Hoia Baciu Forest

Hoia Baciu Forest by Melisa Pabat
 The Hoia-Baciu Forest
( World’s Most Haunted
Forest ) is situated near
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
covers an area of over
250 hectares and is often
referred to as the
Bermuda Triangle of the
 Hoia Baciu Forest (
World’s Most Haunted
Forest ), has a reputation
for intense paranormal
activity and unexplained
events. Reports have
included, ghost sightings,
unexplained apparitions,
faces appearing in
photographs that were not
visible with the naked eye,
and in the 1970s, UFO
sightings were reported.
 Visitors to the forest often
report intense feelings of
anxiety and the feeling of
being constantly watched.
Moreover, the local
vegetation is somehow
bizarre in appearance, like
something out of a makebelieve story with strangely
shaped trees, and
unexplained charring on
tree stumps and branches.
 The forest was named after a shepherd that
disappeared in the area with a flock of two hundred
sheep. Most people who live near the forest are afraid
to enter it due to the stories and legends that have
been handed down. They believe that those who visit
the site will never return back home. Many of the
locals who have been brave enough to venture into the
forest complained of physical harm, including rashes,
nausea, vomiting, migraines, burns, scratches, anxiety,
and other unusual sensations.
 This dense forest first gained
notoriety in the late 1960s when
a biologist named Alexandru Sift
snapped several amazing photos
of a flying disc-shaped object in
the sky above the forest. On
August 18, 1968, a military
technician named Emil Barnea
captured a famous photography
of a saucer flying over the HoiaBaciu Forest ( World’s Most
Haunted Forest ) . The, in the
1970s, the area was a hotbed for
UFO sighting and unexplained
 People who have entered the forest to this day get
inexplicable rashes or they begin to feel very light-headed
and ill. Moreover, the electronic devices are known to
malfunction when introduced into the area. Some
paranormal investigators have associated these strange
malfunctions with supernatural activity.
 The Hoia-Baciu Forest, World’s
Most Haunted Forest; has a
reputation for paranormal and
unexplained activity and people
have witnessed numerous strange
events on the land. The most
common phenomenon includes
the sudden appearance of
mysterious orbs of light. People
also report hearing disembodied
female voices breaking the heavy
silence, giggling and even
apparitions, There are many cases
of people reportedly being
scratched. All these things happen
with no reasonable explanation.
 Some people believe that the forest is a
gateway to another dimension. Within
the dark interior of Hoia-Baciu Forest (
World’s Most Haunted Forest ) , people
have been known to disappear, strange
lights have been seen, the wind seems to
speak,. Several stories tell of people
entering the forest and experiencing
missing time. Some have known to be
missing for quite some time with no
recollection of how they had spent that
time. One such story focuses on a 5-yearold girl who wandered into the woods
and got lost. The story goes that she
emerged from the forest 5 years later,
wearing the same untarnished clothes
that she wore on the day she disappeared
with no memory of where had happened
in that interval of time.
 Another story of the The Hoia-Baciu
Forest ( World’s Most Haunted Forest )
has been telling about the strange
paranormal phenomena which have
been recorded and researched for nearly
50 years. The woods are thought to be
notoriously haunted by the Romanian
peasants who were murdered here. It is
believed that the souls of these
tormented ghosts are trapped within the
wooded confines of Hoia-Baciu
Forest ( World’s Most Haunted Forest )
and that these entities are enraged by
their predicament. Visions of these
tormented spirits are sometimes
observed by terrified travelers. Pairs of
haunting, observing green eyes and a
heavy black fog have been observed
here. Many people report a feeling of
being watched as they travel near the
forest’s edge.
 More recently, the paranormal energy of the forest is taking
on the form of poltergeist and ghost activity. In one
paranormal television series an investigator sitting in this
clearing in the forest was scratched and thrown on the
ground by an unseen force. People also claim to have seen
unexplainable bright lights coming from within the woods.
 This paranormal activity seems to be focused on an
inexplicable clearing in the forest that is a vegetation
dead zone. It is nearly a perfect circle in the woods
where nothing ever grows. Soil samples have been
taken from the site and analyzed but the results show
that there is nothing in the soil that should prevent
the growth of plant life. Locals believe that it is a hub
for this paranormal activity. They consider this circular
plateau deep in the forest to be the “home” of these
ghosts. Photos taken here have revealed hovering
shapes and outlines of human forms, further backing
up the claims.
 Many people who live near the Hoia-Baciu
Forest ( World’s Most Haunted Forest ) have
reported seeing a large collection of orbs of light
coming from inside the tree line. When using a
thermal detector, these lights don’t seem to be
producing any heat signatures. Some people who
enter the forest report that they suddenly
remember all of their past experiences, but then
forget the memories after leaving the land.
 Specialists from around the
world are fascinated by the
forest. Researchers from
Germany, France, the United
States, and Hungary have all
spent time studying it’s
mysteries. Some have
managed to capture bizarre
manifestations on film,
including faces and
apparitions. Some of these
images are reportedly seen
with the naked eye and
others only show up in
photos or videos.
 There are many people who
strongly believe that there are
paranormal phenomena and
appearances of UFOs in this
 Prestigious publications such as Travel & Leisure magazine
or BBC have included this among the most interesting
forest haunted areas on the planet. And its fame continues
to attract tourists from all walks of life. Two years ago, the
famous actor, Nicolas Cage, was shooting a film in Sibiu.
Cage came to Cluj specifically to see this mysterious forest.
Is Hoia-Baciu Forest haunted? Hoia-Baciu Forest (
World’s Most Haunted Forest ) , attracts many amateurs of
Yoga, Wicca and the paranormal. They are attracted by the
numerous long-told legends in connection with this forest.
Some of the trees have grown crooked and there is
speculation that their shape was influenced by mysterious
 The mysterious Hoia-Baciu
Forest ( World’s Most
Haunted Forest ) is
beginning to compete more
and more with the Dracula
legend in Transylvania…It
has become more famous
because of unexplained
phenomena, which are
considered by some as
manifestations of the
paranormal. This forest’s
fame is spreading
 There are people who believe that within
Hoia-Baciu Forest ( World’s Most Haunted
Forest ) there is a portal that provides access
to other universes. There are also countless
legends and stories about contact with
entities outside our known world
occurring here every year.
Of course… I cannot say for certain if any of this it’s true or not. If you are
brave enough, visit Hoia Baciu Forest to discover for yourself….