TS Engineering Presentation Slides

20 THERMO-SYSTEMS Sold In The United States
• Examples of Solar Drying Plants in the USA:
Natchez , MS
Kent County, DE
Confidential and Proprietary to Parkson Corporation
Rio Vista, CA
THERMO-SYSTEM® Active Solar Sludge Dryer
Sludge Delivery: By Truck
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Collection & Distribution: Wheel Loader
THERMO-SYSTEM® Active Solar Sludge Dryer
Sludge Entry: Underground – Liquid Sludge
Confidential and Proprietary to Parkson Corporation
Sludge Entry: Underground – Dewatered Cake
Enter the data into the THERMO-SYSTEM® PLC interface.
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THERMO-SYSTEM® Active Solar Sludge Dryer
Sludge Tilling Machine: Electric Mole®
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Electric Mole® accelerates the drying process
THERMO-SYSTEM® Active Solar Sludge Dryer
Ceiling Fans: Convective Aeration & Drying
Movi-Vent™ Air Circulation System
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Exhaust Fans: Chamber Air Exchange
THERMO-SYSTEM: Standard Batch Operation
Drying Process
1 - 6 weeks (Dry solids to 75%+)
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THERMO-SYSTEM® Active Solar Sludge Dryer
Sludge Removal: Front-Wheel Loader
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Sludge Removal: Front-Wheel Loader
THERMO-SYSTEM® Active Solar Sludge Dryer
Mass reduction: 10MGD Plant Example
18,000 t/yr
Evaporation: 14,400 t/yr
3,600 t/yr
Active Solar Dryer
20% DS
60-90% DS
 Mass reduction approx. 85 %
Confidential and Proprietary to Parkson Corporation
THERMO-SYSTEM® Active Solar Sludge Dryer
Hauling reduction: 10MGD Example
Evaporation: 14,400 t/yr
Active Solar Dryer
900 Trucks / yr
180 Trucks / yr
~$450,000/yr savings for 10MGD plant with $40 per ton hauling and tipping fee costs
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Thermo-System O & M Requirements
• Labor: 2 to 4 hours per batch
• Operator attention: Minimal
• Maintenance: Grease Electric Mole after every batch
• Energy: ~ 30kWh per ton of water evaporated
Typical O&M cost is extremely low ~ $5 per wet ton!
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Installation Pictures
Waimea, HI
Waimea, HI
2 drying chamber (42’ x 204’)
Drying Water Plant Residuals from 5% to 25% Dry Solids
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Kent County, DE
Kent County, DE
3 drying chambers (42’ x 204’)
First all-glass, Venlo-truss construction by Parkson
Better performance and durability!
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Advantages of the THERMO-SYSTEM
• Green, sustainable technology
energy consumption - sun is primary energy source
low operating costs
• Robust, easy to operate
low operator attention required
low maintenance requirements
• Flexible methods of operation
• Proven technology - large installation base
• Class A and Class B possible – Maximum disposal options
Confidential and Proprietary to Parkson Corporation