
Samantha Teunas
Avery Nuutinen
Bryant Becher
Water Use per Capita (m³)
United states
Water Usage Analysis
Based on the bar graph shown
previously, Iraq uses about twice as much
water as the United States. It is estimated
that both countries will develop a higher
water scarcity within the next decade
which might result in the graphs equaling
out more.
Iraq’s Biome
 Temperate grasslands
 Steppe
 Grasses as dominant
 Dry grassland
 Varying temperatures
 Seasonal
drought/occasional fires
 Plowing/grazing loose
 Deserts
 Savannas
 Hot/dry
 Shortage of precipitation
 Unbearable
 Barren land
soil dust storms
Iraq climate varies greatly throughout the year, with
the highest temperature varying from 100-120 degrees
Fahrenheit. Within the winter months, the area
temperature is below freezing with much snow. The
average rainfall per year reaches around 100 centimeters.
Rainfall usually occurs in the more mountainous regions of
Iraq in the early spring and winter. Besides rain, Iraq’s
summer season is marked by heavy winds. The two types of
wind are classified as the southern and southeasterly
Sharqi and the steady Shamal wind. The winds provide both
dry heat as well as a possible cooling effect depending on
the time of year. These winds bring hazardous dust storms
which overall play a role in the water availability of Iraq.
Average Temperatures of Iraq (C˚)
How does Climate Affect Water Availability?
The dry climate of Iraq can directly affect water
availability. Based on the common dust storms as a result
of the heavy winds, it leaves much dry land. Iraq has
around 30 percent desert making up its landscape with
over 50 percent being sub-deserts. Dust storms also affect
water quality of most rivers and streams located in certain
areas. The high temperatures that come with the summer
months, affect the water level of Iraq’s water sources
(Tigris & Euphrates River). Iraq also suffers from heavy
droughts in the late summer months.
Iraq Population/ Water Availability
Iraq has a high population growth rate. The rate
is almost twice the world’s population growth rate.
Based on the World Bank, World Development
Indicator, the population in Iraq increases by about
2.45 million per every five years with the rate
steadily rising. From 2005 to 2010 the rate increased
by 5.67 million to result in Iraq’s population being
32.03 as of 2010. This high population growth rate
directly affects Iraq’s water availability. As the
population increases, water availability per-capita
decreases. It also influences the amount of water
waste as well as water quality of area sources.
Main Concerns Regarding Water Availability
Iraq’s main concern
regarding water
availability right now is
providing safe water to
households. As of right
now, 20% of homes in Iraq
are being tapped unsafe
water. Less than 50% of
homes in rural areas have
access to a safe water
supply. A second main
concern they house is that
16% don’t even have the
ability to receive water.
Access to Safe Drinking Water
No Access
Daily Problems
Less than
Serious Water Problems
Iraq houses numerous water problems all over
the country. As discussed earlier, water shortages
per home are incredibly common as well as the use
of hazardous water. A major concern is that the
quality of most water is poor due to the
contamination from sewage. Based on the Ministry
of Water Resources in Iraq report of water in 2010,
over 80% of households do not treat their water.
Another big distress over water is that Iraq cannot
use much of its groundwater due to the pollution as
a result of the continual growth in population.
Foreign Competition
Iraq is currently involved in an argument over the
use of water from the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
Although they originate in Turkey, they are an
important water source for both Syria, and Iraq. All of
these countries use both the rivers for agricultural
practices, hydroelectric power, and industrialization.
Besides these common uses of water, the Tigris and
Euphrates also serve a major role in supplying most of
the countries basic water supply. Due to the extremity of
this situation, the countries security systems are
involved in the Tigris Euphrates Dispute.
Water Strategic
The Tigris Euphrates Dispute helped answer
the main question: Who is entitled to the water and
how can downstream countries be protected? An
agreement was reached that Syria has to give Iraq
58% of its water received from Turkey per year.
This resolution won’t be in effect for long due to the
fact Iraq’s water usage is predicted to increase by
three times in ten years. All of this and more are
gaining much recognition from political/socialists
in the Middle Eastern Countries which is leading to
the study and focus of how we can make changes as
well as come to a compromise.
Water Action Plans
 Legal limit on number of
 Affects family, gender,
 Apply for higher
percentage of water
received from nearby
water sources/from
surrounding countries
 Discover a way to begin
harboring rainwater;
work towards a new
freshwater source
and census statistics
 The application and
permission process
would take too long for
approval within Iraq’s
 Climate affects the sanity
of water (dust storms);
average rainfall varies
Water Action Plan
Whole House Water Filter
• Unsafe drinking water
• Health statistics
• Architectural practices
• Blueprint
• Home improvement
Connects to main water
line and filters every source of