China Grand Canal Great Wall Terracotta Soldiers

Grand Canal Great Wall
Terracotta Soldiers
Qin Shi Huang Di
• Qin Shi Huang Di is
the most famous of
all of the Chinese
• He had the greatest
and longest lasting
effect on China,
ruling from 221 BCE
to 206 BCE, during
the Qin dynasty.
• Qin became king of his state at the age of 13, and
by 38 he had united the states in his area creating
the first unified China. (The name “China” comes
from Qin’s name)
• Set standards were made for writing, weights
and measurements, money, the law, and all
parts of the country had to adapt.
• Roads and canals were built throughout the
country to provide means of transportation.
The Grand Canal
• The Grand Canal
is the world’s
longest and
oldest human
made canal
• It is 1795 km long, and has 24 locks and sixty
• It is used to move
goods to and from
markets across
• The canal stretches
from Hangzhou, to
Tianjin, to Beijing.
The Great Wall
of China
• The Great Wall of
China is the only
man made
structure that can
be seen from
• It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient
• The wall stretches
approximately 6700
km across deserts,
mountains, and
grasslands in China.
• The walls are
around twelve
meters high, and
there are hundreds
of watchtowers
built along it.
• The wall is over 2000 years
old; each of the separated
rival states defeated by Qin
had built some form of wall
as defence. Qin joined
together and built some new
sections, into the Great Wall.
• The wall took nearly one million people to build.
• Many of the workers who died were enclosed in
the wall.
Terracotta Soldiers
• Terracotta is hard red-brown earthenware that
is commonly crafted into vessels.
• Two thousand
have been found
believe that
there are six
thousand more
to be found.
• The whole burial
ground of Qin Shi
Huang Di took
thirty-nine years
to build and 720
000 workers.
• Inside of a tomb dedicated to Qin Shi Huang Di,
thousands of life-sized terracotta statues were