Sons and Daughters of Liberty

The Proclamation of 1763
Proclamation of 1763
Colonists wanted to move past the Appalachian Mountain.
Made on October 7, 1763
An O
An Ottawa Chief from the great lakes region
united several American Indian nations to stop the colonists.
Native Americans captured 8 British forts by the
spring of 1760.
Pontiac's uprising convinced many colonists no to settle north of the Ohio
rive in response Britain made the Proclamation of 1763.
This act saved all land for the natives west of the Appellation Mountains
colonists were very upset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sons and Daughters of Liberty
• The Sons of Liberty were very • this is Samuel Adams a
violent such as hanging and
famous member of the Sons
threatening tax collectors.
of Liberty
• The Daughters of Liberty
mostly protested and
boycotted. They also made
clothes for the poor.
• The Sons of Liberty were
formed to protect the rights
of the colonists.
• The Daughters of Liberty
sewed uniforms for the
The Quartering Act
• 1765
• Colonists had to
provide British
soldiers with living
quarters .
• They also had to give
food, beds, blankets,
and even whole
buildings to British
The Stamp Act
It started in 1765
The King taxed all the colonists
on all pieces of printed paper.
The colonists became extremely
angry. They boycotted English
goods and created patriotic
groups. The men created the
The stamp that every printed
Sons of Liberty and the women
piece of paper needed
created the Daughters of
Townshend Acts
Started in 1767 ended in 1768
Taxed on tea, paper, glass, lead &
Colonist boycotted on British
The result was parliament repeals
all Townshend duties except tax
on tea.
When colonist boycotted most of
the acts were repealed.
Assembly was dissolved (1768)
for sending a circular letter to
other colonies
Taxed more on the colonist for
more money.
The Boston Massacre
It occurred on March 5, 1770.
A large mob of angry colonists that were
against British Acts and threw snowballs at
British soldiers. The soldiers opened fire!
Five people died and two soldiers were
The guilty soldiers’ thumbs were branded.
Crispus Attucks , an African American, was
It was the first actual battle between the
patriots and the British Soldiers.
Paul Revere’s drawing of the Boston Massacre.
• The law was passed on
May 10, 1773.
• Townshend duties were
repealed except for tea.
One million colonists
drank tea two times a
day; Because of this the
colonists were mad.
(really mad)
• Colonists could only buy
tea from the British east
• Colonists liked tea but
didn’t like paying more
for the tea.
A news paper that
tells how the tea act
was making angry
Boston Tea Party
After the Boston
Massacre, the king
repealed all taxes
The Sons of liberty were
dressed as Mohawk
Dumped 90,000 lbs. of
tea into the Boston
- Boston Tea Party
• Year: 1774
• Parliament closed the Boston
harbor because of the Boston
Tea Party
• No town meetings
• People thought they would
starve because no ships
could be imported from the
Boston harbor
• The Colonists started to
boycott British goods
• The Colonists wrote a letter
to King George lll