Ben Franklin lightning rod powerpoint

The Innovation of the Lightning Rod
A PowerPoint presentation by
Zach Tobash
Who was Ben Franklin?
 Ben Franklin was creative and from a
very young age was interested in
electricity and storms. His interest
began during a show where he saw
tricks and his research lead to one of
his greatest inventions. He questioned
whether lightning was electricity. He
learned through a process that
included a Leyden jar, the invention of
the battery and a kite experiment the
answer to that question. It also led to
one of his greatest inventions, the one
that made him famous….
the Lightning Rod.
Young Benjamin Franklin
 Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts.
 Ben’s father Josiah Franklin was a candle and soap maker.
 Ben stopped going to school at 10 years old but continued to read and be
He worked in his Dad’s candle shop, but didn’t like it.
Josiah encouraged him to apprentice in his older brother’s (James) printing
At 12 years old, Ben agreed to be his brother’s apprentice until he was 21
years of age. For 8 years, he would work for only food, lodging and training.
He wouldn’t get paid until his last year of work.
In 1721, James started his own newspaper. Ben wanted to write but James
wouldn’t let him. Ben disguised himself as Silence Dogood, a widow with
funny opinions (Roop 32).
Young Benjamin Franklin (continued)
 Ben revealed himself to James which made him angry. Ben wanted
to end his apprenticeship but was unable to do so. James then got
into trouble and had to print the newspaper in Ben’s name. Ben
wanted to stop working for James but was unable to find a job
because James told the other printers not to hire him. So Ben sold his
books for money and went to New York. He was 17, penniless and
New York 1723
 Franklin sought out to find William Bradford when he arrived
in New York. He was a well-known printer.
 Bradford had no work but thought his brother Andrew who
lived in Philadelphia may hire him.
 Ben decided to go to Philadelphia to find work. He eventually found
work with another printer named Samuel Keimer.
 The governor of Pennsylvania, Sir William Keith, wanted Ben to
help him start a printing shop. Sir William suggested that Ben ask his
family for financial help. He did but his father said “no.”
 When he returned to Philadelphia he told the governor. The
governor told Ben to go to London to get equipment. The governor
told him there would be letters waiting on the ship for him so he
could get the money from the bank in London (Krensky 29).
 After the ship sailed Ben found out there were no letters. Again he
was penniless but this time he was heading to London.
London 1724
 Ben had no money and was unable to pay for a return trip to
Philadelphia. He then found work in a printing shop.
 Franklin was offered a ride back to Philadelphia, if he agreed to be a
clerk at Thomas Denham’s Store. He had met him on the voyage to
London. Ben readily agreed and headed back to Philadelphia.
 Unfortunately, three months after working for Mr. Denham he died
and the business ended. In 1728 he started his own newspapers. It
was called the Pennsylvania Gazette. Ben got married in 1730 to his
long-time love Debby Read (Krensky 40).
 In 1732, he published Poor Richard’s Almanak (the k was dropped
later). It was a mixture of facts, weather predication, poems and
jokes. Franklin created the character Richard Saunders who
introduced the almanac. Poor Richard was successful and the advice
was thoughtful and humorous.
 An example of the writing:
 “If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and
rotten”, said Poor Richard, “either write things worth reading or
do things worth the writing” (Krensky 42).
Ben Franklin-The Man
 Franklin did his best to live by the virtues he wrote on his trip to London in
1724. He hoped they would anchor his behavior then and in the future.
They did become the cornerstone of who he was and became. They were
according to Krensky, (46-47):
Temperance: Eat not to dullness, drink not to elevation.
Silence: Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.
Order: Let all your things have their place; let each part of your business have its time.
Resolution: Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.
Frugality: Make no expense but do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing.
Industry: Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary
Sincerity: Use no harmful deceit; think innocently and justly; and if you speak, speak
Justice : Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.
Moderation: Avoid extremes ; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
Cleanliness: Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes or habitation.
 Tranquility: Be not disturbed at trifles, or by accidents common or unavoidable.
Ben Franklin-The Man (Continued)
 Franklin was intrigued by anything that could be tested. He
concentrated on practical things. An example of this is the
invention of the Franklin Stove. It was a stove that also served as
a heater.
