Movement Terms / Anatomical Terms

Flexion: Decreasing the angle of a joint in the
sagittal plane. The two bones that meet at a
joint get closer together.
Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Hip, Knee, Trunk
Extension: Increasing the angle of a joint in
the sagittal plane.
Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Hip, Knee, Trunk
Hyper-Extension- Increasing the angle of a
joint in the sagittal plane past the mid-line
Back/Trunk, Shoulder, Hip, Wrist (Why not
elbow and knee?)
Flexion / Extension / Hyperextension
Abduction: Movement of an extremity away
from the midline of the body in the
frontal/coronal plane.
Shoulder, Hips
Adduction- Moving an extremity closer to the
midline of the body in the frontal plane
Shoulder, Hips
Pronation and Supination- Rotational
movements in the forearm and ankle.
Movement is considered to be in the
transverse plane.
Forearm-Anatomical Pos.=Supinated.Palm
facing back is Pronated.
Ankle- Pronated-sole of foot opens laterally
Protraction-Anterior movement of a part
Retraction-Posterior movement of a part
Sagittal plane
Elevation-Raising a body part
Depression-Lowering a body part
Frontal plane
Rotation-Turning of a body part on a single
axis. (Internal or External) Neck, shoulder, hip
Transverse Plane
Circumduction- Tri-planer movement at the
hip and shoulder.
Lateral Flexion- Side bending to the left and
right. In the frontal plane.
Plantar Flexion-ankle movement pointing
toes down in the sagittal plane
Dorsiflexion- ankle movement pointing toes
up in the sagittal plane.
Inversion- Ankle movement with the sole of
the foot turning inward in the frontal plane
Eversion- Ankle movement with the sole of
the foot turning outward in the frontal plane.
Radial Deviation –Lateral movement of the
wrist toward the radius in the frontal plane
Ulnar Deviation-Medial movement of the
wrist toward the ulna in the frontal plane
Opposition- Movement of the thumb across
the palm of the hand.
Finger Ad and Abduction