Valda Goodfellow`s social media presentation from the recent PBP

Social Media
Case Study
Goodfellow & Goodfellow Ltd.
Valda Goodfellow – M.D.
Starting a new business
Commenced trading January 2012
Started using Social media immediately
Use 3 main twitter accounts (1 personal, 2 business)
Total no of followers on 3 accounts 9014 – overlap 10%
Established new brand in 1 week via twitter
Use to launch new products, events, news & other media
Taken us just over 2 years to reach £2.7m when it took us 20 years to reach that
figure in the previous business
Social Media
Marketing for Free
 Raise awareness & create interest
 Use the Social Media channels used by your customers
 Reach thousands of potential customers instantaneously and
for free
 Following people through Social Media makes them think you
are interested in who they are and what they do
 Make what you say relevant and interesting to your
 Faster than any other form of marketing
Social Media
Marketing for Free
But beware
 There is a risk that unhappy customers can vent their
displeasure via Social Media, whether you use Social Media
or not
 Don’t ever get involved in negative Social Media
 Don’t ignore Social Media. Your competitors won’t
 Plan what messages you want to get across and read them
through before you publish
 Take Social media seriously. If you don’t, it won’t work