 Franklin also cared about the welfare of others and organized the
first volunteer fire company. He shared his ideas with anyone
who was interested and that is why none of his inventions were
ever patented.
The Beginnings of Electricity
 In 1743 Franklin went to Boston and saw a demonstration by Dr.
Archibald Spencer, from Scotland. He suspended a boy from the
ceiling with numerous silken cords and rubbed his bare feet with
glass tubes until sparks flew. Franklin was so intrigued that he
bought all Spencer’s devices. During that time it was believed
that there was only two types of electricity.
 Franklin believed that there was only one kind of electricity. He
felt it, “was not created by friction, but collected being an
Element diffused among and attracted by other matter
particularly water and metal” (Krensky 54). He further believed
electricity must be composed of few particles that could move
easily though metals.
1746- First Thoughts About Electricity
 Franklin started taking an interest in electricity. He devoted his
spare time learning and understanding electricity. At first he
used electricity for entertainment. Always a scientist, he started
experimenting in his study with the items he had bought.
1746- First Thoughts About Electricity
 Items he bought and
had in his study:
(Fleming 49)
Electrical Experiments
 In order to complete his own electrical
experiments, Franklin created an
laboratory in his upstairs study. He used
a Leyden Jar. This was a cork topped jar
which had recently been invented at the
University of Leyden in Holland. The jar
also had a glass tube inside it that was
covered with metal foil. The foil was also
on the outside of the jar. The jar could
hold a single electric charge (Fleming
52). Franklin added some water to the
bottom of the jar, then connected the rod
to his “electrostatic machine”.
(Fleming 52)
Electrical Experiments (continued)
 The “electrostatic machine” was
created to supply more than or two
charges. The machine spun a glass
globe against a piece of chamois
cloth. This created static electricity
inside the globe. The charge was then
drawn off by a set of knitting needles
and stored in the Leyden jar
(Fleming, Almanac 49).
 The rod transferred the electrical
charge. The glass jar became the
insulator and carried the positive
charge (Fleming , Almanac 49).
Consequently, when the cork and the
rod were removed ,no shock was
delivered. However when he touched
the glass he received a shock.
(Fleming 49)
Electrical Experiments (Continued)
 Initially Franklin believed that the electricity was in the water.
However, there was no shock. He determined that the electricity was
stored in the glass.
 In 1748 Ben Franklin retired from the printing business to spend
devote more time to his experiments.
Electrical experiments (continued)
 Franklin then expanded on the Leyden jar and created an
electrical battery. The way in which charges moved through
items and the directional flow became known as “positive” and
“negative”. These terms are still being used today. Other terms
and principles he introduced include but are not limited to
(Roop, Ben Franklin 64):
Electrical shock
1749- Electrical experiments
 Franklin decided to have a “electric picnic.”
 He planned to kill a turkey by “electrical shock” then roast it in
an electrical fire.
 He tried to shock the turkey with electricity used from his
batteries. Instead, the two wires touched and he received the
shock. His body vibrated from head to toe, and smoke curled
from one of his buckled shoes. It took him hours to recover. He
wrote that he felt “ashamed to have been guilty of so notorious a
blunder “ (Roop 66).
 In 1751, a comprehensive
account of Franklin's electrical
experiments was published in
London. The 86-page
pamphlet was called
Experiments and
Observations on Electricity
Made at Philadelphia in
America by Mr. Benjamin
Franklin. Scientists who read
it were very impressed. It was
translated into German,
French, Italian and Russian.
(Fleming 50)
1751 (continued)
 One of the potential experiments that Franklin wrote about questioned
whether clouds that produced lightning contained electricity. He provided
a description and instructions on how to perform such a test. However,
before he could test his theory himself, a French scientist named Thomas
Francois Dalibard, completed the experiment. It was successful and
Franklin did get the credit for his idea.
(Dash 74-75)
1751 (continued)
 Lightning was viewed by the religious world as a symbol of
divine anger. Thunder and lightning had accompanied Jehovah’s
giving of the Ten Commandments (Dash 62).
 When thunderstorms occurred it was common to ring the
church bells to warn everyone .Over 100 documented church bell
ringers were killed by lightning in the mid-eighteenth century
(Dash 62).
 While showmen performed electric tricks no one ever suggested
that lightning and electricity were the same.
