Ch. 15

Ch. 15
AP World History
Evaluate the following statement: the relative rise of
the west after the 14th century was not so much the
result of Western innovation as the decline of
civilization in the Middle East and Asia
The statement is justified with respect to the changes occurring in
the Middle East and China, but only so far as it is recognized that
change rather than absolute decline took place in those regions. In
the Middle East, the end of the Abbasids, the rise of the Seljuk
Turks, and the disruption of the Mongol empires did not cause total
decline. The Ottomans began building their future major empire.
The Muslim trade empire disintegrated, since the Ottomans were
less interested in commerce than their predecessors were. This
opened the door for Western trade expansion. In China, there was
no political disruption of traditional centralization under the Ming;
there was a brief effort to expand Chinese trade throughout Asia.
The Chinese withdrawal in 1433 left opportunities for the West. It
can be argued that Western advances were the result of perceived
weaknesses; an unfavorable balance of trade with other
civilizations and a fear of Ottoman expansion led to exploration
and new trade routes.
Compare the world of 1250 and the
world of 1450.
The demise of the Mongol empires led to the disruption of
the links connecting the civilizations of the East. There
was relative decline in the Middle East as the great trade
empire fragmented. The rise of the Ottoman Empire, with
its political center in Asia Minor and southeast Europe, was
a major political factor. In eastern Europe, Russian
independence from the Mongols created a new civilization.
In China under the Ming, traditionalism was reasserted
after the expulsion of the Mongols. In the Americas, the
Aztec and Inca empires were disintegrating from internal
weaknesses. Polynesian groups remained culturally
isolated and technologically primitive. In the West, the
cultural forms of the Renaissance challenged medieval
culture, and Westerners were beginning exploration and
attempts to gain control of worldwide trade. The steps
marked the beginning of change in international
leadership and dynamism.
Describe the signs of decline in the
Middle East and in China
Middle East: Religious leaders gained the
upper hand over poets, philosophers, and
scientists. Also, the landlords seized power
over the peasantry, forcing tax revenue to
decline. China: It halted its expeditions so
that no more land was gained.
Trace the reasons for the relative
rise of the West
After the decline of the old order in the
Middle East and China's short rule in
trading, the West started to rise. In a
short time, Europe became the leader in
the international trade. However, before it
could accomplish this, Europe went
through important changes within itself.
Describe the nature of the Italian Renaissance. To
what extent was it strictly an Italian experience?
The Renaissance was centered in Italy
because of the closeness it had to the
Roman Empire, which inspired most of the
Renaissance itself. The Italian Renaissance
began to create more secular thoughts
within philosophy, art, literature, etc. It
also started to remove the church from
politics and daily life.
Define the nature of early Western
exploration and colonial patterns
Europe started out by sailing along the African
coast and trading colonies and seaports. But
because of the lack of technology it was unable
to penetrate the ocean any further. Eventually,
technology did get better and it was able to sail
to the Americas, which Columbus thought was
the Indies. The Europeans brought over many
diseases when colonizing the Americas, which
caused the deaths of many of the native
Outline the relative decline of
civilizations outside the world network
In some areas, trade routes moved or
shifted around other countries, locking
them out of trade and business. In
addition to that, dynastic cycles circled
through and rulers rose and fell. In areas
with no centralized government, their
society's basic foundations began to
crumble, causing the decline and fall of a
Summarize the transitions taking
place in world history circa 1450
Around 1450, exploration was becoming
popular, and many countries were sending
people out on expeditions. Slowly but
surely, the West became the world's
leader in international trade, soon rising to
power. New exchanges of foods, ideas,
and diseases followed from the emergence
of a new economic system.