Chapter 5: Rome and the Rise of Christianity

Chapter 5: Rome and the
Rise of Christianity
Section 4—The Development of Christianity
The Development of Christianity
The official state religion of the Roman
Empire focused on the worship of a
number of different gods and goddesses
Jupiter (chief god), Juno (wife of chief god),
Minerva (goddess of wisdom), Mars (god of
In addition, emperors were often officially
made gods by the Roman Senate
Believed proper ritual by state priests
brought them into a right relationship with
the gods
Mars, god of war
The Development of Christianity
A right relationship guaranteed peace and prosperity
Romans believed their success proved that the gods
looked with favor on them
Romans were often tolerant to other religions
Even adopted some local gods
Roman conquest of eastern Mediterranean
territories brought in numerous new religions
Cicero: We have overcome all the nations of
the world because we have realized that the
world is directed and governed by the gods.”
The Development of Christianity
Many of these new religions
were appealing
Offered a more emotional and
spiritual experience
Offered life after death which was
superior to this life
Roman belief system was quite
unemotional and not very
rewarding to most Roman
Jupiter statue—warm and soothing?
The Development of Christianity
Describe how religion and government were
connected in the Roman Empire.
Emperors were often made gods
The Romans believed that the observation of
proper ritual guaranteed peace and prosperity
Felt that the success of the Roman Empire was the
result of being look at with favor by the gods
The Development of Christianity
AD 6: The area of Judaea became a Roman
province under the rule of a procurator
Jews were divided into 3 main groups:
Sadducees: favored cooperation with the Romans
Essenes: awaited for a Messiah to save Israel from
oppression and bring world peace
Zealots: advocated violent overthrow of the Romans
In AD 66—led a revolt
Was crushed by the Romans four years later and the Jewish temple
in Jerusalem was destroyed
The Development of Christianity
Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by Roman soldiers in AD 70
The Development of Christianity
Name three of the Jewish groups in Judea and
explain how they differed.
Sadducees favored cooperation with the Romans
Essenes awaited a Messiah to save Israel from
Zealots advocated violent overthrow of Roman rule
The Development of Christianity
Jesus of Nazareth: began his preaching during this time of
confusion and conflict
Assured his fellow Jews he would not harm their
traditional religion
“Do not think I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I
have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them”
Jesus said the most important thing was the transformation
of the inner person, not to necessarily follow the letter of
the law
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to
you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”
The Development of Christianity
Jesus taught that God’s law was
to love God and one another
Voiced ethical concepts of
humility, charity, and love
towards others
This would go on to form the
basis for the value system of
medieval Western civilization
The Development of Christianity
Judaean authorities saw Jesus as a potential
They did not want another disastrous revolt against Rome
Therefore, a Jewish court turned him over to Romans
Procurator Pontius Pilate ordered his execution
The Development of Christianity
Jesus’ loyal followers believed he
overcame death and returned to life
They believed he was the Messiah
Believed he was the long awaited Savior of
Simon Peter: a prominent figure of
early Christianity
he was a fisherman who helped spread the
word of Jesus after his death
Became known as Peter
The Development of Christianity
Peter and the other disciples taught that Jesus was
the Savior, the Son of God, and had come to Earth to
save all humans
He also taught that the death of Jesus made up for
the sins of all humans
Jesus thus made it possible for salvation
By accepting Jesus as Christ, they could be saved
from the penalty of sin
The Development of Christianity
Paul of Tarsus: also preached in Jesus’
Helped to spread Christianity throughout
Asia Minor and along the shores of the
Aegean Sea
Within 60 days of word that Jesus escaped
death, over 10,000 converts to Christianity
Mostly spread orally, but also written
Paul’s epistles outlined Christian beliefs
These writings became known as the Gospels
Most writings from AD40-100
Paul of Tarsus
The Development of Christianity
The Gospels formed the core of the New
At first, Romans paid little attention to
Thought of as just another sect of Judaism
Romans became more concerned as Christians
began to refuse to worship the state gods and
Saw this as an act of treason—punishable by death
Christians thought they would be risking their own
salvation by worshipping ‘false gods’
The Development of Christianity
Nero: Roman emperor from AD 54-68
He blamed Christians for a fire that destroyed much of Rome
Many Christians were ordered to die cruelly
This persecution actually strengthened Christianity
Forced it to become more organized
Fear allowed only the most committed to follow the faith
"The Christian Martyrs' Last Prayer"
by Leon Gerome
The burning of Rome, Robert Hubert (1733- 1808), Musée André Malraux, Le Havre, France
The Development of Christianity
Why did the Roman authorities fear Jesus?