 Ben Franklin had suggested it and now it was being discussed in
the scientific community.
 Franklin believed that electricity and lightning were the
same and devoted his time and energy to proving that. He
studied the amount of light, direction, smell and how
lightning is attracted to points.
The Kite
 Franklin decided to create a specialized kite to find his answer.
 Firstly, the body of the kite was made out of silk. He felt that silk
would handle being wet and the wind best.
Secondly, he placed a small poking metal rod from its top. He felt
that it would conduct electricity.
Thirdly, he took hemp twine and attached it from the body of
the kite to the ground. He used hemp twine because when it
became wet, it conducted electricity freely.
Fourthly, at the bottom of the twine he placed a brass key. The
key was used to absorb electric charges that ran down the string.
Lastly he placed a silk handkerchief on the end of the twine. This
would insulate and protect his hand (Dash 81).
June 1752
 One day, on a June afternoon, Franklin saw a storm approaching.
He decided to take his kite into the heart of the storm.
 Franklin and his son William raced to a close field. While Ben
waited in the shed, William raced three times across the field
until the kite took flight. Then he handed the kite string to Ben
(Krensky 58).
June 1752 (Continued)
June 1752 (Continued)
 Franklin flew his kite into the cloud.
 Initially when he took his knuckle to the key nothing
happened. Then he looked and saw the loose threads on
the kite standing up straight. This time when he touched
the key again and he felt an electric shock (Krensky 58).
 He said nothing to anyone for several months.
 Their has been much speculation as to why but many felt it
was because he was waiting to also introduce his lightning
October 19, 1752
 Franklin published his findings in The Pennsylvania Gazette.
(Dash 84-85)
The Lightning Rod
 His son, William, was also interested in lightning. He tracked the
path of a lightning bolt that had hit a home in Philadelphia.
 Franklin used all the information that he and William collected
to design and develop the lightning rod.
(Fleming 53)
The Lightning Rod (continued)
 Franklin suggested placing a long piece of metal shaped like a
needle approximately six to eight feet above the highest point
of a building.
 Then he stated to place a wire attached to the rod down the
outside of the building and planting it three to four feet into
the ground. This he believed would take the current and put
it into the ground (Krensky 59).
 Franklin described his lightning rod in Poor Richard’s
Almanak in 1753 for everyone to read.
The Lightning Rod (continued)
 He placed a
lightning rod on
his own roof in
September 1753.
(Krensky 59)
The Lightning Rod (continued)
 He was met with some opposition
and many believed that lightning
strikes were God’s will.
 Others believed that all of the
lightning was going to collect in
the earth and cause earthquakes.
 Franklin did not defend his
invention. Instead he also
designed the umbrella which
utilizes the lightning rod.
(Krensky 60)
The Lightning Rod (continued)
 Franklin did win kudos and recognition for his findings and
observations on electricity.
 Honorary Master of Arts degree from Harvard and Yale.
 The Copley Medal from the Royal Society in England. This was
the most distinguished prize for science.
 Honorary Doctorate of Law from Oxford University. William was
also awarded a Masters of Arts for helping his father.
Benjamin Franklin- The Innovator
 Innovation begins with an idea. Ben Franklin created ways to improve
everyone’s life. He became interested in protecting people from fires in the
when he established the first volunteer fire company . He later invented the
Lightning Rod. This invention did many things. They include:
 Saving lives.
 Saving homes. Communities continued to grow .
 Providing education. This invention changed thinking. It taught people that
being struck by lightning was not God’s will or a supernatural punishment .
When used, it protected oneself, their families and homes. He also shared
with the world that lightning is electricity. This opened the door for
continued innovation.
 Furthermore, Ben Franklin gained worldwide respect and admiration.
Although this was never what he wanted, it made him famous. Therefore,
anything he did in the future was greeted by the scientific community.
 As you just read, the Lightning Rod was one of the biggest
inventions in the 1700’s. Ben Franklin was a innovator and a
person who cared about others. He was a brilliant scientist
and always wanted to learn new things. He went on to
invent many things after his invention of the lightning rod.
His invention changed history because it saved lives and
homes. Scientific and religious beliefs also changed.
Benjamin Franklin will always be remembered as a
important innovator in the history of the United States .