TUAB031-2 – Creating Hydrogen To Power Villages (L347)

Produces, stores and supplies safe and
environmentally-friendly power drawn from
renewable fuels and hydrogen
Health, education, rural electrification, citizen security
and development, our primary objectives
People around the world do
not have access to electricity
People around the world do
not have access to potable
drinking water
The principal barriers to electrifying remote areas are the
financial burden of building and operating the necessary
energy infrastructure and the on-going financial costs and
logistical difficulty of ensuring a dependable, on-going fuel
A United Nations study carried out in 120 countries reveals the
deep link between development indicators and per capita
consumption of electricity, demonstrating than an increase in
the availability of energy helps promote a virtuous circle
through which quality of life drastically improves against
quantitative and qualitative indicators.
Children around the world do
not have access to primary
and secondary education
Primary and secondary education, delivered via the Internet to
remote populations without access to electricity, is just one of
the many potential application of TINA’s systems.
Education is a critical factor contributing to personal happiness
and economic prosperity, as well as to advancing social
priorities such as autonomy for women and reductions in
poverty levels.
Other applications for TINA systems are nearly endless, and
include rural health, tele-medicine, water treatment,
telecommunications and any other applications that require
the use of energy.
Solar energy
Wind energy
Hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2) generator
Storage tanks for compressed H2
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) to
regulate the supply, demand and storage of
the energy
TINA systems are designed to
provide a continuous supply of
energy, as well as supplies of
hydrogen that can be used as fuel
for transportation.
Telecommunications link via the Internet for
the remote monitoring and transmission and
data and voice
Electricity generator fueled by H2
Work area
H2 dispenser for means of transportation
The principal source of energy is renewable energy
The system uses high-pressure (>350 bar) hydrogen generators which do not
require additional compression, and stores energy in the form of hydrogen. This
stored energy is available permanently and instantly.
This method of storing energy is four to six times cheaper and much more
reliable than other available technologies.
TINA systems allow for the
continuous supply of
energy, even during
extended periods during
which supplies of
renewable energy are not
When the energy generated through
renewable sources is not sufficient to
cover the demand, the system obtains
energy from the stored H2
During optimal availability of renewable
sources of energy (solar and/or wind),
the system can generate sufficient
energy to cover the demand.
At night, for example, if energy is
produced from renewable sources and
there is no demand for energy, the
energy is stored as compressed H2
When the energy generated through
renewable sources exceeds demand,
the surplus is stored as compressed H2
When there is a demand for energy but no
energy is being produced from the
renewable sources, the required energy is
obtained directly from the stored H2
eTINA to provide tools for on-line primary and secondary
distance learning, responding to the population’s needs
cTINA production of primary or backup energy for
telecommunications systems and the development of GSM
and Wimax networks and mobile telephony.
fTINA production, storage and supply of fuel (H2) to support
transportation needs in remote locations.
TINA Systems’ modular
design allows different
energy production and
storage levels, as well as
multiple applications for the
energy produced.
The amount of energy
stored by TINA Systems
will be tat needed to cover
the energy needs based on
climate conditions and
energy demand.
hTINA to provide medical and diagnostic services to remote
areas, refrigerate stored medicines and supply oxygen for
medical purposes
iTINA supply energy to an industrial workshop employing
light work tools.
wTINA to supply energy to water purification plants.
A low cost solution
Scale and capacity of energy modules:
• Rated power of renewables in kW and
percentages in solar and wind
The useful operating life of a TINA systems module is greater than
25 years
• Rated generator capacity, in kWh
• Amount of hydrogen produced by electrolyzer, in
• Hydrogen tanks storage capacity (in m³ of H² up
to 400 bars)
Defined in response to the following conditions:
• Local climate (average annual sunshine
hours and annual average wind speed)
• Water availability (not required to be
potable). The hydrogen generator
consumes less than 1 liter of water to
produce 1m³ de H² (equivalent 3 Kw)
• Energy demand (Number of homes,
number of activities within the module,
school size, clinic size, amount of water
to be treated, etc.)
• Hydrogen requirements for
A low cost solution
We currently have a fully operational demonstration
system in Segovia, Spain, as proof of concept, with
the following characteristics:
Operating module:
Primary energy source: 11 kW (6 kW wind and 3
kW solar)
3 kW zero emissions (ZES) hydrogen fueled
power generator
Hydrogen production generator producing
pressured hydrogen at > 200 bar
Two storage tanks approved for 350 bars, with
capacity to store 180 nm³ of hydrogen at 200
bars to cover daily needs of 9 kW/day for a
minimum of 18 days with no renewable energy
Automated electronic fail safe control system
Complementary Optional Systems:
Bicycle powered byHonda HICE engine
Toyota Prius with HICE engine, modified by
A low cost solution
TINA Modules are based on modular
designs in order to cater to different
applications and different
The basic configuration of a TINA module is:
Renewable energy module (combination of solar
and wind)
Direct high pressure hydrogen generator
(including de-ionized water treatment plant) &
hydrogen storage tanks
Power electronics to regulate
Communications link (e.g. Satellite, Wimax...) for
remote monitoring, data and voice
Sheltered working area