Authorities saw him as a potential
revolutionary who might lead Jews
into another revolt against Rome.
The Development of Christianity
Bishops took more control
of church communities
Clergy: took on a larger
role in the church
Grew quickly in the first
Took root in the second
century (despite persecution)
Spread very quickly in the
third century
The Development of Christianity
Why was Christianity able to attract so many followers?
The Christian message
Roman’s state religion was impersonal and existed for the good of Rome
Christianity was persona.>>>offered eternal salvation to individuals
Idea was similar to other religions>>immortality as a result of sacrifice
Fulfilled human need to belong
Christians built communities bound to one another
People could LOVE one another and HELP the poor and the sick
Christianity satisfied the need to belong in a way that the Roman
Empire never could provide
The Development of Christianity
Christianity attracted all classes
Especially the poor and powerless
Eternal life was promised to all
“Christ is all and is in all” –Paul
Spiritual equality to all was a revolutionary idea
The Development of Christianity
Roman emperor Diocletian led the last large
Christian persecution during beginning of 4th century
Even he admitted in records that Christianity was too
strong to get rid of by force
Constantine: became the first Christian emperor
Edict of Milan (AD 313): Constantine proclaimed
official tolerance of Christianity
Theodosius the Great: adopted Christianity as
official state religion of Rome
The Development of Christianity
Why and how did the Christian church
become more organized in the second and
third centuries?
Fear of persecution meant that only the most
committed individuals would choose to follow
Christianity. Bishops began to assume more
control over church communities, and the
clergy developed distinct functions over the
regular church members (laity)
The Development of Christianity
Christianity Video—28 mminutes
The Development of Christianity
The Development of Christianity
Procurator: In the Roman Empire, an official in
charge of a province
New Testament:Writings by Jesus’ disciples mostly from
between AD40—100
Describe the personal accounts of Jesus
Known as the Gospels
*record Jesus’ life and teachings and are
the second main part of the Christian Bible
The Development of Christianity
Laity: Regular church members
Church leaders
The Development of Christianity
Jesus of Nazareth:
Simon Peter:
Founder of Christianity
Fisherman who became a follower of Jesus
Taught that Jesus came to Earth to save all humans
and his death made up for the sins of all humans
Very instrumental in initial spread of Christianity
Edict of Milan:
In AD 313, proclaimed official
tolerance of Christianity in the Roman
The Development of Christianity
Paul of Tarsus:
Highly educated Jewish Roman citizen
Followed command of Jesus to preach
Founded many Christian communities in
Asia Minor and along Aegean Sea
Became the first Roman Emperor to convert
to Christianity
Theodosius the Great:
Emperor who adopted
Christianity as the official
religion of the Roman Empire
The Development of Christianity
Explain why the Romans persecuted the
Christians despite their general religious
Christians refused to worship state gods
and the emperor and this was seen as
The Development of Christianity
List the ethical concepts voiced by Jesus.
The Development of Christianity
Explain why Romans began to accept
Christianity and why it took so long for it to
be accepted by the state.
Romans began to accept it because Christianity
was more personal and meaningful than the
Roman state religion
It took long to become accepted because
rejecting the state gods was seen as treason
The Development of Christianity
Fill in the chart below showing characteristics of the
Roman State Religion and of Christianity.
Roman State Religion
Emperors were made gods
Jesus is the Messiah
Rituals bring prosperity
God’s command is to love
Adopted other, local gods
Salvation / eternal life available for all
Worship of other gods imperils salvation