent of the original tread
depth over the full tread width of the tyre.
•be run-in on road for at least 200 km before road load determination.
Note: wording in OIT was revised based on LabProcICE-197rev1 by NL
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Use of on-board anemometry (RLD) (item 13)
Solution 1:
Keep method in gtr (derived from ISO standard)
Former reservation from India withdrawn?
Vehicle run-in mileage (RLD) (item 32)
Solution 1:
•10000 – 80000 km.
•Vehicles with min. mileage of 3000 km (on request of the manufacturer)
Scrutiny reservation from Japan
DTP Subgroup
Tokyo, 21./22.03.2013
slide 26
1) State of the working progress
2) Open issues table
(a) Open issues (red)
(b) Scrutiny reservations (yellow)
3) Post-validation issues
4) Next steps
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slide 27
Possible issues for post-validation
GSI handling
Monitoring of RCB of all batteries (correction procedure)
Handling of aerodynamic options within test mass approach
Normalization methods
Effects of mode construction
DTP Subgroup
Tokyo, 21./22.03.2013
slide 28
1) State of the working progress
2) Open issues table
(a) Open issues (red)
(b) Scrutiny reservations (yellow)
3) Post-validation issues
4) Next steps
DTP Subgroup
Tokyo, 21./22.03.2013
slide 29
Next steps
DC drafting sessions
f2f-Workshop in Berlin:
phone/web conferences
DTP Subgroup
24. / 25. April 2013
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Thanks for your attention.
LabProcICE contact:
Béatrice Lopez de Rodas - beatrice.lopez(at)
Konrad Kolesa - konrad.kolesa(at)
Markus Bergmann – markus.bergmann(at)
Stephan Redmann – stephan.redmann(at)
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Tokyo, 21./22.03.2013
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