Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms

Chapter 13: Glacial Processes,
Patterns and Associated Landforms
• Earth once covered with glaciers
• Last glaciation ended around 10,000 years ago
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
• Rivers of ice that move slowly
• Move downslope under the influence of
gravity and the pressure of own weight
• Form where rate of accumulation of
snow and ice is greater than rate of
• Largest reservoir of fresh water on Earth
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Types of glaciers
1. Valley glaciers: form in mountainous
locations and move down valleys
2. Continental ice sheets/glaciers: enormous
areas of glacial ice and snow
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Causes of an ice age
• Change in the Earth’s orbit around
the sun
• Change in the angle of the Earth’s
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Processes of glacial erosion
Glaciers erode the landscape they
travel over in two ways:
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
1. Plucking
• Bottom of glaciers scrape along valley floors –
creates friction causing melting around the
base of the glacier
• Meltwater refreezes
• Freezes around the rocks on the valley floor
and these become part of the glacier
• Glacier moves
• Newly trapped rock is plucked out of the valley
• New material is then used in process of
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
2. Abrasion
• bedrock beneath the glacier is eroded by
the debris/material embedded in the sides
and bottom of the glacier
• ‘Sandpaper effect’ – scrapes the rock over
which it is travelling and leaves scratches
or grooves in the rock
• Striations – show the direction of the ice
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Factors affecting the rate of glacial erosion
• Thickness of ice
• Topography
• Geology
• Gradient
• Accumulation and ablation
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Landforms of glacial erosion (Features of erosion)
1. Cirque
• Birthplace of a glacier
• Three steep sides
• Also called a corrie or coom
2. Arête
• Narrow ridge
• Formed when two cirques formed side-byside or back-to-back
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Landforms of glacial erosion (continued)
3. Pyramidal peak
• Peak at top of mountain
• three or more cirques are eroded backto-back around the sides of a
mountain…leaving a peak
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Landforms of glacial erosion (continued)
4. U-shaped valley
• Glacier moves through this valley, changing the
shape from a V-shape to a U-shape
• Valleys have steep sides and flat floors
• Glacier cuts off interlocking spurs of the Vshaped valley leaving truncated spurs
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Landforms of glacial erosion (continued)
5. Ribbon lakes
• Long, narrow lakes found in glaciated Ushaped valleys
• meltwater and rainwater accumulates
forming a ribbon lake
6. Fjords
• Drowned U-shaped valleys
• Result of melting glaciers
Ribbon lake
U-shaped valley
Hanging valley
Pyramidal peak
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Glacial deposition
Dropping or laying down of sediment that was once
transported by a glacier
Occurs in lowland areas
Deposited material is called glacial drift
Material deposited directly by ice is called till or
boulder clay
Material deposited by glacial meltwater is known as
fluvio-glacial deposits
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Examples of landforms of glacial deposition
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Examples of landforms of fluvio-glacial deposition
• Eskers
• Outwash plains
• Kames and kettleholes
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Landforms of glacial deposition
1. Moraine
• Deposited debris
• Various sizes ranging from large boulders
to fine rock flour
• Material may be angular or rounded in
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Five types of moraine
Lateral moraine
II. Medial moraine
III. End/terminal moraine
IV. Ground moraine
V. Englacial moraine
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Landforms of glacial deposition
2. Drumlins
Oval-shaped hills consisting of boulder clay
Show direction of glacier movement
Occur in swarms or cluster
‘Basket of eggs’ topography
‘Drowned drumlins’ – as the ice melted sea
levels rose and the drumlins appear as islands
in the sea
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Landforms of glacial deposition
3. Erratics
Material transported by the glacier and are
said to be ‘out of place’ when deposited
Esker – long winding ridges of stratified sand
and gravel that wind its way across lowland
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Landforms of glacial deposition
4. Outwash plains
Glaciers melt
Release vast amounts of water
Spreads outwards beyond the end/terminal
Carries large volumes of rock and gravels and
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Landforms of glacial deposition
5. Kames
Piles of sediment consisting of gravels and
Deposited along the front of a retreating
Chapter 13: Glacial Processes, Patterns and Associated Landforms
Landforms of glacial deposition
6. Kettle holes
Blocks of ice separate from the main glacier
Buried partly in meltwater sediments
Blocks of ice melt leaving depressions or holes
Fill with water – form kettle hole lakes