Sun Dogs

By Howard 6C
What is Natural Phenomenon?
Natural Phenomenon is a phenomenon that
happens naturally and rarely. It also can have an
effect to the people. It happens by gravity, light,
other planets and natural things.
What is Sundog?
Sundog is a natural phenomenon that
looks like a Sun Halo and the
rainbows form a circle. It is rarely to
be seen and forms in the right time.
How does Sun Dogs
The process of Sun Dogs is that the
the sunlights refraction and the ice
crystal in clouds combined and
create a rounded Rainbow.
How is it connected to Solar
The Connection between Sun Dog and the
Solar System is the Sun because the
sunlight's refraction creates the rainbow
and it's combined with the ice crystals from
the clouds.
Impacts of Sun Dogs
Beliefs and Values: There is a
universal religious symbol of the
cross and circle.
Human Lives: When people see closer
of the sun dog and too long, it can
caused them by not seeing anything
Why is it called Sun Dog
It is called sun dog because they follow the
sun like a dog follows its master. The light
always follow what the sun do.
More Facts about Sun Dog
 Sun Dogs sometimes happen in a cold area
which means in the Southern Hemisphere and
Northeren Hemisphere
 It happens in the sunset and sunrise
 The shape of atmospheric ice crystals determine
the shape of the sun dog.
 Sun dogs mostly appear when the sun is "near"
the earth, or below a 61 degree angle relative to
the horizon.
My Friend's Question
Is Sundog Danger?
Yes, sundog is danger when people look
closely to it because it can make people's
eyes blind.
Where do we see Sundog?
People see sundog up in the sky
Why does Sun Dog has ring?
It is actually not a ring but it looks like it has a
ring because the sunlight's refraction creates
sunlight and also the ice crystals in the cloud
collide with the sunlight so it will become
When will we see Sundog?
We can see sundog anytime but when it is really
Why it is called SunDog?
It is called Sundog because they follow the sun like
the dog follow it's master.
Why is it connected to light?
It is connected to light because to create a rainbow,
it needs to sunlight refraction from the sun so to
create a sundog, it need's sunlight.
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